1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I'm not married and learned my lesson aobut cheating. I am trying not to encourage her, as I did not want to be judged when I had my situtation. I just want to be there as a friend, so I told her to stop before it goes further and if she wants to stay married to try counciling to figure out what is wrong.
  2. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    LOL....was she drunk??...if no...then yes,,,,it is cheating
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    ONLY in America. I dont think African mothers divulge such "private" matters in such a manner. I think its a Christian thing. Most Africans that i know from the Congo, where im from ,are Christians, and sex is not discussed as much back there as it is oout here.

    Americans should learn from africans.....
  4. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Well she was buzzed and we had blazed up a bowl as well.
  5. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Who needs enemies with friends like you guys??

    You had to take her home before teh act occurred. Letting your own girl cheat on her HUSBAND reveals your true character, and how scandalous you also are. I cant believe you still call yourself a friend after letting her do that.

    To each his own i guess...
  6. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Hey, she said she had to go o the bathroom. I went in after a few minutes and could not find her. I walked outside and saw them kising by my car. I stopped her and told her it was time to leave and did not rat her out to the others, then when she was beating herself up over it the next day, I told her that it was an error in judgement and not to repeat it.

    Believe me her husband would have freaked and gotten violent. No way would I tell on her.
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    its only cheating if you get caught.
  8. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Yes. I believe a married woman making out with another man is cheating. So is a married man making out with another woman. Making out is cool, and if you can do it well, it may very well lead to sex. Kissing is very sensual.
  9. life5577

    life5577 New Member


    I dont kiss on the lips its too personal.............hahahahahha
  10. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    yeah i would consider that cheating
  11. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I have been asked recently if my marriage is open or closed. What struck me about the question was not so much that it was asked at all, but it came from a female who wanted to know if my marriage was "either or" because she herself have friends who are mainly in open marriages (meaning the partners are free to wander). We all know actor Will Smith and his wife are reportedly in an open marriage. The female who asked this question is very attractive and she knows she has appeal. She reasoned that people in committed relationships tend to wander for more candy because the temptations are simply too great. She also reasoned by being open and having an understanding with ones mate then there should never be a conflict in the relationship about cheating. I do not know about most of you on this site, but I do not believe in open marriages. You either commit to someone or not all. My concern is about the children in an open marriage. I see it as one more attempt at destroying traditional marriage in this country. Call me old fashion if you will, but I do not believe in open marriages. If you want more sweet candy then stay un-married. Just my opinion.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I agree with you. :)
  13. alli

    alli New Member

    Will and Jada, really? How disgusting of them.

    Yeah, no open marriage here. Flirting is fun and acceptable. Touching is a no-no. Marriage is about so much . . . more. You don't even really, truly get it until you've been in it a while. To welcome others to intrude is immature.
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I agree with you too. :)
  15. Juli3113

    Juli3113 New Member

    Open marriage? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
  16. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    For me, if you're going to get married then be committed only to that person if not just stay single.

    But if it works for the two people involved that's their prerogative. I just think the couple having an open marriage should not have any kids, other than that its two consenting adults its their choice.
  17. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    I totally agree with this!!
  18. alli

    alli New Member

    Well this is no fun. Does anyone disagree? :smt077
  19. csbean

    csbean New Member


    Open marriage could work out in theory, but that's under the assumption the interaction with outside partner(s) happens in a vacuum. This would include, but is not limited to the other person not getting pregnant, having stds, developing feelings, etc. There's no way to judge how the person you sleep with would react and that could negatively effect your marriage. I feel there are too many variables in this situation, thus allowing too many chances for something to go awry.

    If it's what works for Jada and Will, I'm happy for them.

    What the hell does this mean? Oh yeah. I forgot I am in that group that meets Tuesday nights to discuss how we want to ruin marriage for religious, straight people. First up on our agenda: writing letters to Target so they will open up two bridal accounts for a couple to receive gifts...not just a bride and groom account!

    Oh, the humanity!
  20. yaj152

    yaj152 Member

    I disagree with open marriage for me. If other people want to run their marriage like that, that is their business.

    I wouldn't want an open marriage. If I am with someone, I am with them and thats it. I couldn't trust someone who claims that they love and care for you and then turn around and go sleep with another person.

    Not to mention alot of other problems this may cause. I mean their are STD's going around. If you get one who in the hell did you get it from - your wife or husband or whom ever they are going around with.

    And what about the children. Who should be called mom and dad, the biological parents or the parents significant others? And there would be a lot of calls to the Maury show for baby daddies tests. I mean if somebody wants to split they could have a claim for no child support because their wife was sleeping around. Or the wife could say she wants to leave because her husband fathered children out side of the marriage. Which wouldn't really be "out side" since that would be an open marriage. Real strange.

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