You Are 44% Goth You definitely have some gothicness going on, but you're far from being a stereotypical goth. You enjoy certain elements of goth culture, but you're not going to be into something simply because it's goth. It's likely that you're the type of person who totally defies labels. Good for you! If you are into something, it's because you sincerely love it. Not because it projects a certain image. Quiz:
You Are 60% Goth You definitely have some gothicness going on, but you're far from being a stereotypical goth. You enjoy certain elements of goth culture, but you're not going to be into something simply because it's goth. It's likely that you're the type of person who totally defies labels. Good for you! If you are into something, it's because you sincerely love it. Not because it projects a certain image.
You Are 16% Goth Goth? No. Definitely not. You hardly even wear black clothing. And to be honest, dark, brooding goth types freak you out a little. To the extent that you have any goth interests, it's only because some goth stuff has become mainstream. There's no chance anyone's going to find you in a graveyard after dark, that's for sure! Are You Goth? lol so true about the black clothes i dont have a lot i can even count the clothers lol 2 dresses one skirt and one top but thats not because i dont like to wear black, because of my weight i used to be more thin and black colour clothes made me look thinner so i used to wear light colours... now that am better with my weight still i dont cuz i feel weird lol after so many years
You Are 0% Goth Goth? No. Definitely not. You hardly even wear black clothing. And to be honest, dark, brooding goth types freak you out a little. To the extent that you have any goth interests, it's only because some goth stuff has become mainstream. There's no chance anyone's going to find you in a graveyard after dark, that's for sure! Are You Goth? so true sometimes goth ppl scare me,lol
You Are 12% Goth Only because I've read Anne Rice and Poe, know who the real Goths were and have had Absinthe.
You Are 32% Goth Goth? No. Definitely not. You hardly even wear black clothing. And to be honest, dark, brooding goth types freak you out a little. To the extent that you have any goth interests, it's only because some goth stuff has become mainstream. There's no chance anyone's going to find you in a graveyard after dark, that's for sure!
You Are 12% Goth Goth? No. Definitely not. You hardly even wear black clothing. And to be honest, dark, brooding goth types freak you out a little. To the extent that you have any goth interests, it's only because some goth stuff has become mainstream. There's no chance anyone's going to find you in a graveyard after dark, that's for sure! Goth chicks are fuckin' hot.