She may have a biodome by shawty is still fine as hell. I'm sure many would agree on both points. :smt045
Oh yeah, no doubt about it she's fine. I just noticed now that she has a hockey rink on her head, but I'd still smash. :mrgreen: When you gotta bust, aim for her forehead. How could you miss........ooops, I went there. :smt112
1. I love how people (not anyone here, I was just reading some stuff online) jump to judge that she got the shit beat out of her because he's an ass and she's an angel. 2. Yes, it sucks that he obviously hit her in one way or another, but if there's ANYTHING in this world that I can't stand more than chicks crying rape, it's chicks crying abuse. You can't provoke a pit bull and expect it not to attack you, that's just common sense. So for women and children who actually ARE victims of ABUSE and not victims of getting into a fight that they couldn't win, shit like that pisses me off, and I hope that it's not the case with lil miss umbrella. 3. Now every time either one of them come up on my ipod, I'm going to think, "wow. they have herpes." That's lovely. WEAR CONDOMS. GET TESTED.
You mean it's not true if you read it on! DANG! This is where I was getting updated on all current events!!! Nah, I don't necessarily consider it to be true, but because I've heard it (even though it's a rumor), the thought will still cross my mind.
Well, considering it came from hater site, I have little faith in the credibility of the herpes story.
She did not give him herpes; she gave him her piece, but he wanted more, that is why he went Bananas on her.
But being the devil's advocate that i am, we can't exactly point the finger solely at Breezy. Even though it's wrong for dude to go all Ike Turner on Rihanna, she certainly must have done some shit for it to get all crazy, and it must have been a cup overflown. It can't just have happened there and then, and then he broke into Mike Tyson. There is a lot more to this shit than the media is letting on. There is no excuse for what he did, but I wonder what is going through the dude's mind right about now.
Both Chris and Rihanna are equally at fault with what has gone on. I just don't feel sorry for both of them, not with how they roll and what their attitudes are.
All I know is, he's FUCKED now. I just heard a report saying that Rihanna is allegedly cooperating with police now, and that he choked her until she lost consciousness and told her he was going to kill her. When she woke up, he was gone. Not sure what's true and what's not, but it's not looking good for him.
I can't believe you wrote this, but then again yes I can. Anyway, no one knows the circumstances and until they're revealed, you should really remain silent.
Well I must say i'm surprised, as he looks like he couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, let alone beat someone up. Did not think he was the type for this kinda thing, but i always figured that Rhianna could wind anyone up, Unfaithful has me wound up enough to slap her.
"I blew it" (his career, I mean) "I'm a damn idiot" "What was I thinking" Stuff like that. I can't stand Rhianna but it is just plain tacky and disgusting to hit a female like that. Unless its in actual self-defense its inexcusable to punch a woman.
And now Jay-Z wants him dead apparently, or some shit. Damn, why the hell am I following this celebrity bullshit?