Hey I have a blog dedicated to the beauty and splendor of the white woman I was wondering if it was possible to get a shoutout form this site. It's not in competition with this site at all and I'd even use my blog to direct people to this site. I don't want to post the link without permission so I don't get banned lol
http://www.whitemeat.wordpress.com we're fairly new not even 4 months old but we have over 21,000 views!
You got some PR through this thread as a small test run. If you want you can go ahead and post an announcement in the welcome area, and then link back to us so I can see what kind of traffic you'd send. Thanks
Why are most of them mostly naked? Does a white woman have to be naked or almost naked in order to be beautiful?
Jesus Christ. On February 14, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, when we show our love and appreciation for the beautiful White Women. Our lives would be empty without White Women. Their presence and loving nature is something that is very special. Even if you are a man and don’t have that special White Woman in your life, just be thankful and grateful that you can at least witness the pretty White Women that happen to cross your path and your eyes. As an example, the one below.
Me too. And that's another bullshit fetish site that reveals how diseased some people's minds are. This guy doesn't like white women, only white skin.
OK, I'll look and see what kind of traffic (people) you send this way. I've been giving a lot of thought lately to the direction of this site and I think I am going to eventually split all the adult content off and movie it to its own site.