Ladies, what are some things that you find annoying about men?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bryant, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Of course, i know you all love your men, but i'm curious to know about some things that you find to be annoying about men in general. For instance, does it bother you when we hog the tv remote? Or does it bother you when we are too lazy to take out the trash? Are there any things that men do that just baffles the mind of you ladies? I honestly have no reason for asking this question other than sheer curiosity, and wanting to see what some of the answers will be.:cool:
  2. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Interesting question Bryant. Yes the trash thing can be annoying but that is only if it is the mans designated job so to speak, leaving the toilet seat up is frustrating, leaving a wet towel on the floor instead of hanging it up or putting it in the clothes basket, not treating me like the queen that I am (lol) just threw that one in for fun,,,,,,,, but I would never nag about any of these as they are just petty little things, but if you want a heads up for when you move in with your princess Miss Dinara than take note of these..... LOL .... wink wink
  3. alli

    alli New Member

    Gosh, I don't know. My man is so perfect.

    I guess the most annoying thing is his not thinking far enough ahead about some things. When there is a 1/4 tank of gas--FILL UP, DAMNIT! Don't wait for the light to come on to tell you you need gas.

    I don't like it when he's sarcastic.

    I hate it when he drives too closely to the car in front of him.

    Just little stuff that I would nag about in the early days but have learned to ignore. Except the sarcasm. I will walk away from him until he feels able to converse in a non-biting way.
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    The fact that they CAN'T PEE IN THE HOLE, and they don't bother to clean the mess. I HATE that.
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    This thread will be on 100 pages by Monday.
  6. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Honestly one thing that baffles me is getting booty calls LONG after not only the relationship has been over, but we haven't spoken for ages. :?: A call from a man asking me to get out of my warm cozy house, get in my car, drive to some bad neighborhood so I can sit with him on some old beat up sofa watching bootleg copies of Asian action movies as a prelude to boring sex. No thanks, rolling over and going to sleep, good night.

    When it comes to nice, good men - nothing really annoys me. It touches me how nice men always look out for a woman, and I can forgive any mishaps for that.:)
  7. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    There is nothing that men do that is annoying that can't also be done by a woman. Things that irritate me about a man would also irritate me in a woman...I just wouldn't have to live with her ;)
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I agree. This should be a thread about what annoys you about other people. :smt036 I have a slew of things to say on that....starting with bad drivers. ;-)
  9. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    ...who stop in the middle of the street because they want to make a left turn from the right lane, so you stop too and everybody's honking at YOU.
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LOL! YES!! Or how about the ones who think they can multi-task and talk on the phone while driving like 45 on the expressway. THOSE are always fun!! ;)

    But, I digress, I don't want to derail this thread. Sorry! Back to the topic at hand...
  11. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    If that's his job? What man allows his wife, girl or significant other to touch the trash? There should be NO discussion, that's a man job...
  12. csbean

    csbean New Member

    I've been on a few dates lately, and improper mobile phone etiquette greatly annoys me. On the first few dates, it is probably a good idea to keep your phone in the vibrate position and check it when you or your date goes to the restroom. If you absolutely must have it on, or are expecting a call, good manners require that you inform your date you are expecting a call, or tell your date who is calling and keep the phone conversation brief.

    Text messaging in front of your date is also very rude. One guy I was on a date with was doing this while we were out to dinner. He actually hid the phone under the table and was looking down into his lap every few minutes. I felt like I was at work (teaching, students aren't allowed to have phones and hide them under their desks to text.)

    It may sound picky, but a date is a time to talk to the person you are with and get to know them. Constantly checking your phone is a non-verbal cue to the person you are with that you do not value their company. I explained this to the guy, and he was much better behaved during our date last Thursday :D.
  13. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I can't believe some people have to be explained this stuff...
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    You'd be surprised....
  15. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Thanks Curley for the heads up. When i was in Russia, i was leaving empty cups all over the place, and would always forget to put them in the sink when i was done. She would always pick them up after me and put them in the sink when i wasn't looking, so i'm sure she was probably a little annoyed by that HAHA. Oh, and the toilet seat thing is something that i'm also definitely guilty of LOL.
  16. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Lotta good responses so far. I'm interested in hearing more.:)
  17. DI

    DI New Member

    not really. It seemed like you were though, you could never understand why would i wash the dishes for you. lol oh but there was a thing that didn't annoy me, but i was just curious why you would never make your bed??? :smt102
  18. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Nooo, i definitely wasn't annoyed about you washing cups for me. I appreciate all the small things you did for me. Oh, you were curious why i never made my bed? Ummm.....i have to admit that i hardly ever make my bed lol.
  19. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Agreed, it's incredibly rude.
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    okay here are a few for my little man at home:

    dirty clothes on the floor...apparently he thinks i am the maid
    dirty dishes in his room...maid again
    leaving the tv on when he is leaving the house or not in his room
    drinking straight out of the milk carton...big NO NO in my house....glasses please

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