I visited Denmark last week and I brought back a few things…

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sir Nose, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Observations. Nine of them. It was my first time there so some things were new to me. Anyway, here is the first one:

    Observation 1: Like many Europeans, Danes appreciate fashion and have a sweet tooth
  2. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Looks like a nice country
  3. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Yeah, Dex. It's a nice place.

    Observation 2: There are a lot of thick women in Denmark More women of this type than I have seen in other Nordic countries. More beans and rice?

  4. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    ^^^^ lol that could definitely be the case. Good-looking girls
  5. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Observation 3: They play a version of billiards there that I had never seen before
  6. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member

    thanks for da pics
    were you in copenhagen?

    i wanna go to a scandanavian country
  7. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Enjoying the pics and observations!
  8. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    You're well traveled, apparently. Kudos! Thanks for sharing the pics.
  9. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    love your observations!:)
  10. kissthestick

    kissthestick New Member

    oh nice:rolleyes::cool:
  11. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Nice pictures. Thank you for sharing your observations with us. :)
  12. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Oh yes they do.
    I've had several people trying to explain to me the Danish version, but I've never quite understood it.

    I've never gave it much effort either though, to be honest. It doesn't cost me much to avoid the game while being there.:D
  13. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Thanks for all the comments,

    Observation 4: You can buy Tuborg Classic on the train. In the US (at least Washington DC) you can't even drink coffee or water!

  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    when the Phillies won the series, guys were handing out beer on the subway..

    from the series win, to the parade, all the way until after the weekend, this city was just 'different.'

    no one cared about anything except the phils and being happy
  15. malikom

    malikom Banned


    and THATS thick

    not the "thick" fat american women have corrupted
  16. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member


    Observation 5: Can you find the name of the WWBM member on this club advert?
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Satyricon! What's my prize? :partyman:
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    thanks for taking us along for the ride sir nose...great pics!
  19. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    You're welcome lippy

    All I can offer is another observation :cool:

    Observation 6: Danes lead the world in windmill technology
  20. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Great pics and love your observations Sir. What type of work do you do that you travel so extensively?

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