Should marijuana be legalized?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

    "If cannabis were unknown and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would not doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough.Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer, and marvel at its rich pharmacopeia many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body." : The Economist, April 27,2006

    "Overall, by comparison with other drugs used mainly for "recreational" purposes, cannabis could be rated to be a relatively safe drug... In contrast, cannabis might have beneficial effects in some medical indications... It seems likely that medical cannabis will re-enter the pharmacopeia": Leslie Iversen, pharmacologist at Oxford University and member of the British government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, "Long-term effects of exposure to cannabis," Current Opinion in Pharmacology,2005
  2. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

    I dont use weed but im not biased about it i know it has pain relieving and medicinal effects and it is one of the safest drugs known to man.

    "If cannabis were unknown and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would not doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough.Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer, and marvel at its rich pharmacopeia many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body." : The Economist, April 27,2006

    "Overall, by comparison with other drugs used mainly for "recreational" purposes, cannabis could be rated to be a relatively safe drug... In contrast, cannabis might have beneficial effects in some medical indications... It seems likely that medical cannabis will re-enter the pharmacopeia": Leslie Iversen, pharmacologist at Oxford University and member of the British government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, "Long-term effects of exposure to cannabis," Current Opinion in Pharmacology,2005
  3. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I don't understand your point?

    I stated that I, personally, have no interest in smoking weed.
    That I have no problem with it, or the people who do it (within reason).
    And that I don't want friends who spend their days smoking weed.

    I don't think there's anything out of left field there....!?!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Three questions should be asked:

    What specifically makes marijuana "different" from alcohol and tobacco and why should the latter be protected versus the former?

    The $25 billion/year that Mexican drug cartels earn trafficking through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona fueled by an insatiable demand for narcotics by U.S. citizens...why do we crave such things at rates far higher than the rest of the world?

    How is tobacco..or even marijuana different from heroin or cocaine....(I'm not looking for a chemistry lesson because I'm sure many of you could educate me)? If we think that people should be free to light up a joint or smoke some menthols...why can't they snort cocaine? Ultimately...the lives being lost on the border towns in Mexico are being lost because of these drugs...making weed legal isn't going to decrease the carnage that innocent people are facing...and the problem of creating demand and tightening supply on the more "serious" drugs will still exist.
  5. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    So everything deemed a hazzard should be illegal? And who gets to decide whats a hazzard for you?
  6. little chicken

    little chicken New Member

    Personally I don't touch the stuff , never have never will, just not my thing

    I don't think it should be legal but at the same time I think the Police could be doing better things with their time than taking someone to jail over it, don't we have bigger issues than a bag of weed??
  7. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Max I see you point and it is a fine line for sure.

    In a perfect world we would be making those decisions for ourselves based on knowledge/education of the hazard. Unfortunately many of us decide to do something(s) that are hazardous to our health or to others, and then we become a "burden" on society by costing the healthcare system (more so in Canada than the US where you are paying for yourself), tying up the judicial system, etc..

    Where to draw the line? I don't know but there are far too many people doing suboptimal activities and the rest of society pays the price. I am speaking now beyond marijuana use....

    During an interview I'd recently participated in, I was asked what I thought about people paying for their own healthcare (keep in mind I'm in Canada) that do deliberately dangerous/illicit activities such as riding a bicycle with no helmet, IV drugs, etc. I would absolutely love to make those people pay for their own healthcare costs because at some point they WILL pay for what they are doing with their health deteriorating or having a crash or whatever. But where is the line? Should anyone who eats red meat also be responsible for their "cost" of living? Should someone who drinks more than the recommended daily intake of booze be responsible for their "cost"? So there is no solution but because of the nature of our society some regulation must be in place. I am not a sociologist but that makes sense to me based on what I've seen in my work.

    Cheers :)

  8. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Your concern is definately in the right place. The emphasis I want to put on this is knowlege and making sure that not only do the people who make decision for us have it... but that those same people honestly react to it. Historically that has not been the case.

    The propaganda used to initially make marijuana illegal is the best example... and the misinformation and fear left over from that propaganda is what should be discussed today. This misinformation and concern for the unknown is what leaves one to deem Marijuana as a hazzard or tax burden while simultaneously ignoring far more dangerous legal substances Americans consume.
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    You hit the nail on the head!

    You have also been given reputation points!
  10. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Best post of 2009....
  11. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    All drugs should be legal, if Drinking which is the largest killer of people in this country is legal why not Cocaine and Weed?

    Anybody with some crazy Moral argument against legalization boarders on Puritanism.

    If somebody wants to destroy their lives with drug use, why should you be the one taking the moral high ground *which Americans have no Moral High Ground To Stand On as long as their millions of mostly Black and Brown children that go HOMELESS AND HUNGRY EVERYDAY...among other things.

    Decriminalizing drug use period would be of the best things to happen to America socially since the Civil Rights Movement. Its jailed many Black and Brown Men and Women for no violent crimes, if you call having it on your person a violent crime with no intention of selling for profit.

    This quasi-Police State we live in should be scaled back. There is plenty of other crime that happens that they could be spending time on Prostitution and Drugs shouldn't be on that list. Violent crime using GUNS should be their number one concern, along with domestic violence.

    The time for taking a smart direction with social policy is LONG overdue. LESS JAIL and more Community Intervention/Outreach...
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Helmets for Bike Riding???? That's one of the dumbest laws I have seen and solely pushed by overprotective WHITE soccer mom's are responsible for that legalistation (sp?) getting through.

    The ER is not filled with people doing stupid things. I hardly call smoking weed as dangerous as climbing some snow covered mountain and getting caught in a snow storm... If your concerned about tax payers, why don't you propose a law that makes largely White adventure seekers pay all the money it cost for search and rescue and other emergency services to get your narrow ass off that mountain when you basically had no business up there, that should be a case you got up there and you get caught either pay up on rescue or your assed out....

    Surely not talking about the moron that while drunk decided to go for a spin on his motorized bar stool and ate it.

    He didn't go to the ER, he choose to drink away the pain from bumping his head on the hard pavement....

    ER's are full of people that can't afford or aren't offered health care, usually BOTH. According to Pres Bush, if you don't have health care you can go to the ER....

    This moral high ground nonsense is really getting on my nerves...
  13. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Edit** thank you for the somewhat personalized attack. I will keep mine to a minimum during this debate**

    I couldn't disagree more dj4monie and that is based on experience - ask anyone who works in hospitals and they will agree. Many (NOT ALL) people in the ER are in there because of poor decision making at some point - whether they made the decision or someone else did. For example - I choose not to put winter tires on my vehicle and end up crashing on the highway - stupid move. I choose to drink and drive and end up killing someone - stupid move. I choose to eat 28 hamburgers with fries every month, smoke and drink and have a heart attack - stupid move. The list is endless.

    I appreciate your stand and agree narrow-assed white people that get stuck on mountains should be paying for their rescue if they don't have the foresight to get off before it gets to that point. Obviously you haven't seen my ass, but I would be excluded from that qualifier and not have to pay for my rescue.

    I am not a soccer mom but I do support helmet use and anyone who rides a bicycle or a motorbike without one and ends up with a debilitating head injury because they are too cool for common sense or don't want to mess up their hair should be paying for their own care for the rest of their vegetable-like lives. Impossible to pay for? Then wear a helmet.

    I don't actually believe they should pay for their care because it's an impossible task. But back to legalizing drugs. I am curious what society would look like if all drugs were decriminalized. Would society be improved if crack, meth, GHB, LSD, etc were legal and easy to access?

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  14. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I can neither confirm or deny where I stand on this particular issue.:weedman:
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Alcohol is a definite killer, as many people still love to drive after drinking or while drinking..

    if they wanted to be 'fair and just,' they would ban alcohol completely, to prevent those deaths. And they can't hide behind increasing the age limit, because drunk drivers come in various age groups, not just 'stupid teens.'

    But we know that ain't going to happen, because even ruling-class politicians like their scotch and brandy. And since they have the power, this nation is going to reflect their ideology and way of thinking.

    Now..elect some stoners into congress.....

  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    What makes you think that hasn't happened yet? :smt003
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    impeach barack and elect Pookie G into the office

    he'll show u how to roll a dutch during state of the unions
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    hmmm.... :smt115

    ...Pookie G for President!!
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  20. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Well, we know how alcohol prohibition turned out the last time around. Some would justifiably argue that the end of prohibition was one of the larger blows to organized crime. Though, I wouldn't mind an opportunity to become a 'made man' since I missed out on the first go 'round.

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