Let's talk DRAMA!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by KnCA, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    This conversation has come up in chat and off site rather frequently...especially when talking in terms of dating/exes/online profiles. It seems to be the common phrase out there - "I don't do drama" Often times those who have that comment in their profile or are saying it out in the world seem to be the most dramatic people around.

    So what's drama to you really?
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Drama to me is overreacting to shit, basically. Dragging shit out more than it has to be.
  3. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Ok, I admit it, i AM drama. I am the drama queen of drama queens. I can't leave anything unpicked and I remember ev-er-y-thi-ng people say to me, and off course, bring it up when it suits my needs. Oh yes, the worst type. On the other hand, what I usually think of as drama is these ultra control freaks that not only wants to know every move of their supposed partners, but also keeps cheating on the mentioned. Being the borderline people-magnet that I am, I know a lot of girls that will go out of their way to manipulate you into making a complete fool of yourself, just so they can get a chance to scream at you. I don't do that at least.. *phew, always something*

    I do agree that the worst drama royalties are the ones saying they don't do drama, there is a reason for them saying so, and quite often I think their complete inability to see their own part in the drama plays a big role.
    Because come on, if you didn't do drama.. You wouldn't have it in your life. Drama does very seldom accidentically happen (ok, short dramas does, but not the rest), it takes two to tango.
  4. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    Brotha Ajax;"Drama to me is overreacting to shit, basically. Dragging shit out more than it has to be."[/QUOTE][/SIZE]

    i totally agree with this:cool:
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    To me, drama is bad shit happening, whether because someone starts it, or because outside influences cause it.

    For instance, "baby momma drama"...that'd be someone creating the drama.

    A hurricane, however, is not a man-made occurrence, yet it brings much drama with it.

    I don't create drama in my life, and I try not to deal with people who try to. Too much bad shit happens that's beyond my control, I don't need any extra. I regret that I have allowed drama to be in my life before, as in the case with my ex-husband, but usually I'm halfway decent at identifying a problem before it becomes major, and removing it. It's one reason why I don't have many female friends. There are plenty of good women out there, but I've had the misfortune of being friends with a lot of drama causing wenches. The moment drama begins, they're written out of my life. I like my boys. They don't generally cause drama, keep it nice and simple. The way I like it.

    Not all drama is caused by things within one's control, though. 99 percent of the drama I've experienced has been because of things I couldn't change about my life (my parents, my dad's abuse of everything in his path, from drugs to his family, my grandparents, lack of income to my parents while I was growing up, etc. All caused drama, and being a child I had no way to avoid it).

    I don't start trouble, which, to me, is what a drama queen does. Overreacts and starts trouble with other people, as in the case of a crazy baby momma. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself if someone tries to bring drama to me, however. It's life. It's full of drama, both bad and good, and sometimes all you can do is roll with it and react however you deem necessary.

    dra·ma (drä[​IMG]m[​IMG], dr[​IMG]m[​IMG][​IMG])n.1. a. A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action.
    b. A serious narrative work or program for television, radio, or the cinema.

    2. Theatrical plays of a particular kind or period: Elizabethan drama.
    3. The art or practice of writing or producing dramatic works.
    4. A situation or succession of events in real life having the dramatic progression or emotional effect characteristic of a play: the drama of the prisoner's escape and recapture.
    5. The quality or condition of being dramatic: a summit meeting full of drama.
  6. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    You describe yourself brilliantly!
    At least that's one thing you can do right.
  7. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    LOL, I love that you just own right up to this. Good for you.
  8. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I don't consider things that happen in life Drama. I think drama is more about how people handle circumstances in life.
  9. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    From the limited knowledge I have, it is true the ones who talk about not wanting drama attract it. Also, the ones who talk about not wanting lairs usually have a problem with the truth their own selves. The ones who talk about how "real" they are, arent exactly grounded in reality. :smt069

    People pretty much them on them selves most times. LOL
  10. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    Thank You I am sorry you feel that way but have a wonderful day:D
  11. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Life is a drama.
  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    OMG HOW TRUE. Not talking about profiles, but real people. Those who trumpet that they "don't need no drama," attract it into their lives 24/7. Truly drama-free people don't even mention drama or think in terms of drama at all. They just deal with life.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Co-sign, girlie!! :smt023
  14. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Damn, K. You're like a shrink. (Even the leggy pic looks professional). There was a little drama in this thread, a real life......


    But, things seem to have settled down nicely. They seem to have gotten it out of their systems; which I'm sure was the purpose of your thread.

    How much do you charge?! - This is brilliant!!!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  15. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Ah my dear friend....I wish I could take credit for being as crafty as you might think. It truly was a coincidence that played out in the same time frame..actually much of which has disappeared too. ;)

    Charge? well that would be priceless of course!

    Um....it IS a professional shot....given that I did take it even if it's timed :)
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    K, what I understand when I hear that, is that they are looking for a person who doesn't have issues constantly arising out of their past. As in the "X-factor" as I call it.

    Women who have to constantly deal with an ex that doesn't pay child support, or causes problems with the kids. :smt073

    Or someone who still has not settled their past relationship issues, and are extra sensitive about things that the current man/woman has no clue about.

    For example: an ex boyfriend who is married, but is still a friend with "benefits." Or a man who can't say "no" to an old fling, as if she controls him, and throws herself at him.

    Just my thoughts.:p
  17. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Nah, i still define drama as the tango of unpleasentness.
    I mean, if you have a partner who is cheatin on you and robbing banks and calling you whore. Dump him, move and get on with your life.
    It's not that hard. But some people would stick around and keep screaming at his face "I don't do drama!", well, hun, you are now.

    And let's face it, they don't stick around because they think they can change him.

    I mean, I don't like men with a complicated story, but if I meet one who has, I just get out of there. No drama. Works fine.
    Although I'm still sticking to that I can be drama, myself, workin on it though. Just hoping the positive side ways that up. ^__^
  18. learnin2fly08

    learnin2fly08 New Member

    i always thought of drama as something (situation or person) that causes a lot of grief and problems. i used to have a friend that couldn't live without it...whenever things were good and calm she'd go out and start something with someone and drag my stupid butt into it...i made a lot of enemies through her, damaged me socially! but i learned to cut that crap out...i mean we all have our own dramas to deal with, even though we try to live "drama" free, which i don't think is possible!
  19. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well what do i define as Drama?
    Drama to me is not cheating and other horrid stuff thats more than Drama, its nasty stuff.

    I dont mind a bit of drama, ie the normal kind, i can cope with a tantrum thrower and so on, someone a bit quirky.

    I would not class myself as drama, im pretty clear cut when it comes to relationships, i try not to drag previous stuff into any current situation, even though my ex can be dramatic to shake things up, but i tend not to even mention his antics in current relationships as i ignore him mostly :D:D
  20. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I would agree with this too. It's different than there is a lot of shit that simply happens in life and they deal with it dramatically. It's more that they go out of their way to create it and keep it going. Those who can't seem to have things be calm...I consider that crisis addicted. It's often those who came from pretty volatile households growing up. My mother was that way and I used to be really afraid I was that way because there were so many bad things that seemed to happen in my life. Then I realized it was about how I dealt with things and if I was going around looking for trouble.

    I think some people have a need for a certain level of adrenaline or something and they had a screwy way of getting that. If they don't know themselves well and gather other tools and ways of doing things it can be a real mess.

    ok that's my arm chair psychology!

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