What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    More power to ya Britt, most ppl can't do the cold turkey.

    There is a hot line that you can call, after answering survey questions you will be provided with 4wks? supply of a patch or gum.
  2. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Ahahahahahahahaha! :smt081
  3. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Thank you :). Awesome, do you know the hotline number? Those patches and gums are really expensive. So that would be great. :smt038
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I looked in my PDA and do not have the number, but will get it for you tomorrow from work. Hope I will remember.
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Cool :) Thank you.
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

  7. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Thank you. Awesomeee!! I "lasped" though, I didn't "relaspe", just "lasped." I smoked 2 yesterday and one today. But, that's still good right? I've smoked a pack a day since I was 13 or 14 so, but not really regularly until I was like 17. So I think I am still doing well. Cold turkey isn't easy. When we get money again on the 3rd, we are going to get some patches, which will help. I will also call that number and visit those websites. :D
  8. chimex

    chimex New Member

    i am in love with two girls one is carring my baby the other just found out through a text i sent to the first ...hows my girl and baby doing....i really love the secound but i really want a child.and i am really against abortion.my relationship with the first is eight year and the secound is four years.after she found out i cried and explained things to her and we made up we even made love that same night,i am really in a tight spot i dont know my next move,but i plane handeling it as it comes.i am not looking for anyone to judge me,cos no one is wearing my shoes and ders a lot inbetween what i have written already.but know one thing for sure i intend making both of them happy before this tale is ended,..........watchout ders more to come.chimezsky2002@yahoo.com for first hand jist just invite me.


    Naija man, relax! You dey sound desperate ooo! You sure say this story no be lie so?

    I go dey watch you oooo!:smt108
  10. chimex

    chimex New Member


    i am from nigeria and why such comments why wash ur dirty linen in public.now i know why u call urself lucifer.


    You dey shamebody ooo!

    Me? Wash my dirty...?

    Omo, na you wey post about ya personal goings-on.:smt047
  12. chimex

    chimex New Member

    free am,make we chat

    guy free de yahn.we de on air.how you de?come yahoo make we chat.chimezsky2002@yahoo.com.


    i see say u report Son-of-Man, chai! U wicked ooooo!

    Oga, abeg dat na too much work.

    Look top right of screen...you go see site navigation.

    Click on am...you go see chat.

    Click on am...log in...pam there...babes fit come yan with you.:smt023
  14. Arwen

    Arwen New Member


    Most of ppl that is really willing to quit and read this book, quit smoking. Some of my friends did it too. The guy who make workshops about this, give you the money back if you don't quit smoking, so I guess it's quite sure that you can quit. Try! :)
  15. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I have that website in my bookmarks http://www.theeasywaytostopsmoking.com . It's expensive, $150 to watch all the webcast clips for a week, heh. I'll see if I can buy that book though that you are showing me. Thanks :D
  16. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Good luck Britty, I'm sure you have the willpower to quit. You'll save so much money too :D!

    Besides, you wanna keep your lungs nice and pink! :D
  17. little chicken

    little chicken New Member

    I have Tonsillitis
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Yes, nice and pink :D

    So, has anyone ever tried Honey Bunches of Oats, PEACH flavored, with the little dehydrated peach chunks? I'm eating some right now. It's not bad. Yes, I eat cereal whenever I want, not just for breakfast. It came with some other free food from the "church lady." Last night I was looking for something to eat and it was dark and I couldn't see and I thought it was just regular Honey Bunches of Oats, so I got me a bowl of it and it was gross because I didn't know W(hat)TF it was and I was just like W(hy)TF does it taste like this?! Then I felt this slimey little blob (peach chunk) and was like W(hat)TF? Then I got up and went and turned on some lights and saw "PEACH" on the box (I had all the lights off because I was watching a scary movie). It's good, but not when you aren't expecting it. Not when you are expecting it to taste like regular Honey Bunches of Oats.
  19. little chicken

    little chicken New Member

    I just want to vent about health care

    I have had Tonsillitis 64 times in my life (all 22 years of it) and now they say i really need to get them out, not that they didn't say that before but i was being a pussy lol

    so now they wont pay for the surgery because they say its elective.... wdf are you serious? 64 times and you still don't think i need them out??? lol
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear that Lil' Chicken.

    Are there any alternatives?

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