Interview Thread

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by satyricon, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Alright, I think we need to break up the monotony of sex threads and other stupid shit that has passed for worthy discourse as of late. Here is an opportunity for us all to get to know each other better by asking and answering questions. That's right boys, unless you're me she'll usually want to know more about you before deciding to take her pants off. So, this will be good practice for you.

    Here is the deal for anyone who wants to sign up for it, you will be asked 10 questions by the members here. The goal is to get you to be revelatory about yourself or a particular subject. Each person can pose no more than two questions per person and the person can elect to answer or pass on your question(s). If a person chooses not to answer your question, you cannot prod them into doing so. And please people, let's be thoughtful with our questions. If you think it's a dumbass question, it probably is and you shouldn't be surprised if a person elects not to answer it.

    Good questions:

    What is your favorite childhood memory?

    What is your favorite drink

    Where do you see your country going in 20 years?

    I'll leave the rest of the good and dumb questions to your imagination, and since I (brilliantly) suggested this thread I'll also be the first to volunteer to answer any questions.

    1. satyricon
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2009
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Interesting idea, Saty.

    I'll volunteer to answer some questions....
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm confused. We're asking ten questions, or two?

    And I'll totally answer and ask questions. It's like one of those silly myspace surveys, only with substance...hopefully. Good thread, satyr!
  4. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You answer ten questions, but can ask no more than two at a time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2009
  5. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    OK, so going in order.

    1. satyricon
    2. bookworm616
    3. disposableheroine
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I think I got ya.

    Well then, two questions for you, sir!

    What is your favorite memory? Not specifically childhood, as in your suggestion, but overall in your life?

    If you had to pick one item in your home to take with you, and the rest would be incinerated, what item would you keep, and why?
  7. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I have so many, but a good one was in 2002 when I'd been out of college for almost a year and the economy was in bad shape. A friend and I were unemployed with no meaningful prospects on the horizon, and I'd also recently broken up with my girlfriend. On a lark, we took a roadtrip up to the Bay Area (his hometown) and spent several weeks hanging out with friends in San Francisco. We had no worries or concerns about anything and just let life unfold on its own terms until we were ready to seize the reins again.

    An obvious choice would be my wallet, but it might also be my laptop. I don't have anything of sentimental value at my place; my mother has all of my childhood pictures and whatnot.
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    That sounds like a blast. I wish I would have done something like that in my life.
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    1.) If you could have one thing in the world (physical item), either real or fictional, either something you've had before or something you've always wanted, what would it be and why?

    2.) Do you have one memory that, if given the chance, you would have erased from your mind? If so, what? Though, if you don't wish to share, that's fine, just use the "best memory" question I asked satyr instead. ;)
  10. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    The idea is to have every person answer 10 questions then move on, but let's keep the ball rolling with bookworm.

    3. What is your favorite food to eat with no inhibition?

    4. Who in real life or popular culture do you think is cool?
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    A money tree. :lol:

    Actually, though, thinking long and hard about this, I couldn't decide if I'd want The One Ring from LOTR (because really, if I can have anything, why pick something real???) or Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak, I think the cloak has less "dangerous" side effects. ;-) So, I'll go with the Invisibility Cloak. That way, I can come and go as I please.

    This is a very interesting question. I like it. Thought provoking. I would like to answer it, but I think this is too public to answer it truthfully. I'll send you a myspace message, if you'd like. So, I'll go with Saty's question....

    My best memory would be when my daughter was 4 days old. She had a bit of jaundice (like most newborns do) and she went to sleep and then proceeded to sleep for 6 hours straight. The pediatrician at the hospital said that you can wake a baby with a wet cloth on their face. That didn't work. I was so scared. I started crying. My husband kept trying to reassure me that she was fine. But, I wasn't hearing it.

    She finally woke up and I was so relieved that I cried again. And it was at that moment that it hit me what it meant to be a mother and how I knew that I would move the Earth to save her and protect her. That was when I felt the bond that all parents talk about with their child. :-D
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Okay, Saty, we'll tag team this:

    3. If you could meet anyone past or present, who would it be and why?

    4. If you could have any job in the world, what would you do and why?
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    3. My favorite foods to eat with no inhibitions would be BBQ Ribs. I could eat them all day.

    And bacon-wrapped dates - I love them!! :D

    4. If I come up with a better answer for this question, I'll post it tomorrow, but right now, two people come to mind: Will Smith and George Clooney. There is just something about those two that I wish I could hang around them. They just have this amazing (for lack of a better word) aura around them.
  14. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    There is a French philosopher from the 18th century named Jean-Jacques Rousseau who I find fascinating. A woefully unstable man who abandoned the five children he fathered with an illiterate woman and whose ideas immeasurably influenced modern society and politics.

    I work in legal consulting and it's a well-paying field, but more than anything I want to teach and write political theory.
  15. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Never heard of this. Is it popular in the Midwest?
  16. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    OK, bookworm.

    5. With the stimulus bill before the Senate, what are some of the things you'd like to see spent on in Illinois?

    6. What annoys you about your workplace?
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    my bad. Smoking weed makes me stupid sometimes ;)
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I think I'll sign up, though I'm not sure how to follow the directions. So, let me see. :confused:

    Saty, you were first, so don't we have to ask you 10 questions (two each) before we move to Bookworm? So, should we wait until we've had enough people sign up in order for each of us to ask you 2 questions until you've been asked ten?

    Or is it that because we don't have enough people to each ask two questions that add up to 10? So instead of the ten, are we just moving to the next person after all the participants have asked someone two questions?

    So, if I sign up, am I allowed to ask you two questions, and Bookworm two questions? Or no, because you two have already been asked your questions and moved on to who's next?

    I have no idea what I just said.

    Can we all just ask everyone participating two questions? I ask because DH tried to ask YOU two questions and you said it's time to ask Bookworm.

  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Britty, you can ask Saty questions 5 and 6. And if you want to sign up to be asked questions, then Saty can put you on the list. :D
  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'll sign up :D

    Okay, Saty:

    5. If you could retract one expression of gratitude that you made erroneously, what would you take back?

    6. If you had to name the most dangerous thing you have ever done on purpose, what would it be?

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