Which place arts has in your relationship?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by dossou, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi all
    I know that there are rendez vous , parties, going to restaurant have sex -I would rather say make love, it sounds more sweet like the velvet...-, etc....
    But what nutures a relationship if not what one's within conscioussness or arts and more:culture; individual culture; respecting and taking care of Life.It demands to be creative
    I love reading, going to the museum contemplating nice painting from Vincent Van .G, Monnet ;Pablo Picasso , walking...
    My favorite current in painting is Le Surrealisme in french ;you can check
    I love what expresses freedom from within .I love my conscioussness to be freed from constrains
    Reading.I often go to the library in my neighborhood here.
    I'm currently reading Edgar Morin's Book - Terre Patrie
    Morin is the famous french sociologist.
    I attend public conferences and I exchange with attendees.
    I love nature too and I write sometimes what I see
    it's good to give back to Life
    It's good to have a dailly journal .It helps

    I can't stand offensive slangs and rubbish words.I do think words are 90 percent in a relationship pictures 9 percent and the remaining 1 percent.
    What remains for instance after love making is images , scent things from the conscioussness.

    The physical aspect is real I know I 'm a man but things in the relationship lie beyond or deeply within this shallow physical aspects of a relationship or apperances

    How do you live within I mean apart from love making and parties what nutures your relationship?

    Wait for your replies :cool:
  2. alli

    alli New Member

    I like you, Dossou. I won't even post the bunny with the pancake on its head this time. ;)

    What nurtures our relationship? Time spent doing our own thing, I suppose. Both of us are introverts and value time alone in our own heads. I like to miss my man. It makes being together much sweeter.

    Lucky for us he works all the time and I stay busy with the children and grad school, huh? lol
  3. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Sex isn't just all making love and flowers and fairies. Sometimes it's just nice to... well, you said you didn't like cursing ;)

    It's all about the mind, though. I couldn't be in a relationship with someone that's not intelligent. Whilst I don't necessarily think that going to museums and art galleries is essensial, I think it's nice to do things together that aren't just clubs and shopping and shagging.
    It's important to have similar hobbies and interests outside of sex, I think. Opposites attract, sure, but being opposite of one another doesn't keep you together.
  4. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi fromRussiawith love
    it's Geor'ge Dossou
    what do you mean when you say It's all about the mind?
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Alli, who's the guy in your sig?
  6. alli

    alli New Member

    OMG! You don't know who that is?!

    J/K That's my hubby. :)

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