What were you like in high school?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bryant, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. alli

    alli New Member

    I made the cheerleading squad in 10th grade after forging my mom's signature to the try-out permission slip. Unfortunately the cheerleading coach and my mom were acquaintences and I was found out. My mom refused to let me cheer (outfits too skimpy, dances too sexy, in her opinion) and it was horribly, horribly embarassing. Horribly.

    Moving on. My grades were ok. I took every AP course they offered but got credit for none. I had a B average. I was friends with everyone and definitely not a "mean girl". I played tennis and did pageants. I took piano lessons and was in Spanish Club, Key Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Prom Committee. Hung out with my high school sweetheart on weekends. Worked part time at Subway my senior year.
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Me too, for as long as I was there, a little over a year.
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    That's why you're my twin :D

    Though, apparently some retard around here hates goths. I got negative rep with the comment "Did you crap on yourself?" for saying I was goth. Jesus. That's so retarded. *L*

    I think if I wouldn't have been poor in high school I would've been popular as hell. I had the right personality, and was always performing and stuff at school (I sang the Star Spangled Banner at varsity basketball games)...but I was too poor for the popular, rich kids to demean themselves by wasting time on me. So I listened to my metal music, painted weird things, and hung out with my art teacher on lunch, usually skipping the meal to work on a painting or sculpture. :D

    I'm also the only fuck from that school who'd even give a black man their time of day, because about 90 percent of my town was/is racist, and the other 10 percent are just not vocal about it.
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Somebody left negative rep for you? What the hell?
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Was Jock of All Trades.

    I was heavy in Atheltics and played couple of sports (family did not like it. Fukken assholes, I could have been somebody). I was also in theatre club, science club, debate team, bible group, drama team.
    I did hang around with jocks, cheerleaders, artists, philosophers, dorks, geeks, studs, goth folks, junkies, prom queens, rejects, church goers, popular kids, losers, winners, immigrants, etc..... Fukk, when I think about it, I had a lot more friends back then than now. Shit, what happen to me? I turned out to be a loser. Oh well, at least I 've job in this crazy economy.
  6. Emmalee22

    Emmalee22 New Member

    freshman year - artsy quiet kid
    sophomore year - everybody's friend
    junior year - not much changed since sophomore year other than the fact that the few black girls tried fighting me cuz i was dating one of the few black guys ("can't we all just get along?")
    i graduated after junior year..
  7. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Was hounded by being called a nerd because I loved books, loved to study to learn new things and received good grades and awards.
  8. Emmalee22

    Emmalee22 New Member

    don't worry, babe, all the bullies are probably unemployed losers now ;)
  9. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member

    I was pimpin' hoes and slammin' cadillac doos.

    now i softly push in doors on a ford escort!!!
  10. Vamber

    Vamber New Member

    I got along with pretty much everyone. They would say I was nice and sweet, kind of made me upset at times. I remember the day one of my friends found me skipping class.
    I swear to God she said the world was going to end. That's how they thought of me, sweet and innocent. Doing nothing wrong.
    But with my brothers, they would beat me up and get everyone on our bus to jump up when I sat down. My brother led the chant of "lose weight feel great".
    I kind of had a bad time at home because of not being what they wanted me to be. It was so bad that I hated getting on that bus to go home.
    Now, I'm where I love who I am, body and everything. And I'm going to have the man who can love me, and be there for me. A man who would pull me behind him if anyone starts talking negative about me.
    It doesn't happen anymore from family, but to have my man still be there for me, that's a dream I've always wanted to see come true.

    Wow I got off topic didn't I. lol Well, that's how I get. I'm a writer and you'll find my answers long. :p
  11. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  12. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Jordan what's up with the slag, you'd be one of the last ones on this board I thought would use slang ;)

    Uhh I was a freakin geek.
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    I was more of a jock....but I dunno. I played sports and excelled at them. But I never really hung out with the other athletes except at parties and stuff. I was more of a loner/geek who had a really thuggish past, and I hung out with old dudes, so people didn’t know I was a loner/geek because of that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not to mention I was pretty much an asshole.:cool:

    I did not really like the attention, but attention would wrap it self around me like a vicious anakonda

    Usually id skip class>>>go to the school swimming pool to check out some pretty half naked white girls......:smt023

    However I got "majorely" depressed around 12th grade for no apparent reason, so I stopped playin sports and stuff,,,,,,and lost major football scholarships due to that (regrets)

  14. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    I chilled out in my circle, I only talked to like 5 people....
  15. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    I was the girl everyone went to for advice or to share a secret.... I was a ballerina who was in the swimming and running team. I went to an all girls catholic school from grade 4.. enough said... lol
  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    You wouldn't by chance have a pic of you in uniform would you?;)
  17. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    I was extremely shy up until my Senior year. I loved playing volleyball and softball. Like CB, I was also the girl everyone came to for advice...and am still that girl. Funny, when you're that girl, it's hard finding someone to lean 'your' head on...
    I had tons of friends and enjoyed four wheeler riding, muddin', typical southern living. I was a social butterfly and loved going to parties and chilling with mostly older peeps. Good times, good times.
  18. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    In high school, i always lived in the shadows of my two older brothers. Both of them were extremely popular, and extremely successful with the ladies. I definitely failed to follow in their footsteps, as i was the quiet and shy one, who never had many friends. Whenever somebody would see me they would say "heey, aren't you such and such's brother? why aren't you more like them?"

    Oh, and it's funny that Britty and DH mention that they were both goth in high school, because one of the few friends that i did have in high school was a girl who was goth. I didn't know much about people who wore goth at the time, but she was such a sweet person, and we became friends anyway.:)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I was known as a brain to be honest. I went to a magnet (yeah, the one that searched you with metal detectors :p) school here in philly, that had competitive entry, based on academic achievement (no, it wasn't Masterman, since I was not, and am not considered 'gifted').

    I was a jock also, since I liked to play some football and stayed after school, to lift weights with the team (during the off season), when most kids were home.

    I was also quiet. I had my fun jokey joke times, but for the most part, I walked silently.

  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Finding out that there were more quite people on this site than I thought. Shit, I thought I was the only one who liked to keep to myself. :rolleyes:

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