if a ww prefers bm does that mean she will date just ANY bm

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by lippy, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I'd considered that, think I just might get a sword. Lol it would fit with the pirate theme here. hahahahaha:evil:




    :smt108Oh, baby! You know you want me!:smt047
  4. raocha

    raocha Active Member

  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lucifer :smt056 you pay no mind to the list...it doesn't apply to you!
  6. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LOL!! I'd totally move down there if I could carry a sword everywhere. :smt081
  8. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Plz note the quote above is from a man, that can't say shit, hell for all we know he is the man that accosted Athena on the beach waving his willy at her, think about it, makes alot of sense.

    According to this man you cannot go to a popular holiday destination without being one of many cheap whores.


    Everyone run for cover, inferiority complex is on the loose, man bitching.;) about white women, full stop.
  9. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    My ex husband is white. My kids are white. The majority of men I've dated since the divorce have been black. I guess my behavior is abhorrent and I need to be put into check. Sorry guys, apparently I need to go to time out.
  10. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I date men whom I find attractive (not neccessarily what other women like), have a sense of humour, are interested in life, are optomistic and whom I just enjoy being around.
    They don't need to be perfect in the eyes of others.

    I expect guys to feel the same way about dating. I think when someone starts worrying too much about what other people think, there is something wrong with them and therapy, not a date, is called for.

    Thin, fat, bald, hairy, tall, short, broke, rich, dark, light, great teeth, toothless, jobless, employed, parent (or not), old, young, in-between....we all need and deserve love. :D
  11. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  12. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Doing a little emotional venting?

    To be honest I think white women (in general) are doing just fine in keeping standards high for the BM they choose at least from a physical standpoint and I believe they should continue to do so. I've seen lots of overweight, unnatractive and over the hill women still openly prefering tall athletic attractive black men. Never did think most white women reguardless of how they look themselves had a problem with keeping their standards (physique/looks wise anyway) high for BM. As long as no one is going out of their way to directly put down anyones looks (which I have yet to see been done by anyone on this site excessively) then I think its perfectly fair for black men to be open and strict in their standards for women and vice versa.

    By the way do you have any links of the men taking direct cheap shots at the women on here?
  13. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    FUCKING HELL. Most of the guys here are fucking losers.
    How about worrying less about who the guy down the street is dating and try getting a date yourself. :smt104

    Stop making out it is a white woman thing... I see plenty of black broads with hunky black men.

    You guys are clearly on the wrong forum. It's boring. Go away.
  14. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    I understand where you are comming from but I definately think its out of line to say "most ww". I think this kind of behavior by men is unexcusable and besides the poster that brought out this argument didn't refute what you were trying to say anyways so there was really no need to respond.

    Anyone could just as easily stop being polite and go criticize your pictures.

    This is definately out of line and I am yet to see this guy directly put anyone down on this site. Correct me if i'm wrong. Besides the above comment all ive gathered from this guy is him saying for BM who have their shit together to have high standards. I don't think he has once said " 100% all ww" or "100% all bm" for anything either.
  15. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    I don't know if you're refering to me or not but I am the last male that has responded in awhile so I will assume you are.
    I could care less who the guy down the street is dating. I was just making an observation of something I have seen that fit along with what the original topic was. For what it's worth I have a gf and believe me I have no problem picking up the average skank if I wanted too so don't you try to correlate having standards with not being able to get a date because thats not going to work.

    Did I ever even say anything even remotely close to women looking for men with standards is a "ww only thing" and did I ever say I don't see BW with good looking BM?
  16. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I was actually directing it at Robin but ookay.

    The thing that bothers me is that people like him just go on and on about how awful some white women are and how black men should not date them. I just don't see why he actually cares who dates who. I really don't give a shit if a white women is dating a fat bloke, black guy, smelly guy, hell another woman. I really really do not care.

    Good for you about your girlfriend. I think everyone should have standards, I think everybody does. I definitely have standards, as I've stated before. I did not equate that to not being able to get a date, rather going on and on about how fat and ugly some white women are and how black men should not date them. It's good to have standards but Robin is trying to enforce them onto everyone.

    I never said you said that it was a white women only thing but that seems to be the consensus around here with some folks (ref: Malikom). They post pictures of fat white women, go on about how black men should not date fat white women and how black men should not chase these fat white women when they know that some black guys date fat black women too. And some white men date fat black women and white women too. It just gets boring after a while. I have never seen, nor do I know any fat white women going out with black guys anyway. Obviously it happens but why exactly do they care?? They should just focus on themselves.

    Not going to work coming from me? Oh rly.
  17. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Okay since you were not refering to me fair enough.

    How about this -- Robin W stop caring about others relations (as you claim he's doing) and you stop name-calling, whinning and suggesting certain people don't belong here just because they suggest that some BM should have higher standards for themselves. Fair is fair.
  18. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Name calling? What did I call him? Maybe I did, I'm forgetful.
    I never suggested anyone doesn't belong here. Not really my forum so I don't really have a right to say anyone should not be here. Whining? That EXACTLY what he is doing. To be honest, I don't actually care if he cares who every black man dates, it's just a bit sad and he comes across as bitter. It has nothing to do with standards. Standards are great, but not every black man needs to adopt his standards. Who is he? The poster child for black men? Whatever though dude.
  19. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Yeah okay lets look below.
    Like I said, I never saw where the guy directly put anyone down or said "all ww do this" or all "bm do this". Its the internet and people say controversial shit all the time and as long as no one is being individually insulted I don't see what big deal is. I honestly wouldn't care if the women on here started talking more openly about avoiding a certain quality of men and in fact I would actually be glad.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  20. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Wow, I am forgetful. You're right, that was inappropriate. Like I said, I really don't care anymore. It's not really offensive to me, it's just annoying to read.

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