What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    that's a great suggestion! You should try, DH. Maybe u should write some prices on it, like "portraits X-XX dollars" or something. Hope u have more luck then me.
    I left flyers everywhere for my painted stones and jewels but nobody ever even emailed me.
    And are you doing the prints thing on deviantArt? I forgot you link so I didn't check.

    Yes... :smt088 and then there is some ppl who waste their luck... when she was young, my mum has been asked to public her poems.... and she didn't want to :smt013.
  2. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Anyways, here it what's going on with me: I've never really recuperated from my big new year's FLU (maybe some of you remember). I didn't have any voice all the last 3 days, I couldn't even pick up phone calls because nobody heard me talking lol. Yesterday I didn't feel good but this morning I went to work.... and after 3 hrs I ended up going to the doctor. I have bronchitis. My chest hurts. blah. Where is the charming prince when women most need him?

    I spent another 390 fucking euros to pay my subscription to the national association of social workers bla bla bla, so now I can officially search for a job as social worker. I payed 800 euros to be a "professional" unemployed. Hey, but I'm professional! LOL Anyways, I sent some curricula (do u call them like that in english?), so let's see if something happens.
    I read an advertising for a job as secretary... it said 22 yrs old max. That is crazy. I felt so old, and I'm 23:smt103.

    And... my ex is about to come back. The ex I left because he didn't keep in touch from his military mission... yes, that ex.
    I should be mad at him, I should hate him... I'm mad at him.... but I still hope that he calls me when he comes back and say "sorry". I'm so idiot. Why am I like that? Ppl keep telling me that he doesn't deserve me but they don't make my ideas change, really. They only make me feel more idiot. I'm stubborn, I guess. Ok... in a couple of weeks I'll jump everytime my cell rings, hoping it's him....
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Hope you get better soon. Fuck being sick. I just woke up with a hella scratchy throat. I hate it.

    Thats sucks about the age thing. I wonder why they made the age requirement so low. Damn, ain't nobody showin' love when it comes to hiring folks.

    And hopefully you and your ex can solve y'all's problems.
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Thank u bro, and I think I read something about you doing good at school? Yay! ;)
    For the throat, eat honey and lemon juice together, or try 3 drops of thyme essence in a spoonfull of sugar for a couple of days. It tastes horrible but it's a bomb! My uncle saved my throat with thyme's essence this week :D
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I haven't started school yet. I start Monday. But this is the semester where I step it up. I'm not trying to drop any classes mid-semester this time.

    I'll try the honey and lemon juice thing too. Thanks. :smt023
  6. learnin2fly08

    learnin2fly08 New Member

    So yesterday, since it's now Monday, my mom made me an appointment in Wichita Falls with a psychic...since I've been feeling kinda down on myself lately. I'm not a big believer in all that, but I figured why not? Can't do me any more harm...
    I think the only good news she gave me was that she saw me going into dental school someplace in California and that I would get accepted on the first go...and that I would meet someone new. Now for the bad news...in order to meet that person, I must get closure with the ex...I never got it. I told her I sent him an e-mail since he stopped answering my calls and she said it didn't count that I needed to hear his voice. So that's what I'm going to do later...and that's why I am awake at 4am! haha...I mean there's a lot I want to say but all he needs to do is answer the question he's been avoiding. And I feel strange calling him because of how the last conversation ended...something along the lines of me telling him I hope he enjoys his fugly ho bar skank and that I hope he doesn't get his heart broken by another bar ho again (I was very angry with him).
    After, we went to eat and we sat at the bar so I could watch my Cardinals! The bartender was really nice and we talked a bit about football...he asked if I was a true Card fan or an angry Cowboy fan... my answer: I HATE the Cowboys, haha! Not a good answer in North Texas haha...unless you've seen that King of the Hill episode..."North Texas...more like south Oklahoma!"

    And my back seriously hurts everytime I breathe...I hope it's not serious since my health insurance is all wonky right now so I can't go to the hospital until the Army quits messing around with it! ah!

    I need sleep!
  7. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Wait a minute, you just graduated from college and you're going to see a psychic? A principal reason for getting a college education is so that you can discern honesty from bullshit. The entire psychic industry (yes, an industry like auto, real estate, or pornography) is worthless.

    Secondly, you don't have to call your ex and would actually recommend achieving closure just by walking away from the situation altogether. See if you can match his level of nonchalance by letting the relationship and its memory die on the vine forever.

    FYI, the best dental schools in California are at UCLA (my alma mater), USC and UCSF.

    Good luck. :)
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Really? Funny how very few college graduates ever learn that!:confused:
  9. learnin2fly08

    learnin2fly08 New Member

    I finally slept a bit and decided not to call him...since he wanted that girl he got her...I don't think he'll ever learn, what that old saying can't turn a hoe into a housewife...? Whatever.
    And the psychic thing was my mom's idea, I was against it at first...but I took everything she said with a grain of salt, I'm not going to believe every word, just something different.
    I've looked at USC, UCLA, and UoP...although UCLA and UoP and the ones I'm leaning toward since I like the teaching style.
  10. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Cool and sorry if I came off a little abrasive, but there's no need for you to throw your self-esteem under the bus because a psychic said so.
  11. learnin2fly08

    learnin2fly08 New Member

    No you weren't being abrasive. I just figured he wouldn't give me the answer I wanted anyway...eh oh well.
  12. scylla

    scylla New Member

    You know, I could have told you that you needed closure for free. And also that you shouldn't call him. No psychic abilities needed for that;).

    closure doesnt mean that he has to be involved. You just need to get over it. Kick him out of your brain. :D
    And it is oh so very true that until you've done that, it's gonna be hard to find someone new.. It's like that for all people. Again, no psychic needed :D.

    Next time, tell your mother that you'll google "human behavioral patterns" instead. Much cheaper.
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    I burned some of the things my ex-husband gave me...valentine's and birthday cards, pictures, etc. It helped me a lot, because the fire felt symbolic of my feelings for him. It burned bright for a few minutes, but then it was gone and all that was left was ash. I don't advocate burning large things, though. Small, like notes and pictures. It's a great release.

    I also removed as many items that I had that reminded me of him, at the cost of losing a few things I really loved. But I knew if I kept seeing that damn pirate book he bought me for my birthday one year I'd think of him every time, so it needed to go.

    Writing in a journal is great, too. I did that a lot as well...I decided to try not to pour out my feelings about my ex to my friends, but instead write it all down. It got it all out, and I had more than a few crying spells while writing, but it helped greatly.

    It's hard to get over someone, but it's possible. It just takes time. You just gotta let go. Concentrate on yourself. If you have flaws that you don't like, fix them! My biggest help in getting over my ex was bettering myself. I was suddenly so wrapped up in my own life and the exciting steps I was taking to get closer to who I wanted to be that I didn't have any time to even think of my ex-husband anymore.

    ...but it also helped that I moved to Texas, and that put about 1600 miles between me and him, and his family. *L*

    Don't bother talking to him, and if you can avoid running into him, then do so. My ex-husband tried to call me a few days after I'd kicked him out, and I told him plain and simple that I did not wish to speak to him anymore. He was crying, and I was crying, and it was hard to hang up, but I knew in my heart it was the best thing to do, so I did it. Don't needlessly bring him into your life when you're trying to get him out of it. Phone calls are going to do nothing but bring those hurt feelings back to the surface.
  14. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Nah, not houses and stuff, that's a bit too big I think to be symbolic.. I think we could agree that the stuff should at the most 30 cm across (A4-paper sheet.). Thats a good size.

    I have an Idea. Write down on a paper all shit you hate about the person. Or everything that makes you upset. All things you want to get rid of. Then burn that paper.
    Besides ridding yourself of some bad feelings, burning stuff is fun:D.

    I wonder why it's almost only women who do these ritualistic stuff? Men seem to be happy with never EVER letting go of their exes.
    Yes, you know what I'm talking about, the guys who still haven't gotten over that girl that fucked their best mate ten years ago. what's up with that?
  15. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Based upon personal experience, I would say that this is untrue or at least relative to the person. There is no ritual stuff for me because it feels superfluous; if there is a mental separation, then the relationship and its vapors are gone.
  16. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Watching Jeremy Kyle on ITV2. I'm so ashamed of myself.

  17. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    You think that's bad? I'm watching Dikinson's Real Deal.
    My excuse is that I'm revising and it's just background noise...
  18. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    LOL! I love that show. I liked when he did Bargain Hunt, that show was the shit... oh and I like that other antique show Cash in the Attic... okay, NOW I'm ashamed.

    I always have excuses for watching shit afternoon television, so it's all good.
  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    You think that's bad? What y'all complaining about? I was reduced to watching the real world and made on mtv during my winter break.:smt086 Ain't nothing worse than reality tv.
  20. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I don't usually care to get into specifics about my private life on message boards. I've been around the site much more than I typically would. That's due to holiday stress, etc and the need for some distraction. I'm starting back to school now, rather overwhelmed, and I won't be around much. I'm saying this because I don't want some silly assumptions made because I'm not around.

    Some of you already have my Y IM. People are welcome to contact me there if they wish visionsinca on there. You are especially welcome to contact me on there if you are a wonderful single man ;)

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