He's made it up,shes not dating a white guy Plus,what kinda of brother makes a thread like this "good news,kd aubert is dating a white guy" very random dude is obviously a troll hes been banned on another forum for trolling
You sure about that? The good black women will ultimately be the ones to venture outside(educated,in shape,attractive,devoid of attitude,etc) the bad ones (ugly,overweight,ghetto,full of attitude) will be the ones excluded out of the interracial dating pool(due to stubbornness,or just other races of men not wanting them), Then what? What about the black men who dont want to date outside of their race? They will be left with a very low quality pool of black women to choose from. U'll have the best women of the black community dating out,but you wont have the best women of the white community,dating out,because we all know mundane,non celeb brothers cant get the best of white women due to obvious reasons. So no thanks,if brothers cant get the best white women,then why should we let white men get the best black women?
O M F G :smt005 LoL, is anyone else reading this shit? Wow...lunatic So, um, malikom, just curious, if you don't agree with it, how do you plan to not "let" people be with who they want to be with?
You keep saying this, but mundane, run-of-the-mill, average, men of any color are not going to attract a lot of the "best" (as if there is only one definition of what is best) women period. Look, fact of the matter is, even if you are not a famous celebrity, attracting a lot of women is very easy for men of any color, just become wealthy and powerful, simple as that, and you will have many dating options.
well if u become rich and powerful, you will be a celebrity by default unless ur like one of those lotto winners, that wins 100mil, drops off the winning ticket while wearing hoody and dark shades, and avoids the spotlight
I hear what you are saying, but there are many wealthy men out there who are not famous, and yet attract a lot of female attention.
kd aubert and jeff bowler Kd Aubert has been with producer Jeff Bowler since 2003 they are married. Here are them together: http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0ekO9975tY1Py/340x.jpg http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/801...36CAF14D5D5C8D72ED6010F4D07525A5397277B4DC33E