Open racism...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Madiba, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I'm sure a lot of people have witnessed what they deemed racist on television and in the real world. Now, I know racism can rear its ugly head in many ways..However, I am just wondering how many people here have personally experienced 'open' racism. By this I mean someone saying something derogatory about your ethnicity to your face or so you can hear it...When you do experience this, how do you react? Do you pretend you didn’t hear anything and continue with whatever you were doing to prevent drama. Or do you confront the person, and let an argument ensue. Since I have been in the UK, I have had the occasional slur...The last one I heard was when coming of the train and some kid shouted 'aint no black in the Union jack'. This slur is self-explanatory.I ignored it...and that tends to be my way of dealing with it..
  2. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Very rarely. The last time was a drunk guy at a bus stop who called me a "nigger", which got him a fist to the mouth. He staggered a little and said, "Nice punch."

    Yes, it was.

    To be honest, that kind of racism shouldn't mean much to an adult. It's when you're denied a job or home loan based upon skin color when it can effect you most negatively.
  3. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    never had a slur to my face, my ex's parents said stuff aobut me but it was in russian so I couldn't understand I'm sure it wasn't nice though.

    I would never ignore a racial slur, I wouldn't counter it physically however.
  4. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    No one has ever made a racist comment directly to me. At least not that I recall. But I have been within earshot of quite a few. If an individual makes a racist comment to me, my only reaction would be to say "your entitled to your opinion". I tend to be passive so if a comment is made within a distance I can hear, I will say nothing. In general, I'm not affected by what another individual says or thinks about me so I don't lose my temper so easily.
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i have been call a n!@@#$ lover...i was walking down the street with magic in ft. lauderdale right along the beach and a car flew by and some idot yelled out the window...we just kept walking...when we got to the restaurant we talked about it...sometimes i forget that people are racist and then some dumbass has to go and remind me
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    You should've told him; No, I'm not a nigger lover, if I was one I would've been with you.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2009
  7. malikom

    malikom Banned

    i remember when some drunk white dude called these black coaches the n word at a super bowl party a couple of years back

    needless to say,he left the party limping
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Never been called a racial slur directly to my face. If somebody did, we'd be fighting.

    I somebody is saying the shit, but not to me, I might ignore it. Might not. If they are using hella times, I'll ask them to shut the fuck up. Then of course, the offender will go on with his "why do you get to say it, but I can't" argument. Reminds me of my sociology class last week.
  9. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    ...that's what makes women like you appealing. You attempt to see life idealistically and take each person as they come, despite our reality.

    Then, like the rest of us colored-folk, you get smacked in the face with a reminder...........that makes you family.:D
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member my friend are mad made me cry but in a good way...i am idealistic in many ways...hopeful for the future:smt052
  11. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt006You always make me feel special (not in a sissyfied way though, gggrrrrr:p) Idealism is what fuels hope for the future...Idealism is why our lil'family even exists. Continue to build the future ma'.
  12. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Haven't heard anything open here. Hb says he hasn't met much open racism anywhere, except a former co-worker (long time ago, when hb was a student) who always referred to him as "Bongo"... Hb ignored it- he always does, unless it's very important not to.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I grew up in a white area..

    needless to say i'm quite numb to racial slurs


    I haven't heard anything lately tho..

    nothing but love
  14. scylla

    scylla New Member

    well, I've been called white slut from black men because I made out with a black man in a club. weeh! needless to say, I'm not going back to that club.
  15. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    N-bombs simply aren't tolerated. But I would react with a swift punch to the jaw.
  16. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    While out and about, I had a few knucklehaeds yell out while driving past me.
  17. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Maybe this is why I havn't seen it, I am rather clueless when things are more overt. I would probably only notice "open racism" unless it was otherwise pointed out to me.

    I tend to give everybody the benefit of the doubt and take them at face value.
  18. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I've had it happen to guys I've been out and about with.

    Last time some fat shit made monkey gestures and pointed and shouted at my then boyfriend. That guy got a kick in the nuts. I know it's a cheap shot but he didn't deserve a slap, that was too good for him.

    I usually just ignore it, I know they're not saying it to me but it makes me so angry.
  19. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Only time anyone called me a n lover was in Italy. To my face anyways.
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I grew up in a town where racist phrases are an every day part of people's speech. I didn't even realize until I was nearly an adult that some of the phrases my family had taught me were actually not very nice at all, and that I should eliminate them from my vocabulary.

    I put a magazine photo of Usher in my locker when I was in about 8th grade. It didn't help my popularity, to say the least.

    I grew up being told by my parents that it is wrong, sick, and gross to have a relationship/sex with anyone who isn't white...but they changed their tune at some point and started saying instead that it was only wrong if the person was black.

    In my home town now there are plenty, some family members included, who consider me tainted now that it's no secret who I date in Houston. My brother loves talking about the "N!@@3r" babies he's supposedly terrified I'm going to have some day.

    I could go on an on about those ignorant people.

    As for racial slurs towards me, I've had my fair share. I've met ignorant attitudes from both black and white people...From something as small as a friend's brother assuming I'm an ignorant redneck and making many rather unsavory jokes to me, to an old roommate who felt the need to explain to me that he wanted a cracker so badly that he added veiled threats of rape into the statements. To my boyfriend's aunt I'm a skanky white bitch. I even had a friend (stress on the had) who felt the need to impress upon me that as a black girl she had the right to steal my date right in front of me, because everyone knows that black guys from Louisiana don't ever actually want to date white girls, they just want to fuck them, and they'd rather have a relationship with a black woman. Despite the fact that all she was interested in was fucking the man anyway, and our friendship was destroyed over a guy who's number she never even got.

    Usually I just try to remove myself from the offending party, as long as the statements are directed toward me. I get more angry when the stupid shit is directed towards my boyfriend or one of my friends. My brother and I have had quite a few nearly violent arguments, however, and the rest of my family is learning that it's much smarter to keep their ignorant comments to themselves. My friends gain a little edge because we're cool, and we all make jokes about race, but a stranger doesn't have that priviledge and runs the risk of me slapping the hell out of them if they can't turn on their "polite" filter and keep their ignorant ass comments to themselves. I haven't had to slap anyone yet, though I wanted to slap the old roommate (but he was much bigger than me, I didn't want to incite him to act on his threats).

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