Tarot Cards and Palm Readings

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by stiletoes, May 2, 2009.

  1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Anyone ever had these done? If so how accurate or inaccurate did you find them to be?
  2. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    My friend read my tarot a long time ago. The reading was right on.
  3. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    I personally never had one, but I live close to a psychic shop.
    Maybe I might check it out...if she's cheap....
  4. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Just got one done and I am blown away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    If I had the money to waste, I'd do it for shits and giggles, even if it was some Ms. Cleo bullshit.
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Ms. Cleo is one of the best scams the 90s saw.

    I don't think Tarot cards would be very accurate, thus, it's likely that I would never visit a card reader.
  7. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I do not get them done. I prefer to do them for myself, because sometimes it's hard to tell if the reader is reputable until after you've already paid. Plus it's free to do it for yourself and you know you can trust you. :D
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Tarot readings can be accurate, but I stay away from Tarot because I don't need to be psychologically programmed by a reader. These things can really mess with your peace of mind.

    I once read a story on the main Russian women's forum. A lady told a story that was funny and horrible at the same time. She was once at work, and one day there happened to be a man there who could read palms. She gave him her hand to read, just to have fun she thought... and he told her, the guy you're dating now - you and he will break up, you'll marry someone else, and your husband will die after 8 years of marriage.

    Obviously, an ethical reader would not state what he saw in this manner, even if he did see something alarming.

    She did indeed eventually break up with her boyfriend and marry someone else. And the clock began ticking and getting closer and closer to their 8-year anniversary, she began panicking... losing sleep... she was under such a great influence of that "reading." She started a thread on the forum to share her anguish and the embarassment... Women sympathized and comforted her as they could... but you see the problem. A terrible situation... I hope she was able to overcome that damaging psychological influence.

    People sometimes turn to cards when they're facing a situation they feel they can't handle... they want an answer, an assurance... one lady in Russia in the thirties had her husband picked up during the repressions, and never heard from him again... she did not know if he was dead or alive... she would go to card readers and ask them... the cards said her husband was alive... Years later it turned out they were right. He was sentenced to the camps and survived there for several years before he died.
  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    During street festvials, celebrations (Cinco de Mayo), etc... I had it done for fun so many times

    80% of the time they are way off, so I don't take them seriously. But my cousin, who is highly educated goes to this psychic lady weekly??? and gets advice on love, career, money and all sorts of stuff.
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Weekly? that must be expensive! They charge a hand and a foot, these people...
  11. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if I were her, I'd have slapped him in the face.

    This is why I think it's a good idea to read up a little bit on these sort of things before someone decides to let someone do that and still, if you can, try to do it for yourself and use your own intuition and interpretations. And if you are planning to let someone else do it for you (MAKE SURE THEY ARE REPUTABLE) also, don't just go into it blindly (do some research on the subject first) and don't let someone do it "for fun" because it's not a game. Especially Tarot cards. Tarot cards are also "portals" (like a ouija board), not something to play around with if you don't know what you're doing or how to protect yourself.

    I'd like to know what he saw on her palm that told him her husband would die, because in my studies there's nothing I know of that shows you that someone else in your life going to die (the most your own palm will show is that you will lose this person and how you may feel about it). And you're right about, "Obviously, an ethical reader would not state what he saw in this manner, even if he did see something alarming." People who do that are supposed to have ethics and while I was getting my "degree" in astrology/parapsychology, I read that if you're serious about doing that for a living, then they also tell you to take some kind of psychology and counseling courses to learn how to tell people things that may not be so positive or not what they'd like to hear.

    Also, ANY divination type of reading is not written in stone anyway. Because we all have free will and there's no fate but what you make. We are changing the course of the rest of our lives through every action and inaction we make. These types of things just tell you what could happen, but not what will happen.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Try to be wary of that as well. Because technically, "real ones" aren't "supposed" to charge people at all and they have no desire to exploit their gifts that way. It's a little hard to explain. The most a "very reliable" one will do is "accept donations" if you want to give them something for it and because any human being could use a little help with financial matters. But yeah, they're human too and aren't perfect and some are absolutely willing to exploit their "gifts" that way. But, I'd just be wary of them.
  13. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I never have. Every time I think about that stuff I always envision Cher or Dionne Warwick or Miss Cleo lol
  14. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I have been reading tarot cards since I was about 18. I love my cards. I do readings for my friends sometimes, and once I was almost a phone psychic.
  15. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I have no belief in the supernatural and don't imagine I will at any point in the future, which pretty much renders tarot cards and palm readings, to my mind, as holdovers from a decidedly primitive age.
  16. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    My mum reads the tarots (not as a job) abd she collects them. I think she has like 25-30 of them.
    I'd love to read them too, but I don't have the patience to learn.

    My mum does the tarots for me every now and then, but I think it's not good to have them done by ppl who know your situation because the cards get too influenced. My mumkind of always sees what I wantme to be told, lol, wich is no good.
    I get them done by a friend of my mum and she comes out to be always right. She saw a lot of stuff about my EXes and about school.
    When I was 17 and I still didn't go to the club or knew foreign ppl, another friend of my mum's told me I'd have met a foreign guy of about 23 yrs of age. Some months after I oviously forgot about it and I met Khadim, 23, senegalese. We've been together for 5 yrs. I think I remembered about what she told me like 3 yrs after we got together. I was like "man, that woman was right!".
    Some other ppl didn'g guess at all. U just don't have to take them seriously. When in august my mum's friend told me that me and Roderick would have broke up, I was sad for a bit, then forgot about it and was ok. She was right, though. The important is that u don't let the cards influence your life.

    About being "reputable", what does it mean? that a person has experience, that doesn't cheat with money?

    I ask that because my mum and her friend can read the same tarots and read them in completely different ways.I think that the way cards come out dipends on how the person read them. That's pretty interesting.

    I decide I want to read them too lately, but I still can't find my kind of card. For those of you who read them (Britty, DH...): wich ones do you use?
    My mum uses these:

  17. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Skeptical people can say what they want, but not everything is explainable with science. With the sciences that humanity has now, I mean. :D
  18. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    Mine still blows me away and it was 15 years ago! I was totally sceptical at the time of the reading; every word he said came true.
  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    But did it come true because he actually saw what was going to happen or because you knew ahead of time and subconsciously made it happen?

    (Don't mind me, I'm just being a brat of a devil's advocate. LOL!)
  20. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    That is the exact reason I never do readings any more. I dont want to close the doors of the universe on chance and my power to determine my own destiny!:D

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