Friends + Family disagree with your relationship?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ChromeDivine, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    Black men/White women relationships receive the most heat out of all interracial relationship combination and its the most hated.

    If you could...share your experiences where people negatively judged your relationship just because it was interracial. Wether it be your father, mother, sister, best friend etc.
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I've been very lucky in that both of our families are very supportive of our relationship. I am genuinely a part of his family, and he mine.

    I've lost "friends", but in truth, they weren't really friends, were they?

    The greatest heat my guy & I have gotten has been from complete strangers who feel completely entitled comment on our being seen together, yell at us, swear at us, throw things at us, or generally treat us like crap. Much less of that now that we're older & more intimidating (or, perhaps, I hope, things have just gotten better in recent years).
  3. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    Its funny how people are quick to criticize people they don't even know but more then half the time they don't have their business together.
    They obviously where jealous of you two.
    Their mad that someone of another race can make you just as happy as someone from your own race.
  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    No family or friends of mine disagree with my relationship.
  5. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    That's really sad that people behave like that.
    I'm lucky that I've never had any problems like that with my ex or the guys that I've dated. A few dirty looks but nothing severe. I'm really sorry for you to have to go through that.

    My family are fine with it, although originally my stepdad was a bit iffy. He's more bothered about me going out with Scousers to be honest, that's just not allowed :p
    Most of my friends are fine as well, but I have had one who has pretty much stopped seeing me. But it's no big loss to me to be honest, I don't need friends like that anyway.
  6. alli

    alli New Member

    I should save my story in Word to repost easily everytime this question comes up. I feel like I've told it a thousand times. lol

    My parents freaked out when I married my husband. Part of the reason we eloped was that I knew my mother would spend the duration of the engagement trying to talk me out of marrying a black man.

    They love him now (we've been married 8.5 years today!), will actually be seen in public with our children (since my youngest was born 3+ years ago) and never even mention the fact that he's black, so it all worked out. *eye roll*

    In fact, the last time I visited my parents we took the children to the park and there was another interracial couple with children there. (BW, WM) My mom was tripped over herself to be nice to this couple and their children. It was so weird. But I think she was totally thrilled to see other brown children amongst the white ones. As were leaving a young couple pulled in beside us (WW, BM) and my mom peered over and said, "Hmm." I'm sure she was thinking, "Wow! They are every where these days!" Ha!

    Anyway, babies have a way of healing relationships, I suppose because my parents went from "we're praying that God does not allow you to have children" to my parents being way better grandparents than they ever were parents.

    I've gotten weird comments from friends about my husband not being *too* black or me not being the type of white girl who goes for black guys. I've kept the friends who either don't seem to notice my marriage is interracial (the majority) or have asked their "dying to know" questions in a sensitive, PC way.
  7. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    "Dying to know questions".....:confused:
  8. alli

    alli New Member

    Oh you know! *The myth*(btw, there is no right way to ask that question. Still, unbelievably, I've had a couple of friends ask.), whether we'd raise our children as black or white, and I had a friend once to ask if I thought my marriage was biblical. We were able to dialouge about that and put his mind at ease.:roll:
  9. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    Ahh yes...the myth of the Black Man's manhood. Passed down by generation after generation. Men of other races spoke of it. Women of other races have dreampt of it. Legend tells that it is forged of sheer masculinity and heighten testosterone and can bring any women to her lustful knees....
  10. csbean

    csbean New Member

    I'm glad your parents came to like your husband. I tell my mother very little about my dating life. She used to say the most idiotic, bigoted bullshit around me until I set her straight. She continues to make these remarks to other family members and I was mortified by her reasoning behind voting for McCain. I am ashamed of her ignorance. I will probably marry a bm and if she has a problem with it, I will not have any second thoughts about cutting her off.

    All of my friends know I date bm, and none have problem with it. Two of my closest friends are bf and one of them dates wm exclusively. We were talking yesterday about the reactions we get from strangers when we are on dates. I get mostly curious glances. From time to time, those glances are hateful. My friend told me that one time she was out with her wm boyfriend, and a bm approached her when her boyfriend is in the restroom and said, "Was a black man not good enough for you?"
  11. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    I'm not denying that it doesn't happen but I have never seen or heard a Black Man in my entire life hate on Bw for dating a WM. Never. It's got to be rare since I am Black guy all I do is hang out with Black people. 20 years...never.
  12. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    lol there are some, I saw some youtube videos just on that very same subject of bm hating on bw about dating with a wm, maybe it is in the minority perhaps idk? but it does happen..
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Do tell...
  14. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Me neither, honestly.
  15. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    It's not much of a big deal where I'm from.
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    None of my friends or family disagree with my preferences/relationships.

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