"Nice Things To Say About People" Thread

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kuntrygirl30, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Wow! It's getting ugly in here! I thought maybe we need a fresh, non-hating thread just to say nice things about the wonderful people who post on this forum.

    I'll start with Thickshawty...who I think is very intelligent and sweet. She has the kind of personality you want to be around.

    Keep the ball rollin' peeps. Don't let me down!
  2. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Ok I'm game....

    I'll go with you KG, my girl! Adorable, sweet, funny....and I know you would be sooooooo much fun.

    You have such a good heart.
  3. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Thanks, K! You are a great person to talk to and a very beautiful woman!

    Btw, I didn't realize SarahS had started a similar thread! I'm sorry, Sarah!!
  4. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Aww.....thanks KG!
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I think both the ladies above me are very nice. And I just love messing with KnCa, she's at that sensitive age where she thinks everything is a slight :D
  6. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Thank you, Karma. I think you are very nice, too! And I enjoy your sarcasm, as you already know. :)
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  7. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Karma - a fascinating black man.
  8. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Francie ~ Funny as hell! Definitely speaks her mind.
  9. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    DH is very talented in music and art...and she doesn't take any crap, either!
  10. KnCA

    KnCA New Member


    Webs/webbie ~ my...no - our MASTER....mysterious and lots of fun!
  11. KnCA

    KnCA New Member


    Well I could go on for days about my buds Bronze.

    I'll cut to the chase...Bronze is a true friend.
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Lipstick is very interesting...;)
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I much prefer these circle-jerk threads to the cock-fighting threads! ;)

    That was a gorgeous analogy and you know it!


    I'm just gonna list off people. I'll forget people, but I'll add them in later. Everyone will have to forgive my horrible memory; we all know I smoke-a da reefer. ;)

    Brit-brit - My twinny twin twin. This girl reminds me of myself, though moreso me a few years ago as opposed to now. At once it makes me both happy, and sad, because I was very frustrated with my life back then, and despite how happy people thought I was I felt like I was dying inside. I hope she doesn't feel the way I did, and it breaks my heart to think of how tough things are for her right now. She's so bubbly and cute in conversations...people like that shouldn't have to struggle, in my opinion. Yet it always seems like the good people who -are- struggling, and that pains me because so many good people get their light stifled out by bad shit. If we met offline I think Brit and I would get along so famously we'd probably never be apart...unless we're -too- much alike, in which case we'd probably hate each other! haha. But it'd be that good kinda "hate", the kind you have for your family sometimes where you just can't stand each other yet you love each other an awful lot.

    ChosenOne - Most nice things I could say about him have been said to him before, by me and other people, but I'll rehash. I adore Chosen, and I could only hope my strength would match his if I ever go through anything as tough as he has. He's an inspiration with his almost unending positive outlook on life, and he's an amazing person. ChosenOne knows more about me than anyone else in the world, and the people who I allow to know me that well are very, very, very special, because I don't let anyone in lightly. It's hard for me to imagine my life without him as my friend, and I hope that never happens because he's that person you want to keep in your life as long as you're able. He's also the first man I've ever met who wasn't afraid to say he's sorry when he knows he's been a douchebag, which is a trait that I admire greatly. I love Chosen, and I mean that with all my heart.

    K - She's everything I aspire to be when I get older. A strong, independent woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to do it. It's one thing to say "I want this out of my life" and another completely to actually strive for it, and she does it with grace and poise.

    ThickShawty - You're a doll, baby. Cute both in personality, and in looks, and I'm quite sure your accent when you speak English would give me little cartoon hearts floating about my head, like in those old Warner Bros. toons. I love talking to her on msn...she's just too sweet.

    francie - a woman after my own heart. A lady who isn't afraid to get down on her hands and knees and get a little dirty, and not in the perverted sense. I love fixing things, and a woman who does the same will always earn many kudos from me. She's also pretty damn opinionated, which is of course another trait I admire considering my own unwillingness to keep my opinions to myself. ;) And that bargain sense...! Amazing! If I'm ever in England francie and I will be going shopping together, oh yes we will.

    scylla - our opinions don't always coincide, though often they do. She's got that love of language and the spoken word I keep close to my own heart, and her spirit is infalliable. Darling, the experiences you've had (at least the ones I've read about on here) are more than what most people could handle, and the fact that you are still keepin' on, still living and breathing and doin' you after all that makes me swell with pride and have a little hope for the human race.

    Bookworm - cute as a damn button!!!!!!!! So positive, so intelligent, absolutely wonderful to conversate with (haha, I did that on purpose! ;) ) I love it when I see Bookworm's name on a post, because people as sweet as her are the ones who's posts I much prefer reading. You know Bookworm isn't going to be starting any silly shit around here, and in the world as a whole we need more attitudes like hers.

    SonnyShao - He's great. You wanna know how great? Well, not long after I'd met him on here, we were chatting on msn...and I needed to walk down the street to get something from the store, but it was like 3am. I was nervous about walking by myself, so he offered to talk with me on my cell as I walked, to keep me company. That was very sweet, and much appreciated. He's a damn gentleman, and that's wonderful. If we lived closer to each other I'd probably have snagged him up by now.

    IntriguedOne- We haven't actually conversed much, but I usually enjoy reading his posts. He just seems so nice, despite his sometimes...strange fetishes. ;) I just want to give him a big hug.

    Athena - don't you ever stop being you! If I met you in person I would definitely hug you...like 3 times! Your attitude is refreshing, your input is always so nice, and you definitely strike me as the type of person I'd feel honoured to call my friend.

    Brotha Ajax - Thas my homie right thurr. Boy, the adventures we'd have if you ever got us in the same state! I'm tellin' ya, you'd be my partner in crime. haha. No doubt! And so talented! His music is fantastic.

    Dex - Your girl is so fucking lucky. I'd give my right tit for a guy like you, and I hope you and your lovey stay ever so happy together, because you deserve it! I'd hate to ever see you sad, or struggling, because you deserve the stars.

    Tinkerbell - our opinions differ greatly on almost everything, but I love the fact that we can still talk to each other. Most people who disagree with me on so many things despise talking to me, yet we can do so...I'm grateful for that. It's wonderful to be able to get along well with someone who seems to be nearly my polar opposite.

    Canelle - I haven't talked to you much lately, lovely, but don't ever think I don't like you, because I do! One day I shall move to Germany, and we will be roommates and get along famously! You shall be my model, and you will inspire many great pieces of artwork that will be admired through the ages. :D

    Sarah - It's hard to dislike someone with such a great taste in music. Not to mention, being a single mother is something I hope to not deal with in my life, because I imagine it's quite difficult. But you do it, and you have my admiration for it.

    Kuntrygirl - You just seem so damn positive, it's like a breath of fresh air after a long winter. A cool spring breeze that carries a hint of warmth, refreshing, welcome, and lovely to experience.

    Sorry if I forgot you. I'm half awake and the coffee hasn't kicked in, but I tried!
  14. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Thickshawty is INCREDIBLE. :smt049
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    looks like i had better find a new crush...i get "interesting" and thickshawnty gets "incredible"

    hmmm...lipstick awaits her new crush:smt049
  16. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    haha dweebs
  17. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    OMG. I'm fainting.

    I was moved! :D Thanks

    Kuntrygirl: definitely one of my fav girls on the board, so sweet, nice, funny, and she laughs at my stupid jokes! She understands me and It's a pleasure to talk to her on messenger. We were separated at the birth ;)

    Disposable Heroine: the first I added on msn and such a loving person... unless u make her mad lol. Oh, and we share the passion for bellydance, she is such a great artist (she even made a portrait of me... awwwwww!) so... I have to love her!

    Jaisee: great friend and greatest man in Florida. He gave me good advices about my love affairs and I thank him for this... even we both know that I'll mistake once more.

    Toronto: sweet and most romantic guy ever. Smoking hot. Love your idiot videos. U gotta pay me for all the suggestions and the google research for u though lol. Oh, the first student of my "how to please a woman" classes. Hilarious, lol.

    Shion: playa but in a nice way :p. Thanks for emailing me and asking my opinion.

    Karmacoma: simply great, love talking to you in chat.

    Newpowermoves: thanks for the Pee advices :p. Always a pleasure to talk to you in chat.

    Fromdc_withlove: Funny, loving, great. We have too much fun talking. My manager with love! (he knows what it means lol)

    Mosk: always so smart and sweet.

    BrothaAjax: u make me smile.

    Sarah: I enjoy reading your posts.

    Tinkerbell: we disagree on most things, but I still respect you for your nice way to say things.

    Scylla: I like your posts, even though I don't think that children have no skills lol.

    Athena: always so positive and encouraging, I love your attitude, you are funny and friendly.

    KnCA: my internet mum :D

    Soulthinker: u r interested in Italy and that's nice. Too bad we couldn't meet.

    If I forgot about somebody... sorry. Tonight ppl on messenger don't want to leave me alone, lol :)
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2009
  18. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member


    I mean what can I say about her? She is an honest open minded individual who is intelligent as well as artistic. She is a rogue, an eclectic genius of visual arts and song. She is good looking as well. She is a true prize for any man who is lucky to date her.

    I'll add more peeps later....
  19. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Talk about a two way street.

    Whenever I think about flying back out to the Bay Area and cruising Coastal Highway in a convertible with a little Grateful Dead on the radio...just having fun and a great time, I quickly think of you in the passenger seat, KNCA.

    And guys: She has the sexiest voice and laugh.

    You are a very cool friend, K.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2009
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I like and respect everybody on the site, but the coolest members in my opinion are DH, SarahS, Britty, Thick Shawty, and Dex. They some hella cool folks mayne. :D

    Wish there were more people in the world like the 5 I just listed.

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