Honestly can a guy be close friends with a women?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by untitled1985, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Can a woman be close friends with a guy ?

    I think the answer to both is the same -- depends. Depends if there is absolutely NO physical attraction whatsoever, I think then its more likely the answer would be yes.

    If either party is attracted to the other in the slightest there will always be that getting in the way of having just a friendship. Also depends on the status of both, if they're both single it'd be more difficult I think to have just a friendship because there's always a chance of something happening, yet if both or one is attached it would be easier I'd imagine.

    Personally I've never been able to be just friends with any straight man that I had any amount of attraction to. There's always that elephant in the room for both parties imo.
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    All but one of my close friends are guys. They're my homies, my posse, my boys. They got my back and I got theirs, and they know better than to try and sleep with me. We get together, drink, smoke some mota, chill, play video games, and watch movies. No sexual tension, no fear of "omg am I going to end up sleeping with her/him?!?!". We talk about everything, from politics to movies to relationships, and even when drunk they still keep it cool and treat me like a sister.

    I don't get along well with girls. We tend to have good friendships for a limited time, and then it all goes south because of stupid, petty shit, mostly coming from them. So I tread softly when I try to have friendships with girls. Me and guys just get along. I'm girly, yet I'm one of the guys. I'm just the only one in heels.
  3. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I know exactly what you're saying, and I think I've been blessed that my friends, who are female, are not into all this stupid petty stuff either and can't stand other girls who are. My friends and I didn't like it back in high school and we don't like it now.

    I don't really have any male friends. My ex-husband could have become a friend if he didn't try to turn me into a post-breakup booty call which ended with me telling him DON'T. CALL. ME.:evil: But I do enjoy male company, men are just different, they have a different sense of humor, a different view on things... and I love conversing with men because it's a very enjoyable kind of conversation, there will be a joke, a touch of flirtation, something that puts a smile on our faces,:smt003 but it doesn't have to go beyond harmless fun.
  4. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    You can. I have female friends and while I may have thought about some of them in an intimate way, I can still just be friends with them.
  5. scylla

    scylla New Member

    of course! One of my closest friends are male, he is my lifesaver. And I mean, we have hit it off before, so it's not that it's zero attraction, it's just that we are friends now. He calls me to bitch about the lack of pussy in his life and his job, and I call him and bitch about the lack of life in my... no lol.
    Although he is trying to make me lesbian. It's his life project...

    I'd say my friends are half half male/female. Stuff has happened with some of them.. but well, then you get over it and get back to being friends.
  6. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

  7. scylla

    scylla New Member

  8. Juli3113

    Juli3113 New Member

    Absolutely. I met a guy when I was 13, and we have been friends for 27 years. We hung out all through high school (my parents were convinced we were dating), and we've never so much as held hands. We went to a wedding together and there was one room, with one bed left at the nearest hotel so we said, what the hell and got it. We never touched! He has had my back many times, taken my drunk ass home when other guys were trying to take advantage of me (many years ago). The friendship cools when we are in a relationship or married out of respect for our significant others, and when we are unattached, we pick right up where we left off. I've always had more male friends, they're cool, easy to hang out with and no girl drama.
  9. Jarell2006

    Jarell2006 New Member

    Wow I'm glad this came up. I recently went thru the whole "Friendzone" thing but it for reasons that wasn't my fault. From my experience It's hard to be friends with a female if you are both attractive and compliment each other very well plus both are single. Many times both parties will be attracted to each other in many ways even romantically but due to various reasons they may never act on it. So can a man and woman be friends of course it just depends on the feelings between both parties.

    I'm like this If I'm "just friends" with a Female I don't flirt because it only confuses and hurts them.;)
  10. DI

    DI New Member

    of course they can! if a guy and a woman share same interests or are in the same bussiness, or they have grown up together, why not?
  11. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    To be honest, I think that a platonic friendship between a man and a woman isn't as easy as people try to make it out.
    Of course it's possible and there are a few scenarios where there's no physical attraction at all between the guy and the girl, but that's pretty rare. One of my best friends is a guy. We do really stupid shit together, he's got he exact sense of humour as me, the exact same outlooks as me, everything. It's obvious from how we act around each other that we aren't attracted to one another.
    But can I honestly say that I've never been attracted to him? No. He's told me that he finds me attractive too, and there have been a few passing thoughts where I thought 'this could have been more' which I've never had with my good female friends.
    Would anything happen between me and him? No. He's one of my best friends boyfriends. But if we'd met in different circumstances, I don't know if we would be JUST friends.

    Still, a man and a woman CAN be just friends but it's pretty rare. I've got a lot of male friends through being a football fan and everything and they're pretty open about the fact that even though we're only friends, they'd still shag me. When there's that behind it, I don't think the friendship can be that solid.
    Like I said, only one of my best friends is a guy. I had LOADS of male friends through high school but once I lost 20lbs and discovered hair straighteners, a lot of them didn't want to be just friends anymore.
  12. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member

    i say nope

    it's in a man's nature to wanna "tuck her in at the Comfort Inn"

    can't happen
  13. Lolita

    Lolita New Member

    I agree with those of you that have said that you can be friends with the opposite sex without the sexual tension, if you have grown up with that person. I also believe that you can have a co worker of the opposite sex, that stays strictly platonic. But that does not mean that either of you have not imagined what it would be like to be naked together, bumpin' uglies. Of course, due to men's sexual nature, it is more likely that they are the ones doing the fantasizing. But if you are a sexual woman, you are definetly doing the same thing as your male counterpart. And even if you are not a very sexual woman, can you honestly say that you never once have imagined what was in your "friends" pants as they sat next to you at the coffee shop, watching a movie, or doing any of the other "platonic" type things that members of the opposite sex do when they are together?

    I absolutely think that a guy can be just "friends" with a female. But, she's gonna be the kind of friend that he wants to have sex with. Unless she's totally busted, and even then...on a lonely night...you never know what could happen.

  14. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member

    ^^that's what i'm sayin
  15. blackbear99

    blackbear99 New Member

    Its possible

    I say its possible. I have close female friends and co-workers. Eventually, one of us brought up sex-problems, fantasies, or just curiousity, andit was on an popping in once instance. we instantly had sex. In other situaltions we held the urges back for the sake of the friendship. My experience with female co workers is they may avoid you for a couple days to calm down if they see you as a possible bump buddy.
  16. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I agree with whoever said it depends on if the people are attractive or not. I can ONLY be friends with a female who is unattractive. If a female is highly attractive, there's no way, or no reason why i would attempt to befriend her, especially if i'm in a relationship. I'm of the firm belief that if both parties are straight, and both parties are attractive, there's always going to be one or the other who is interested in more than friendship, but they just don't have the guts to say it. I think in these scenarios, the females are the ones who are mostly interested in having a life-long friendship, while the guys tend to be the ones interested in having a friendship that could possibly lead to something more "down the road."
  17. DI

    DI New Member

    really? lol okay, then tell me, is Ula unattractive, or you're not a friend with her? lol
  18. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    lol....well, the question said is it possible to be "close" friends with the opposite sex. me and Ula are not close friends in the sense that you and Ula are. we are friendly acquaintances, if it makes any sense )))
  19. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    No, it's not possible. All men are living breathing hump machines, there is not a chance in hell that any man can just be close friends with a woman without making moves on her at some point.
  20. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I'd say no unless its the mate you have had since you were 10 and you see him as a brother as he see's you as a sister type of friendship.

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