I found this website accidentally and most of it was very funny, I'm sure tons of generalizations, but funny never the less. This post was especially interesting because I can see where we get a few of our trolls from. Maybe you all are already familiar with it, but I thought it was interesting. shitblackpeoplelove.wordpress.com/ Hatin’ White Women Who Date Black Men Black women love hating white women who date black men. This is a reality that doesn’t bother moi as most of them that chase black men are fat and skanky anyway. However, for many black women this is quite disturbing. Black women have been known to harrass the white woman by rolling their eyes at her, looking her up and down, whispering to their friends and pointing and laughing at her, or going up to the black man and giving him a nasty note that he can’t share with his white woman. Black women tend to prefer black men to other races and feel that with the general black man shortage, white women need to stick with their own kind. Yours truly has been known to cross the color line herself a time or two and engage in a little jungle fever herself so she is quite ambivalent about this attitude. However, she understands and respects how some black women might feel. Moi likes to mind her own damned business so she could not care less, but to each her own. Hating fat skanky white women who chase after black men, black women love that shit. On A Serious Tip: For those who are into a little jungle fever themselves: BlackandWhiteSingles.com For Black Women, here’s something to really piss you off: WhiteWomenBlackMan.com
That's hilarious Tink. I've recently heard 120 things that white people like. Very funny, some rabid generalization but amusing certainly! Here's the link. http://http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/full-list-of-stuff-white-people-like/
Thanks Athena, I was wondering about looking up just such a site after reading the one I found. This one is very funny, I saved the page to read more later. :smt043
It is funny, but it seems geared towards observations about well-educated white liberals than whites in general. There are obvious things that aren't mentioned like NASCAR, Budweiser, or letting dogs kiss you in the mouth (yuck!). And yes black people LOVE being late for shit. haha
Ha! Those were both funny. Out of the white list I love #116, #113, #102, #99, #88, #79, #76, #59, #53, #47, #15, #13, #12, #6, #2. There's other things I like and wouldn't mind, but didn't love, so didn't mention them. Some #'s I mentioned, I love to different degrees, some not so much. I don't love any of that stuff. Budweiser and any beer is gross. NASCAR is retarded, and I've never let a dog "kiss" me in my mouth and never will. I don't like dogs to lick/kiss me period. So that's why my man has never been any too punctual.
The White People one, its all true all true lol My Fav 116, black music black people dont listen to anymore, 67, standing still at concerts(i am Guilty of this) 55, Apologies :smt036 52, Sarah Silverman (i like her) 20, being an exspert on your culture. Very funny Athena. The dog thing is not true of me though, as ive got older i have developed a distaste for any animal.
Man. If that's all a bunch of stuff white people like, I'm really not that white. 33 - Marijuana Yeah, that's something that's universally loved by all races. hahahaha. At least by some people of all races. 93 - Music piracy My black boyfriend loves that I love this, because I download music for him 47 - Arts Degrees ...there -are- a disproportionate amount of white people in the more artistic majors at my school. I'll give you that one!
I really must say, I can't stand the way the woman writes. Third person is annoying in general (and gives off a pompous attitude that grates my nerves), but referring to oneself as "moi" constantly is really stupid.