White women give better Oral Love?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Obsidian71, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. tbron

    tbron New Member

    well i can't say that either race is better. however in my experience i will say that black women are more reluctant to do it. most white women i've been with dive down there like it's their last meal.
  2. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I'm not sure if that's complimenting or insulting.
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I think he meant for it to be a compliment.

    I think what he meant to say is that in his experience, WW tend to be much more enthusiastic about orally pleasuring their men compared to BW.
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

  5. tbron

    tbron New Member

    that's exactly what i meant. thanks for the back up bro and i'm sorry if i offended you fromrussiawithlove.
  6. cinque2008

    cinque2008 New Member

    i'll admit! we do have a double standard

    Black women desire to please men (THAT THEY CARE ABOUT) just as much as white women, maybe even more due to the shortage.
    I would have to say (in my experience) that black women are not so much reluctant as much as they are more selective than white women when it comes to giving brains. That could be viewed as a great thing or negative thing depending who you are, and/or what kind of man you are. Sistas (not saying all) view oral sex differently than white females.

    Giving oral means something much much more to sistas and if you exclusively date outside your race then you may or may not know what I’m talking about, but white females will give oral quickly, sometimes within minutes of meeting you and it's no big deal. They’ll go down with the quickness without being asked, not that I’m complaining of course, but in my past experiences sistas look at oral as an act of close intimacy for that special man.
    This has a lot to do with the black culture as a whole re: the attitude of men. In our race, black women who give orally freely are looked at as hoes & sluts. When a brotha finds out that a sista likes to give brains, he’ll smash but he won’t have respect for her and he’ll tell all his boyz how much of a jump off she is. The next thing you know, that sista is the slut of the neighborhood and her rep is ruined. Brothas view ww who do it as a woman who gets enjoyment from pleasing her man, but they look at sistas that’s do as a woman who is a freak hoe. Brothas y’all all know what I’m saying is true. That’s why sistas are soooooo selective about giving oral to BLACK men, but on the flip side, in the white culture if a white female gives oral freely the white cats don’t really look at her like a hoe at all, so of course you’re gonna have a woman that’s gonna go down on you much quicker b/c she doesn’t come from a culture that deems her as being bad for wanting to give pleasure.
    Now all of ya'll may have a totally different situation than me but in MY past sexual experience, this has been the case with me.
  7. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member


    You really, really don't have a clue.

    I say you'll be banned by the end of the week, you'll more than likely start spewing more offensive garbage in a bit.
  8. alli

    alli New Member


    Within minutes? Cinque, prostitutes don't count, hon.

    I don't know any white women who hand out blow jobs. Who are these women??

    I was married before my husband got his first blow job from me. Sure, I enjoy it because he does and he certainly doesn't have to ask in order to receive but I don't know any emotionally healthy woman who would give blow jobs freely to someone she didn't truly love.

    Now if you want to talk about how our technique is fabulous, go right ahead. ;) As long as that technique isn't merely frequency, that is.
  9. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :?Selective my ass.....I have found absolutely NO variation in reservation about giving oral based on race. I fell for that bullshit when I was younger too...until I ran across a few ww who wouldn't do it..."...but you're supposed to do it, all ww do it, right"<- I was an idiot, I learned then that the myth is pure BULLSHIT!!
  10. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    yes. novv, for example, I'd love to go dovvn on you, even if u didn't ask me. U knovv, I'm vvhite. :smt093

    in our race, if u suck a dick after 20 seconds u met the guy u vvin a prize.

    No, no. Again, they vvill give u a prize. "The quickest dick sucker ever".
  11. z

    z Well-Known Member

  12. cinque2008

    cinque2008 New Member

    My OWN personal dating history

    Now I'm an idiot! LOL!
    ok, I never called anybody a name! I was just voicing my opinion based on my own PERSONAL experience, but I see now if people are going to get upset and gonna try to ban me then I guess a brotha is not welcomed here. The Obsidian71 asked a question and just like every other man on this board I posted my answer, unfortunately it wasn’t a popular answer.

    I thought this was a place to talk about one's own opinion or past experience with BW & WW giving oral. Every man here gave their answer based on their OWN personal dating history but when I do it and people disagree with it then it's time to start calling me names and get all upset.
    Ok, that's fine, I'm not one to go where I'm not wanted. I won't leave any more posts on this particular thread , but just realize that every man doesn’t have the same past experience with IR and you're not gonna hear all positives, fantasies and compliments......not all of the time. That's just not reality. I never disrespected anybody here, and just because you don't agree doesn’t mean
    that it's time to start a fight, we can agree to disagree and tell each other why, or why not..like men, and women.

    When I say things it's not based on myths, I'm not talking about what someone told me, I was telling you guys about my own personal dating history, yours may be a bit different than mine but that doesn’t mean I'm gonna get mad at you for living and experiencing a different life than me, why would I tell you you're wrong for something you've been through? Why would I get mad at you b/c you experienced something that I didn't. THESE THINGS HAPPENED TO ME!

    It's called a discussion board for a reason, it's supposed to be a place where people can discuss and give their your own opinion but I'm realizing that that's really not the case. I see that this topic was meant to not say what you really feel but just give compliments and to express how one race of women perform better than the other...i guess.

    I bet if I would have said BW were bad at BJ then no one would have had a problem with that but sorry, that's just not my experience and I was just answering the man's question.

    In the near future, If someone decides to post this topic again please put up a disclaimer like this:
    I'd like you hear what you think but don't post answers based on your own situations and experience...just post answers that people want to hear.
  13. Samantha8479

    Samantha8479 New Member

    Ive heard

    As a white female. I do enjoy giving head, and Id say im pretty good at it too lol. But Ive been told A LOT that black women just do not like giving head. I think its not about race BW vs. WW on who is better. Its about the person. Because my guy friends have talked about some of their experiences with WW that were dreadful and sometimes painful
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Perhaps, then you should have chosen your words more carefully. Examples:

    Instead of, "Giving oral means something much much more to sistas", is a generalized statement, (which tend not to go over so well here), and since you are talking of your own experiences, as you claim, then you should have said, "The sistas I have been with have made me feel giving oral means much much more to sistas," see what I mean?
    Instead of, "but white females will give oral quickly, sometimes within minutes of meeting you," which is another generalized statement, and again, since you were talking about your own experiences, then you should have said, "but the white females I have been with have given oral quickly, sometimes within minutes of meeting me," see what I mean?
    When you say you are talking about your own experiences then you should write your whole "speech" that way, not just throw it in there for its own sake while you're also writing in a more generalized way in other areas. You can't just say you're talking about your own experiences and then not word it that way consistently throughout the whole of what you are writing.

    See, now you're generalizing based on race and trying to rationalize your own experiences based on what you call culture. That pisses people off too. You can't fault the women here who get pissed off and disgusted by you when they don't fit your generalizations. Saying, "in the white culture if a white female gives oral freely the white cats don't really look at her like a hoe at all, so of course you're gonna have a woman that's gonna go down on you much quicker b/c she doesn't come from a culture that deems her as being bad for wanting to give pleasure." just makes you look like an idiot to most of us. Especially with the "so of course you're gonna have a woman that's gonna go down on you much quicker" and saying that it's because of the white culture compared to the black culture. Then after that you're going to try and say that you're just talking about your own experiences and situations??? Are you serious? I won't go so far as to call you an idiot based on one or two posts. But maybe it's you who needs to be more selective with the white women you're letting give you head. Thank you.
    Myself, I've given one man oral sex, that is the man I am with now and have been with since I was fourteen and will be with for the rest of my life. My first, my one, my only, my last. I didn't even have sex/lose my virginity with him until I was twenty and it was months after that before I gave him oral, and my mouth lost its virginity too, heh. And giving him oral sex is something that means very much to me to be able to do it for him and it's also something I enjoy very much (doing it for him). I didn't make him wait that long because I take sex in any form lightly or casually, ya know, because it's something very special, meaningful, and sacred to me. It also had nothing to do with my race, culture, or religion. So, I agree to disagree with you as much as anyone can possibly disagree with someone.
  15. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    She shouldnìt have called you idiot, but I vvas offended too by vvhat you vvrote.
    It's not that u talked about YOUR EXPERIENCE. U didn't say jusy "vvhite girls I dated liked to give head more than black vvomen I met". U kept referring to "our race" etc. That's generalizing and very offending. Race doesn't exist, also. Populations exist.

    EDIT: Oh, lol, I see that Britty beated me on time :)
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :p Yes, by two minutes. :smt026
  17. alli

    alli New Member

    Ok, then maybe YOU aren't selective enough about where you put your dick.
  18. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I was not happy to read your post because somewhere out there, a woman is less likely to give oral pleasure to a man because of your comments.
  19. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :smt043 That cracked me up. :cool:
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    hope it's not ur vvife! LOL

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