Guys, who would you hang with?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sir Nose, May 4, 2009.

  1. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    You know how the fellas plan a guys night out to play poker, smoke cigars, fart, and make inappropriate jokes. Then some asshole shows up with his wife / girlfriend?

    This thread = that.
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    We're sorry. We'll leave....:smt090 :smt009
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    jaisee is a big meanie :smt019
  4. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Sounds like family dinner...
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I HATE that shit, when the girlfriend comes over and fails the entire night by bitching at her man about "being neglected" when she didn't understand that it was GUYS NIGHT!!!!!!! Luckily, none of my friends are dating girls like that at the moment.
  6. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Heeeey, not kicking anybody out. I'm just saying...
  7. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    If she showed up in the HOOTERS outfit no one would complain (as long as she looked good).
  8. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    By Hooters you mean this outfit?

    Well girls I hope Orange is ur colour. :smt081

    Do the guys have to come in fancy dress aswell?

  9. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Yeah, that's the one, although I really don't like the panty hose. Must be to meet the restaurant health code or something.
  10. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    TS, i think my memory is photographic

    I can read through a book and all i have to do in the future is remember the book, locate it in my mind and psychologically flip through each page, one by one, word by word, front to back, begining to end. :smt023

    A lot of those questions were common sense though...
  11. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Imma do you like that coach did you in that locker room.

    hope you still got your "sports" skills ;)

    also bring that big mouth with you why dontcha :smt036
  12. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Ladies, I believe that we were invited by some of the men so obviously the male companionship wasn't enough for an evening out. ;)
  13. robina

    robina New Member

    geez that outfit is hideous, seriously couldnt they come up with something nicer lookin
  14. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Oh, not arguing that. There is always at least 1 person among the group who has to bring his GF / Wife, because "she is cool" or "she is just like one of the guys". However, go back to the original post in the thread and you'll see where it was derailed by post #2. Also, remember on this board if you have a thread that says "Name ONE person that ......" most people will end up replying with a list.

    Actually, that leads me to a question which is something that I feel is relevant IRL.

    When in a relationship, what do the women feel about giving your man time to hang with his boys? Do you worry about smothering him or do you allow him his time away? Don't lie and say what you think is the 'right' answer.

    When in a relationship, do you feel that you need 'your' time? Do you feel the need to be with your significant other all the time? Do you want her to be with you every time you go out? How do you feel about giving her time to be to herself?
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    When I'm in a relationship, I want my man to have some time away from me to spend with his friends. As I would hope he would want me to have my time away from him to spend with my friends.

    In my opinion, it's completely unhealthy for a couple to spend 24/7 with each other. To me that means that one of those people are not being true to themselves and are doing ALL of the compromising in the relationship.

    It's healthy to spend time away from your significant aren't going to have the exact same interests nor the exact same friends.

    Everyone needs their time away...However, there is something to be said if the couple is spending too much time doing things separately, too.

    A healthy balance is key. :smt023
  16. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Im with bookworm...

    During sport season (play offs), i barely see the lady(ies). You'll find me at sports bars just having a good time. If the girl im seeing is into sports( hardly) then she can come on down, i dont care.

    When we're out, again, i let her roll away if she wants to window shop (or buy) something that doesnt interest me. Like for xmass, she wanted to purchase some dumb piece of shit for her mom, so i told her to go ahead, i'll meet her at the car at [this] time. No biggie

    I mean, im not clingy, i let the lady do whatever the fuck she wants, whenever the fuck she wants, as long she TELLS ME if shes gonna cheat, so i can kick her ass out...

  17. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Husband definately gets to do his manly things on his own. Gives me time to do my thing.
  18. robina

    robina New Member

    i like a guy to have time away with his mates doing his own thing because quite frankly i cant deal with having someone round me continuously

    my ex would like to go watch the football for hours on a sunday but wouldnt go without me so i would be bored thinkin of all the stuff i could have been doing with my time, u start to get resentful of the lack of personal space
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I dont want a velcro man.
    I think its healthy to have your own time with your friends/alone and do your thing - whatever it may be, skydive, read a book, drink a beer w friends, play poker, drive your bike etc.
    I would be upset if my man needed to with if I had a girls-nigh-out - I dont think he would last.
    Nothing to hide - Im way loyal - I just need my own time and so should he. Co-dependece does not work for me and trust is everything.
  20. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    I NEED SPACE. I don't want a clingy woman. Clinginess is a turn off. there's only one place for clingines, the bedroom.

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