what about the racist "friend".

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Madiba, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    The was a lot of uproar in the UK recently when Margaret Thatcher's daughter, Carol Thatcher decided to describe a mixed race player, by saying he looked like a golliwog. For those that don’t know a golliwog is a really black doll. You know darker than dark, blacker than black colour.Google it you will see what I mean! And here in the UK it has racial connotations, because of its past usage by racists to describe black people.
    Anyway, Carol Thatcher said this off-screen at the filming of the BBC programme called the "one show". One of the guests, a celebrity called Jo Brand (white lady), stormed off in disgust after confronting her about the comment. Carol Thatcher was sacked for the comment.
    Now, most of us like to think we don't tolerate racism, but if you in a flowing conversion with a friend or an associate and they utter racist words, not specifically about a black or white person, but another race, would you confront them or even walk out? I am sure this has happened to people before,; it's an uncomfortable I know..
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  2. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member


    I have encountered this before. I no longer talk to people like that, I don't want to associate with people like that. One person was a good male friend of mine, he called my then boyfriend a n**ger or something and we haven't spoke since. I can't tolerate those things. Someone who talks like that is no friend of mine.
  3. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Oh, and about Carol - she absolutely deserved to be fired and I applaud Jo Brand. Golliwog is an awful name to call someone. I actually had a stuffed toy golliwog when I was little, I didn't realise that it was meant to be a white person in "blackface" make up.
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Ive heard about the "golliwog" thing before.Its interesting,because it looks like the many toy/cartoon caricatures of blacks in the U.S,in the 19th and 20th centuries.


    ^ There seems to be alot of caricatures in the states,from the 20th century,that show black children with alligators.Out of curiosity,i researched,and found out that they use to steal black slave babies throughout the south and use them as gator bait.
  5. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member

    soooooo offensive
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I've never had a racist friend???

  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    "Aww, how cute. That gator is about to eat that baby. Aww. I wanna get one."

  8. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Sometimes I confront them, sometimes I don't. It depends on how serious they meant it, as well as the conversation.

    Also, I believe all human beings have prejudices, I certainly have, so I know I might say something that sounds racist another time, so unless it's about black people I', sorry to say I believe I would usually let it pass. If it's about blacks on the other hand, I will always confront them, since it becomes personal to me in some way.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    A teammate of mine almost got into a fight with a player from a different school, after we lost a game. Another teammate said 'no offense, but the other guy was acting like a n*****. The guy he was talking about was black, and the guy who said it was from Texas. I didn't do anything then, but I pushed him down a few games later, for opening up his mouth.

    He didn't do shit back, but the other white guys were about to jump on me.

  10. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    It shouldn't matter what group is spoken ill of, because the theoretical framework for racism/sexism/homophobia is the same.

    Racism and homophobia aren't what I struggle with, but sometimes I think about women in ways that are possibly sexist.

    I took this test and scored the following on two measurements: benevolent and hostile sexism.


    Hostile Sexism Score: 1.45
    Benevolent Sexism Score: 1.64

    Of course the true test resides in our attitudes as practiced, rather than how we answer questions.

    At times my friends say things that are homophobic and I don't treat those statements as being any different than racist sentiments. Although they have different points of origins in human history, racism, sexism, and homophobia have all become interdependent in the modern world. One cannot cease to exist without the other two, so all three have to die.

  11. tbron

    tbron New Member

    all i know is is those things scare the fuck out of me.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yea, they kind of remind me of those voodoo dolls from Tales from the Hood movie, the "KKK Comeuppance" story.
  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I love you Saty :p

    Oh, and I can't resist a quiz or survey, so viola:
    Hostile Sexism Score: 1.64
    Benevolent Sexism Score: 3.36
  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Hostile Sexism Score: 1.00
    Benevolent Sexism Score: 1.45
  15. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Yep, Sarah..she had to go really, the BBC had no choice, especially after they gave her ample time to apologise, and she refused.. She kept on saying it was a private comment, and was meant as a joke..
  16. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    During high School I use to get comments from fellow students/friends like, "I cant stand those Paki's, but black people are cool,". I didn't know how to respond to these comments, because on one hand it was clearly racist towards South Asians,while on the otherhand they were saying they didn't mind black people. I use to just keep quite; I was never brave enough to confront them, or storm off in a huff. I had to see these people everyday, so it would have made things akward.
  17. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Its a matter of perception homie. To you, the picture indicates a gator eating a baby, but to me it means the baby is ripping (tearing if you will) that gators jaws in two

    I dont think what the lady said was racist though, I mean, all she really did was compared the player to a doll. It would have been racist if she compared ALL black people in this manner, but i doubt thats the case
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    That's how I saw it too. That baby is about to be whoopin' that gator's ass.
    Do you know how much strength it would take to keep those jaws apart? The fact that the baby looks like he is (holding the jaws apart)...I don't think is an insult. :cool:
  19. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Yeah, in my younger days I was guilty of homophobia. In school anything negative was associated with gayness. Like for example, if something was rubbish, we would say things like thats just so gay..If someone was being an idiot, we would say stop being gay! I know weird, but its the way things were. Oh, and if two guys were best friends, people would start asking them if they were bumming each other! Ofcourse I've grown up now and dont think like that, but it still amuses me how my little brain use to function.
  20. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    haaahhhaaa...Same shit happened to me

    We won the championship, and as a reward the school's cafeteria provided the team with a bucket FULL of candy and other good stuff. We were all pretty big guys that LOVED to eat, so when the bucket was given to us, we didnt wanna take turns, everyone just rushed in and tried taking as much shit as possible. LOL, Then one of the guys (mixed guy), said,,,"stop acting like niggers"!!!!!...

    It was funny to me at the time, because he himself was black and the people he said this to are white (him and i were the only blacks on the team)

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