The thin white girl

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by LA, Apr 20, 2009.




    Hence, the Away Team.
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Yes, I'm making it up. It's all part of my evil plan to send Black Men to the North Side, so they can be rounded up in one centralized area for when the aliens come.

    I mean really, wtf? Why would that not be true?
  3. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Looks would play a factor here. Good-looking people tend to attract the opposite sex quite easily regardless what colour they are.

  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Words of wisdom...
  5. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Down south...there are plenty of BM-lovin' WW but they rarely chase a "regular" brotha. Certainly there isn't much rejection on the part of bruhs perhaps because southern WW are more old-fashioned in some senses....and I agree with the large chest-lovin. I can appreciate a nice rump but there's nothing like a nice stack on top.
  6. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest

    I have no idea what part of the south you live in, but I've done extensive traveling all over the south and it is FAR FROM a haven for interracial relationships.
  7. shion

    shion New Member

    even when you do state your preference,people assume you hate everything else and a very close-minded individual.

    Saying you like slender women,for instance, will get you labeled a weightist,sexist, manipulated by the media,etc...smh

    That's our society these days.
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Ain't that the truth. Well... I think that a true gentleman will never tell a woman she's unattractive. Not unless it's absolutely necessary, anyway. It's one of those things where a man has power: a woman's looks are very important to her (if she takes pride in her appearance) and a critical comment can make her feel really insecure. So, just like a man has physical power and he uses it to be nice to a woman (hold a door, throw her luggage on the shelf), he will use his male validation power to compliment her rather than the opposite. And if there's nothing to compliment... well, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. IMO. There are men who can make any woman feel like a queen. They'll find something sweet to say to any woman, and make her beam... If she's obese, he'll compliment her hair... thank God for such men. Everyone wants to be complimented by the opposite sex, even if you weren't blessed with the best of looks...
  9. shion

    shion New Member

    lol..I understand your point clearly but also, remember people can spot BS as well , they know when you're being sincere or not.
    That's even more insulting,I think, when you feel obligated to someone to compliment them but you're being condescending about it.

    There was a column in Ann Landers/DearAbby a few years ago, where this white girl was accused of being a racist by this guy who asked her out...I don't have a problem with her choice.
    I don't have with a person if they're not attracted to members of another race..I don't think that's racism..same if a guy isn't attracted to large women.
    You shouldn't stretch yourself like that to appease someone the end , you'll both will be miserable.
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    That's so true....
  11. Complex

    Complex New Member

    What is most important? Having strangers pleased with what they feel is better suited for you or, what shion knows is better for shion.

    You cannot please everyone. If your colleagues cannot respect what you feel is best for your needs then, they are not truly your friends.

    Society is strangers in which you know nothing about. They are not your friends unless you were formally introduced. Therefore, they should not offer any influence on the type of person you choose to date. Those who tend to please others under the given circumstances stem from a combination of low-self esteem and, lack of confidence.

    Bear in mind the website you are a member of, in addition to what part of the globe you were born. The United States still class interracial-dating a bigger taboo than what weight class is your preference in a Woman.

    Surely, you are strong enough to face the world with your white girlfriend despite negativity expressed by society. I would suggest you please shion and, choose whatever women that, tickles your fancy.

  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Well, not for everyone, fortunately. Obviously, who you choose to date and whether you're kind to women in general are two different things.:) Chivalry is appreciated by women of quality.
  13. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    my point was not to say that IR is "easy" in the south...I'm saying that the numbers of WW that love BM are about the same in the south and the's just that northern WW are more aggresive about it though that has as much to do with race issues as it does culture...southern WW don't generally pursue any man even if he's white unless she loves $$$ and he happens to have lots of it
  14. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    People are attracted to what they're attracted to, you can't really help that. I was dating a guy after I had my daughter who said he didn't want to see me anymore after I had dropped the baby weight, cuz my ass wasn't big enough anymore. :smt107 New concept, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
  15. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Were you devastated? :p
  16. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    Uh, no. I had a really bad self image after I gained weight during pregnancy. Just cuz he liked my ass that big doesn't mean I did!
  17. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I know how it feels girl, I'm going through the same thing in the past few months, only my problem is the opposite, I lost weight. Especially now that it's summer and the dress up season, and you hate to see yourself in the dressing room mirror... Hopefully when I'm done with school and have more time to cook and work out, I'll go back to normal.
  18. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    First of all- Agree 100%. If a female wants to turn you down over something like race alone than that is easily their loss. Nothing to throw a fit over what-so-ever.

    Also I see some of the most overweight unattractive and even unkept females claiming they want a tall, athletic and handsome black man. Which is fine, but believe me i'm going to be vocal about my standards as well and have and will continue to only consider a woman if she is up to them. A man never goes out of his way to be rude to anyone but also never walks on eggshells about what he wants-- because at the end of the day the average woman will not so don't let them shake you down for not doing it.
  19. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Missed this -

    I hear you, but I disagree that Kim Kardashian is" far far" from thin. How thin are we talking here anorexic thin? Like I said she is not quite as thin as I prefer but she is definately not "far far" from being thin in my personal opinion. She has a big ass but is still within what is considered a healthy BMI and is still reasonably fit. --

  20. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

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