Bad things you did as a kid

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Liquid Swords, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Malik mentioned in the "Should a 14 year old be sentenced to life?" thread about the mischievous things he got up to as a kid. It got me thinking about all the bad things I used to do, so anyway, what are some of the naughty things you used to do?

    I used to always steal things from the shops when I was young, I'd never get caught. It was silly things like sweets and chocolate. I would never ever do it now though.

    I used to always tell my mum I was staying at a friends house and my friend would do the same and we'd stay out all night or go camping with friends. In the morning outside the supermarket (around 5am) the lorries dropped off the fresh food and newspapers and we'd sneek behind and steal stuff when the man went back in the lorry to get more stuff. We'd also steal milk from doorsteps (not even sure why, didn't really drink milk). I remember an old lady chased me in her dressing gown one time and I felt guilty so I gave it back to her and ran away lol.

    There was a big slaughterhouse for chickens (called locally "the chicken factory") and we painted "meat is murder" (yes I do like The Smiths) on the side in red one time (this was in my militant vegan days), I did a lot of other bad stuff like that.

    When I was younger though I used to always go climbing cliffs down by the shore, one time I got stuck, almost fell... luckily I never though. I would have died for sure. Oh and of course we'd always do "skippies" through people's gardens. We made really elaborate cool ones (I remember one where we had to jump on a trampoline to get over a huge wall). I was a bad kid, hah.

    What are some things you used to get up to? Or were you like my sister, the one who ALWAYS told on me.
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well I never was, a really naughty kid, although I did used to lock my brother in the cellar and stuff (I would let him out eventually) Uhmm I hated the dog we had, it would smother everything in hairs and get everywhere, It was my job to walk it! even though it was my brothers dog?:confused:

    So I tried to lose it down the park one day, let it off the lead and started to walk off, bloody thing was so obediant it found me and trotted beside me all the way home. :smt011 god i hated that dog.

    My brother had a pellet gun and i aimed it at mums hanging basket, then ended up taking the garage window out.

    Jumping over the train crossing barriers with friends instead of using the bridge, (got my trainer stuck in a rail once) I panicked terrible, it was only for a few seconds but i fell over and stuff.

    Nothing really bad when i was out with mates, like i've said before, i was more of a watcher, watch them do stupid stuff.

    But as soon as i was 17 i started doing alot of stupid stuff, but that doesn't count as i was not technicaly a kid. ;)
  3. robina

    robina New Member

    i was the kid who had the worlds busiest out of school program. we had brownies/guides on a monday, dance classes tuesday and wednesday, swimming on a thursday, dance classes on a friday and a saturday, ice skating on a saturday afternoon and church followed by gymnastics on a sunday

    i never had time to get into trouble

    in my last coyple of years at school i used to walk home at lunch time and either skip the afternoon or, particularly when we had double science afternoons i would have a few drinks before going back, made physics more amusing at least
  4. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Fights, Graffiti, school skipping, class ditching, a little bit of everything....
  5. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    You did some ballsy stuff, Sarah. :cool:

    I used to get in at least one fight a year it seemed, from K-8th grades.

    I was too naive to do anything really naughty, but I've tried to make up for it as an adult. :smt077
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I was a goody-goody as a kid.....

    I've done more naughty things as an adult. LOL. (But nothing illegal. Like I really had to spell that out. HAHAHAHAA!!)
  7. malikom

    malikom Banned

    stole some candy from this store
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Cut gym.
  9. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I once tore the tag off a pillow.
  10. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member

    i ran up $300 in phone sex charges when i was like 8

    pops still pissed over that one
  11. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    In 10th grade, I would spend the night at my friend's house and we'd sneak out on our bikes and paintball stuff. We'd paintball people driving cars and houses(almost got my ass kicked when one car caught me). Some nights, we would steal car parts, like mufflers, n' shit. One time we stole a hood off a 67 Mustang, because our friend needed one, and my friend just told him it was his hood. We had to carry that sum bitch about a 2 miles, because we had to go around a fence. Took like 3 hours with hiding behind the trees every time a car passed. It was a bitch stealing it, because it was right in front of the dude's bedroom, so we took this "vote for councilman whoever" sign and taped it over his window, so he couldn't see what we were doing. On Halloween, we'd shot out windows with my slingshot. When people saw us walking by their house, and asked us if we saw anything, we were playing it off like we were talking about football or something. We'd also, go around keying cars and slashing tires. Some people were random, and others were people we didn't like.

    In 12th grade, me and my friends would flip cars, stomp out their windshields, slingshot car and house windows, tag stuff, block the road with traffic cones. The first time we went out wrecking cars, we were 3 cars deep, which was stupid, but somehow, we never got caught. I remember one time, we flipped a bug, and the car rolled back over on it's wheels, so we went back in made sure it wasn't gonna do that again. The wrecking ended when I accidentally shot out my friend's window aiming the slingshot. He had that child safety window that rolled halfway down, plus the band was worn and made shooting inaccurate.

    When I was in elementary, me and my cousin did stuff like steal little pocket knives from the swap meet weapons stand, steal hot wheels cars, learn stuff we weren't supposed to from the older kids, curse more than the older kids because we felt we needed to prove ourselves for some reason, skip class, walk around unauthorized areas, throw rocks n' shit at windows, throw those popper things at passing cars over my grandma's fence, and be little Bebe's kids, basically. At summer school, I think we were going to sneak off to see how close we could get to Clinton, but some kid brought a bb gun and the President and Secret Services cleared out. What a waste. We got such a long lecture the night before too about not acting out when Clinton got there..
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  12. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Gang activity, vandalism, truancy, fighting, drug and alcohol use.
  13. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    wow, man

    ahaah sure :p

    Me myself I haven't done anything really bad, guess I was a boring fat little nerd.

    The only thing was when I was somewhere in a bar or something and I liked this little fake flower who decored the table. I stole it and when my mum found out she was pissed off. I still feel guilty!
  14. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I got tired of my braces (that I had to put on and take off all day) so I dug them up in a flower pot up on a top shelf, and told my mom I lost them. She said, okay. So I still have crooked teeth... but boys like me anyway.
  15. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    You could take your braces on and off? Lucky. Mine were stuck on me. Orthodontist told me not to eat candy, chips, or gum. Like I was gonna give up candy, gum, and chips for 4 years. I didn't wear my retainer, so my teeth spaced and they're back to how they were in 5th grade. Eh, whatever.
  16. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    You Americans have good braces. We had the ones that go on and off, and trust me it was a pain. The thing didn't let you pronounce words correctly... you had to keep it in a water glass and it smelled... ugh.
  17. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    When I was 8, I stole a birthday card from Tescos but I felt so bad, I buried it in the back garden.
    ...rebel ;)

    From about 12-14, we just used to smoke a lot of weed. Nothing major.
  18. romeostarr

    romeostarr New Member

    i would steal stuff when i was real little, i got into a lot of fights, as i grew older i got into gang stuff, running from the cops, shit like that, smoking weed, i was not a bad kid i was a rebel cause i was in foster care, felt like no one really cared
  19. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I remember when I was around 1st grade age, I beat up a brother and sister in my neighborhood. I made her have to get staples in the back of her head, and I remember her brother was laying on the ground in the fetal position crying and I kicked him as hard as I could in his face. Then aside from tormenting little neighborhood kids once and a while, but not very seriously, I was an angel.
    In middle school, I got put on probation for a few years, I told everyone I worshipped the devil (it was sarcasm on my part because it's what they thought anyway) and they all thought I was an evil witch and were scared of me and if anything "weird" happened they blamed it on me, my friends were drug dealers, gangbangers, thieves, or locked up in girl/boy school, only went to school maybe every other day at the most, started smoking cigarettes (regularly) and very little weed (never liked it much), my mother never knew where I was and I never bothered to tell her but she trusted me, I was never home, blah blah blah etc. I was really the little angel of my group of friends though. The one they felt like they could trust and confide in. And they'd do whatever they could to preserve my innocence that they coveted and envied so much. They wouldn't let me do anything too bad and were even pretty protective of me. And so the lions fell in love with the lamb. Then I met my boyfriend and dropped out of school (nothing to do with my boyfriend) and moved and I just kind of dropped off the face of the earth (to them) and grew up and started working. And the rest is history. :)
  20. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    I played with lighters and matches, tortured ants, and was an antagonist against students in school.

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