Whats up with Chris Brown?

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by malikom, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid that may be so.
  2. shion

    shion New Member

    "Him as the woman beater, and her as the woman who everyone thinks deserved it"

    You gotta be kiddin'..if that heffa had a better publicist..she'll be on Oprah LAST WEEK...or Dr. Phil or Barbara Walters...just like O went all out for the Rutgers Women B-Ball team when whatshisface refer to them as "nappy headed hoes"...that BS was all over the news..everybody jumping on the bandwagon including Hillary's triflin' ass.

    If Rihanna wants help she has the resources (Black Women Support Network,etc)....hell, she betta sue Chris right now ..who knows where he'll be within 5 years..on one those reality t.v. shows.

    Actually, I could care less for Chris or Rihanna...didn't buy their music and thought they were over-exposed to the death.
    Maybe they'll just dissappear for awhile.
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Attitudes in the black community are really fucked up in relation to domestic abuse and rape allegations. When Mike Tyson, Tupac Shakur, and Kobe Bryant (Lakers fan here) were accused of rape, there was a host of unsavory things said about the women making the allegations. Entertaining the possibility that these women were telling the truth was verboten, which led to a myopic perspective on the issues at play. Women are typically judged harshly in the court of public opinion when the defendant is an object of hero worship.

    Note: In relation to Kobe, I always took the view that should he be innocent or guilty, let all the facts see light and justice be served.

  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    After the chick in the Kobe case had several semen samples, as opposed to just 1, I didn't even need to worry about Kobe's fate. I was just waiting for him to get back in the game.
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    True, and I can't feel bad for her.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I can't wait until they fall off so I can stop hearing this shit. Not really hearing it, as much as seeing al these bullshit ads on myspace and every other site that has some kind of advertisement. That really how I've been updated over the past 2 weeks or so.
  7. shion

    shion New Member

    Don't forget, her attorney said she was undergoing theraphy for manic depression as well.

    That was the only time I ever pulled for Kobe(Laker Hata here)...'ol boy could've prevented that shit if he remembered he was married and kept his ding-a-ling in check.
  8. shion

    shion New Member

    I never said you could feel bad for her ..but what can you do.
    I worked in law enforcement for 10 years in the military...you wouldn't believe some of the shit couples do.

    You'll tryin' to restrain some dude from attacking his wife...that heffa would turn around and jump on you for "..gettin' in they bizness."

    when they're broke...there's nothing but fighting and bitchin'...but as soon as the 1st or the 15th rolls around....you'll see them all up each other's arms.
  9. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    Ain't that the truth. When we lived in SNCO housing on base even, there was one couple like that. We heard him beating the crap out of her one nite and called the MP's...then two weeks later she was on my doorstep screaming that we had ruined his career. He threw you through a door, but alrighty...
  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Supposedly Oprah is so saddened about all this she is going to do a show dedicated to domestic abuse. What? It took a celebrity beating for her to go "old school" and do one of her issue-oriented shows instead of shows dedicated to celebrities and interior designers who could improve your kitchens?

    Reportedly she said the show would be dedicated to all the "Rhiannas out there". What? I'm sorry but when I think of Rhianna I think of a celebrity with money, fame, fans and the public's attention. I think of a person who would have society telling her to stay safe and get away from your boyfriend; a society who will keep a close eye on her and her man. I think of a woman who has the means of being able to support herself financially and therefore become truly independent if she has to. And I think of a woman who hasn't been around her abusive mate long enough to have become truly psychologically enslaved to him and his abusive behaviour. Sorry, but that's the last type of person I think of when I'm trying to paint a picture of the typical victim of domestic abuse. What a crock. And if Britney Spears had been abused by Kevin or even Justin I don't think O would have even dedicated a show to it. I certainly don't think she would have tried to present Brit as the face of domestic abuse of women across the country and the globe.

    Now I have another reason to hate Chris Brown. Not only is he a whack job who beats up on girls, he is also creating such a swirl of sympathy in the mainstream for talentless Rhianna that he has extended her 15 minutes of fame for years to come. The industry will be throwing everything at her. She'll be getting Tina Turner treatment even before she turns 25.
  11. shion

    shion New Member

    I always gave Tina a pass cause I love the woman...would've like for her to put a great classic rock album maybe 10-15 years ago..instead of that adult soft rock.
    There hasn't been a viable rock chick in the mainstream in awhile....the Courtneys and Avrils are just pretenders.

    Sayng that, I say this, I always thought Ike Turner had a bad rap...'ol boy started R&R but what's he's known for :whipping Tina's ass.
  12. shion

    shion New Member

    "Now I have another reason to hate Chris Brown. Not only is he a whack job who beats up on girls, he is also creating such a swirl of sympathy in the mainstream for talentless Rhianna that he has extended her 15 minutes of fame for years to come. The industry will be throwing everything at her. She'll be getting Tina Turner treatment even before she turns 25. "

    I know I'll catch flack for this: its easier for a woman to play a victim than men. There are still certain society stereotypes that we adhere to: women are victims, men are calculated predators.
    A woman intentional fucks up..you can bet, there's a man somewhere in her life who was the reason for her misdeeds and she'll get off with minimal disciplinary action ....if a man fucks up...he's just an asshole....no matter if he was abused as a child,etc...he's a fuckin' asshole and he deserves to die.
  13. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    My point exactly.
  14. Lolita

    Lolita New Member

    I hear you, shion. But, the same principle applies to men over women related to sexual behavior. We are sluts and whores, and you guys are just abiding by nature. That dirty villian known as society has a sick double standard in many cases.

    I say fuck Chris Brown and Fuck Rhianna too. Lets have a glass of wine and relax! Choi' baby.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I read the affidavit posted, but you trying to say she never hit Chris ONCE :confused:?

    For no reason he starting beating on her like a $5 ho' because he felt like it?

    Naw kid, he was driving, Rihanna flipped and smacked him, IMO. That's when he lost his mind.

    Why do you think Rihanna got back with him so quick? Her ass felt guilty for lying to the police about what actually went down, that she was the one who started the whole drama:smt084

    Gotta read between the lines fam!!
  16. shion

    shion New Member

    Point well taken,'Lita....I won't argue.
  17. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Damn, he pulled a Mike Tyson on her.

    The standard-bearer for wife-beating.
  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn. Disgusting. They need to get their shit straight, or leave it alone. Put their asses on the Steve Wilkos show to talk some sense into them, but of course, half the time, they don't listen.
  20. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I didn't even know he existed until my teenaged daughter mentioned his name about 6 months ago.

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