I've been reading a few threads, and I've noticed a disconnect between members as to what attitudes are acceptable when addressing overweight/obese persons. Some feel that negative comments are perfectly acceptable because it is that person's fault they are overweight/obese. Others feel it is discrimination because these are unfair comments that are made on the basis of prejudice. What is your opinion?
csbean, I viewed the “The thick white girl” thread and, never shared my comments for I like petite Women. In my point of view I think it is tad rude for those who don’t fancy “The thick white girl” to insult those who do and/or take it upon themselves to try to divert the topic towards thinner Women. Nonetheless, there are two types of girls: 1. Those who are genetically plump. 2. Those who became lazy throughout the years and, refuse to go back to their original state despite being very unhappy For the record, neither examples are aimed to wards any of the girls on this forum. One would need to know the person in order to past judgement. I have never met anyone on this board so it is quite obvious I would not know their genetic makeup. For me to characterise anyone on WhiteWomenBlackMen.com would reckless on my part. Those who are genetically plump are fighting against their DNA if they try to slim down. Such a battle would be like trying to permanently dye their hair blond when the original colour is black. The American actress Oparah Winfrey is a prime example. Despite taking various weight loss diets, her DNA will never make her a small Woman. Those who do not fall into the genetically plump category but attained the weight throughout the years based on very minimum activity can indeed revert back to their original form, if they put their mind to it. However, criticism usually shatters their confidence and puts them into depression. You will find more Women fall into the second category than the first. This is not limited based on Women alone for there are plenty of Men who fall into this category as well. However, Women are more pressured to look their best at all times and, are greatly influenced by the media. The Man can be excused for the Media makes it more acceptable for him to have a beer belly and, look out of shape to a degree. For the record, I do not fall under what is acceptable under Media’s standards and reside under the well-groomed category. There is one thing I have noticed. Open-minded is not a trait given to all. There are many who say things without actually reviewing what they are about to say before opening their mouths. This falls under emotional stress on their parts when they cannot comprehend there are certain elements that restrict a person from slimming down to what they feel is most appropriate. Women who are capable in slimming down are already self-conscious on their size and, brutal comments are not making things any better. Many of times they are looking for that one bloke to lift their spirits in order to help them along the way. Unfortunately, as the saying goes “It is easier to criticise than understand” and, many of their trusted friends are not helping with their ridiculing remarks. Cheers!
how exactly do you discriminate against a fat person? i mean they can get jobs. i don't think i've ever seen any no fat people allowed signs. they are not segregated. there were no jim crowe laws against fat people so how would they be discriminated?
Actually, I have an obese friend who has, on numerous occasions, submitted his resume to potential employers who were excited about the possibility of hiring him...until the saw him for the first time. He's working now, but he's had supervisors blame him when the company doesn't do well, saying that my friend represents the company poorly because of his weight. It happens. Obviously, tho, no, it's nothing like the discrimination that has targeted Black people in the US. I don't think anyone's comparing it to that.
Legally, thats discrimination. Your friend should file a lawsuit and most likely win if that is exactly what was said.
A coworkers son attended an Ivy League law school. He had a difficult time getting a decent job so he had stomach surgery to loose weight. He now works as an entertainment lawyer for one of the big 3 networks. His father swears he wouldnt have gotten the job when he was heavier.
Discrimination towards fat or old ppl is not as upfront as racism or sexism but is almost equally strong. Exactly.Not only fat but also ugly or old folks are treated this way at work. Even though legally that's discrimination you can't always sue cause no one is stupid enough to make his attitude clear or tell you the real reason for turning you down - but I guess this supervisors cbq was talking about were.
Yes, that's not discrimination. I just call it lack of respect. U can think what tha fuck you want, but you don't need to offend ppl and treat them like they are shits. Like I wrote on the negative rep comment I made to Malikom..... if his mum was 400 lbs, I would like to see if he would still said that "fat chicks are gross". Said this, who fucking cares, me myself I've been called fat all my life, I ain't gonna cry for some unsensitive, umpolite and disrespectfull ppl on a board. It's the behaviour that pisses me off. I would be pissed off even if we were talking about green ppl VS purple ppl, 3 legs VS 5 legs, short Vs tall and so on...
People that are discriminated against can't wait for the opportunity to do the same thing to other people...and then they feel justified for doing so.
I try not to discriminate against anyone if I can. I actually used to be overweight and I've since gotten my condition in check by changing my eating and workout habits. I don't care how trim I may look or how much weight I've lost because I can still empathize with someone who still struggles with their weight.
I know...I'm not speaking of everyone...but many people are like that...they don't intentionally have that idea...but it often plays out that way. People that face harsh discrimination return the favor to other marginalized groups (yes I'm talking about my black people).