Meghan Allen and Devin Harris

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by obama82, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :smt003You are so wrong on all counts my friend!
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  3. axum

    axum Member

    Oh, really?

    Because I've seen soooooooo many of her type on my compass who look sooooo much better than her, that the only possible reason that she is famous, that I could think of, is because of her personality and she is willing to get naked in front of the camera.

    But, whatever floats your boat.

    And that commit about only getting it on with light-skin brothas is true, as far as I could see. Those suburban, middle class, field-hockey playing, harry potter reading, Starbucks drinking, "yeaaah...whateva" type of girls seem to go for the lighter skin black male if they would go for a black man at all.

    Just telling it from what I see, that's all.
  4. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Not even sure where you're coming from concerning her looks but as far as what she does well hell yeah in that a lot of folks in the entertainment industry get play or props because of what they look like and or what they do/not do with their bodies as opposed to their talents. Especially women so that's nothing new.

    Also, just like you can only speak on what you have seen and experienced then I can only do the same with what I see or have seen. So I'm saying that just like there are bros with all types of skin tones/mixes in the US, there are bros with all types of skin tones/mixes that get play from white least that has been my experience seeing it in person or seeing it with bros that are in the sports & entertainment worlds as well. It's some much more than just being light or dark or even black for that matter when you're talking about dealing with any kind of woman. You should know about that part of the game.:smt004
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  6. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    He's just light-skinned...both of his parents are black.
  7. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member


    Noble is right. First of all there is not anything wrong with the girl's looks. Maybe if she had a fat ass that stretched from New Jersey to California some of you guys would give her more props. That being said, yes, in the entertainment industry people care more about looks than talent. Nothing new here.

    As far as the complexion issue, from my experience light skinned black guys don't dominate the IR scene when it comes to black guys stepping outside their race to date. Sure I bet many male and female whites are more attracted to lighter skinned black people because their features are more close to European than most dark skinned black folks. Nonetheless darker guys, of all races and nationalities (black, Indian, Latino, Arab, native American) seem to have an easier time hooking up with white women than darker skinned women have hooking up with white men. It helps in the case of black men that black society isn't as bombarded with the image of the light skinned black dude like it is with light skinned black women. Despite Hollywood and the media bombarding females with the idea of the white male being the ideal and only sexually desirable masculine mate, there is still something about men of darker complexions that affect women in some strange way. The expression tall, dark and handsome has been around for a reason. When you look at book covers with painted pictures of fictional white couples its common to have the guy as being tanned and the woman as being pale as snow. Of course there are exceptions but I've come away with the impression over the years that being pale (especially if red headed) is much more acceptable as a desirable trait if you are a woman. If you are a man it can often be used against you. Maybe that's preconditioning, maybe its part of the world's culture, I don't know. I wish I still had the article from a couple of years ago in which researchers determined (based on their studies) that during the early ages of mankind when women with light-colored hair and perhaps even light complexions started popping up they became the desired females of clans and communities. I'm not doing the study justice with my awful relaying of what the report concluded but from what I can recall it was almost as men were genetically wired to gravitate towards women like that. And while the study may have concluded that men of similar appearance had a similar effect on females, the report of the study seem to suggest these physical traits were only important for females. Men on the other hand were desired based upon their size and their ability to provide and protect their mates.

    Getting back to Devin Harris a couple of things should be pointed out. First of all if a dark skinned black baller like Dwayne Wade or LeBron James wanted some blonde Playboy bunny do you not think they could have them? Truth is if those guys wanted to get themselves a very hot white chick they could. But that's not what they have gone after. Maybe they just aren't interested or perhaps they are not as comfortable in the white world and as a result are not as comfortable pursuing white women. This is one thing I will say about light skinned black folks in the USA: they tend to be more comfortable in the white world. That's my take. Based on the people I know light skinned blacks are more likely, percentage speaking, to grow up in white communities and attend white schools. They are also obviously more likely to have a white parent or at least blood relatives who are white. Throughout most of the history of this nation light skinned blacks, as a group, were economically and socially in between whites and dark skinned blacks. In other words while their economic strength and social standing were less than whites, they typically were above those of darker black folks. In the white world they were never completely accepted but they were more accepted than darker black folks. This bit of complexion hierarchy doesn't exist nearly as much in today's America as i its past but traces of it still linger. And as a result you tend to have more light skinned blacks exposed to the white world.

    Years ago ESPN the magazine did a feature of Devin Harris when he was still in college at Wisconsin University. The piece was about Devin and his two best friends whom he hung out with more than anyone else. The two friends were females. And they were white. Neither of them was in a relationship with Devin but they were close enough to him to make fun of the girls he dated. Now Devin was only at Wisconsin for a couple of years before moving on to the NBA. I can't recall something about the article so I don't know if Devin met those girls while at college or if he grew up with the and attended the same state college with them. I'm guessing it may have been the latter but regardless either way it indicated that here was a guy who was extremely comfortable around white people, white women especially. So it doesn't surprise me that Devin would pursue and date white chicks. Dwayne Wade on the other hand grew up in the projects of the Southside of Chicago and wasn't likely in the company of whites as much as Devin. Also it would not surprise me if Devin has a white parent. I definitely know for sure though that none of Wade's parents are white.

    I'll leave you with a smoking youtube link of Meghan.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2009
  8. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    He's just light-skinned...both of his parents are black.
  9. malikom

    malikom Banned

    What about brothers who are in between the "light skinned" brothers and "dark skinned" brothers

    more of a medium brown :rolleyes:
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    what about us?

    we don't have any special disadvantages or opportunities.
  11. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You just have to intelligent, witty and attractive enough for any woman. Most of you are none of these things, which is why you're throwing punches in the dark. hahhaha.
  12. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    where'd that damn high horse go?

    oh there it is

  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I have a cousin who's lighter than Jason Kidd. Both his parents are black.


    late edit - watch yourself noble..

    every time you stop posting pictures and interact with the natives, you end up on the business end of a rifle

  15. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah...that can happen, especially with black folks. Traits from generations back just pop up at random like a surprise grenade attack.
  16. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Y'all medium (boo-boo brown) brothas have one of, if not the biggest star of 'em all...

  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    chocolate-mint homies got Wesley Snipes

  18. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

  19. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

  20. wldblk1

    wldblk1 New Member

    Do you think he is really going to marry this chick - NO.
    But is he going to hit that hard for a while like a good brotha should - YES
    Have fun with it Devin!


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