Multiple webpages dedicated to yourself

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Athena, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Eeeeew, I was on Facebook and clicked on "People You May Know" and saw a bunch of people I used to go to school with *shudders* That's crazy, it's a trip. I didn't have but a few friends in my class, most of my friends were in grades above me or attending the "alternative school" we had in my town, or already dropped out. It's so funny to see all those b****es now. I'm a hater. I was voted most likely to show up one day wearing a trench coat and totin' an AK. I was something else. Everyone was afraid of me. Except my friends. Ah, the old days. :cool:
    Anyway, I think I'm going to delete my Facebook, I haven't learned to navigate it and it's just boring and useless because I already have a myspace.
  2. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Athena, I have Facebook and My Space. I don't use My Space much anymore, but I use Facebook often. I like it because I can keep in touch with a lot of old friends and even some family members.

    And, Webbie, I agree with most about keeping Facebook and wwbm separate.
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Got a myspace. Hate it because of all the spam bullshit. All the groups have died, and so much other bullshit comes with it. Met up with some old friends from my old school through there though.

    Got a facebook because my cousin doesn't use myspace anymore. Just happen to get a shit load of friend requests from people from my old school who I haven't seen since 7th grade. Fuck social networking sites. Always some bullshit that comes along with it. And those damn surveys piss me the hell off.
  4. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I open the facebook because a of a lady we used to be on a same chatroom long ago the website close down but we used to talk on msn but she have a little child now and study and was too busy to be able to be on the msn the same time so facebook its good to keep in contact with her.... most people i have on facebook are people i meet online half of them meet them in person and we are good friends wish i could meet the rest but not in aus...
    I dont have anyone fom school or family members there but i dont put anyone there either more then half people on my facebook i know them for years.
  5. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I have a Myspace and a Facebook account
  6. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Are you not aware of us e-schizos out here? On this site I am a fortysomething bald black male, but on myspace I am a twentysomething asian female college student and on black planet I am a divorced, angry black woman. :D
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  8. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    I agree with you. I'm on Facebook and I think it's already intrusive even without linking to this site. The linking idea was just something I came across and I was wondering what you folks thought about it.

    I had a MySpace page as well but I deleted it.

    All the major social networking sites are unique in their own way. And so I can see why some people are signed up on multiple sites. To me, MySpace appears to be more about expressing who you are (or projecting a persona), while Facebook is great for keeping in touch with people you know. Other social networking sites are geared towards meeting new people.
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Ahahahahaha, that's what I thought.

    You all have enlightened me, thank you for your responses.

    Brother Ajax, that has been the clearest reason I've heard for the friend collecting, thanks for opening my eyes. Guess I better get on the cyber stalking and make some "friends". Or people will figure out how uncool I really am, lol.
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I'm on Myspace, Facebook and Twitter, plus two personal sites. Each have their own audiences, but Myspace is dying out quick.
  11. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

  12. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Yeah, it sure is! Because i was able to talk to many of your friends on there before i went on my trip, when we finally met they all felt like family. And ummm....i'm so glad i haven't had any Russian guys asking me about rap and hip-hop lately lol
  13. Athena

    Athena New Member

  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, my brother and sister-in-law are on my facebook. The last thing I want them reading is stuff I post here, and like you, I don't post any really explicit stuff, but still....not wanting my brother to know that kind of info about me.

  15. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Webbie - I would say do what you think will work in achieving your aims and if it doesn't, then remove it.

    Unless you drastically change the structure or format of what's existing - people will adapt with any changes.

    I have Facebook only and even that bores me most of the time. I don't understand how people can be addicted to that stuff?
  16. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Athena if you're a dying species I am Jurassic, I do not subscribe to any of these social networking sites, it's not my thing. I am a pretty private individual for one and second I personally believe some of these sites come back to bite people in the ass in some form more often than they admit.

    As I told a close friend once before, about Facebook when he kept asking me if I remembered someone from back in the day, if I knew you back then I knew you, I don't know you now and I'm not interested...

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