I recently took a personality test and it confirmed things about myself I already knew but also added some revelatory things that also seemed quite true. Anyway, and perhaps this is not easy to express, I am curious as to what sort of mentality do you think you have in relation to your personality? Of course most of us are formed by our childhood living environments. I grew in a highly gang-infested area of Los Angeles and took part in some of that lifestyle for several years before becoming an adult. I also attended a local university and earned advanced degrees from it. I find that my mentality towards life oscillates between harsh lessons of an early and quite chaotic childhood and the polish of an advanced education. I am somewhat "refined" but also carry a street vibe that causes me to express myself in a highly intellectual but also aggressive manner. This is less pronounced in real life, unless I feel that someone is trying to take advantage of me. I like the balance because there is nothing in the academic experience that can equal the mental toughness of living in the inner city, and little in the inner city that can render a mind capable of competing at an advanced intellectual level. I feel that I have the best of both worlds and possess a variety of other benefits that serve me well. My ability to reinvent myself is what forms a great deal of my mentality, whereby I feel if something doesn't work you replace it. I'll leave it here for now.
Uhm, I think this topic will be too difficult for my linguistic skills. I'll pass, but I'd like to see what other ppl say ^_^
I think you need to be more specific .... what kind of mentality in terms of what exactly ? That's a very difficult question to answer really unless there's something specific you want to know about.
Very Nice Topic! The complexity of my personality is precisely the reason why I have such a wide variety of friends. At times, one should live and let live. It may not be wise to analyse things one does not have some form of general understanding about. For that person being analysed may just put the investigator under the microscope and turn them into their own guinea pig. Let the truth be known. The logistics of understanding your own personality is something many cannot embark and look for outside resources to find the answer. I am friendly, yet snobbish. Caring but, will let you hang yourself by your own rope if you choose to. I am timid, but fearless. Nice, but not naive. I am a Corporate, but will drive a 2-year old crazy with my childish antics. Of course, there is much more however, one must always entice those whom are curious to what lies ahead. Which is the element of surprise. For the record, I am not apologetic on how one may define the comparisons listed above good or bad. That is just a small portion that defines my personality. Did you get it? Yes? No? Welcome to the world of Complex. Cheers!
Hmm. Interesting, mostly because it's a complete ego-thread. I'd say that i'm a complete and utter bitch, most of the time. But sadly, that's not true. I do kind of hate the fact that I'm a nice person. It bugs me. We are all defined from context, past or present. What we grew up in defines how good we are at adapting to new enviroments, survival skills socially so to speak. Everyone is complex, the human being is constructed around paradoxes. There is always more than one overlapping behavioral pattern, structure and reason going on at the same time. I'm not sure if I could ever do a personality test, I'm quite sure I'd mmm and aah a bit, but still would be utterly skeptic. If not even I know me properly or could define me, how could I answer a test well enough for it to define me? There is layers upon layers in a human being, and out of self preservation we can't dig too deep, but the only thing a test could show is what I already know. The revelations about myself wouldn't come untill I could understand it myself anyway. So no, I don't want a mirror on a paper of what I already know, deep inside. And I think thats also how I think about who I am. I know me, and if I can't figure me out, I'm not meant to, just yet.
I was wondering how you came to the conclusion that this is an ego thread. From my point of view, this topic is based upon of knowing who you are and, coming to terms within yourself. There are many who can tell you everything about their favourite actor/actress in reference to their likes and dislikes and so forth. Yet, cannot define there own inner self. I would say it is quite a phenomenon for one needs to ‘know thyself” in order to have a greater understanding on the type of person they are. Cheers!
I think it is an interesting thread, I saw it yesterday but wanted to think about my answer a bit rather than posting right away. I was married for a long time to a man who was very selfish and in many ways I lost who I was, and didn't really know myself. Since my divorce 3 yrs ago, and during his incarceration for the previous 3 years, I have had time to analyze and get to know me. This is what I found: I was very afraid of finding out who I was, at first I saw a lot of stuff I didn't like, so I changed it, it wasn't the real me. I am now very happy with me, I do believe our environment and up bringing can say a lot about who we are. I have been surprised to see that even my sign "Capricorn" says a lot about me. I am kind, and giving most of the time, but I know when to say "no". I am the happiest when I am loving someone else. (Yes I like to spoil others, it truly gives me pleasure.) I am responsible and a perfectionist to a fault, but I don't really know how to have fun, so I'm working on that. I enjoy quiet and alone time more than time with groups of people, and I see nothing wrong with that, I used to be criticized for being that way. I am studious, smart, and sometimes very dogmatic (another thing I'm working on). I have very little patience for incompetence, and none whatsoever for lairs. I could say a million more things but that's enough for now, lest I be called an egomaniac. The best part of me is that I am a work in progress, and I know I can be anything/anyone I put my mind to be. I can do anything I really want to do and I have the power to change me.
It's an ego-thread since it gives the perfect opportunity to just write about yourself. I didn't mean it in a bad way.
If you want to know my mentality, message me and get to know me. My own self-analysis may not be as you interpret me.
We must be related because you basically just described my personality, especially the Corporate vs. Childish antics. I cater my personality to the situation. I'm reserved enough to spend an entire day at work not talking to anyone yet I get aggressive enough to defend myself or anyone dear to me if threatened at a bar. It's a duality I kind of enjoy - almost Jekyl and Hyde-ish but controlled.
Hmm. Do you know why horoscopes seem to fit? Because we basically view ourselfes the same way, all of us. There is a bunch of high value personality words, with added extra buzz words that we fit ourselfs into. (How many didn't feel flexible, socially skilled and hard working while writing that letter that goes with the resumé?) These are words that everybody seems to over use when talking about their personality. Warm, smart... so on. Then you add a couple of slightly negative words, or non-value words, because thats more sincere. There are some words nobody would use to describe themselfes, however true it is. You just don't gain insight in the fact that you are cheap, or that you tend to steal candy from adorable babies, or that you tend to never listen properly. These parts we don't even admit to ourself. You aren't cheap, you just keep track of money, you didn't steal the candy, you aquired it. It's not that you are a crappy listener, it's everybody else talking about such boring stuff.. or even better, you pride yourself with great social skills since you can cover up that you aren't listening so well that nobody notices. The introvert becomes a quiet, thinking type. The mad becomes excentric. The boring becomes calm. The angry whiny bitch becomes opiniated. In protection of ourself and our selfesteem, there is no way of really describing who we are. We don't want to know. As long as using "normal" words to explain a personality, it's pointless, they are too stuck in high/low value. It becomes something about prestige... even if you are only describing it to yourself. I'd say that if you have a relaxed relationship with describing or discussing your personality amongst others, you either don't know yourself too "deeply", or you are slightly mad.
When a person is very unpredictable, it is looked upon as a negative trait, which is better defined as fear. Fear for those that do not know what the person might do next even though, the person is harmless by the accuser’s own description. With every great inventor, his or her thought patterns stems from unpredictability. For it takes a sense of unpredictability in order to be creative. The more creative you are, the greater the chances of walking the thin line of sane versus insanity. Those who are looking to control such an individual will have great difficulty defining such a person and in turn, ridicule them when they do not fall under the average person scenario. If one should have a low self-esteem amongst them selves and, embark such a situation, he or she will perish under the given conditions. To remedy the problem, that man or woman will try to convert them selves to deliver the persona of an average person. This of course, makes matters worse on their account for they are no longer what they are but what society wants them to be. Right! A person with a high self-esteem with a sense of unpredictability will adapt to make the person or persons around them feel more comfortable when sharing a conversation. Though one might assume this type of behaviour is bogus, it is in fact the person's personality. It is merely consolidated, in a more regulatory manner. Regulated by his or her standards. So while one may assume they know a person based upon a certain criteria, if that man or woman is very unpredictable there is a great probability you do not know them as well as you imagine. Cheers!
Yep I totally got it. You basically just described me. The best way that I can explain my personality would be via the lyrics to one of my favorite songs. It could have been written for me: So unimpressed but so in awe Such a saint but such a whore So self aware so full of shit So indecisive so adament So rock n' roll so corporate suit So damn ugly so damn cute So well trained so animal So needs your love so fuck you all That's me to a T. A walking contradiction. The song is "Come Undone" by Robbie Williams.