On this board there's an on-going debate a lot of times concerning white female celebs only claiming to deal with bros on the low and/or only sexually so I got to give it up to Khloe K for not being 'shame to say that she's involved with Rashad McCants. Granted she's not the biggest of stars but at least she's being upfront about it when the time was right for the both of them. http://hater site.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/khloe-and-mccants.jpg?w=420&h=340:arrow: As I’m sure most of you have seen, it’s being reported all over the place that I have a boyfriend. Well I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that it’s true… I do “officially” have a boyfriend. His name is Rashad McCants and he plays for the Minnesota Timberwolves, hence my little FREEZING visit there with Malika a few weeks ago, not to mention my other random visits there! Rashad and I have been dating since July, but it only got serious within the past few months. I don’t want you guys to think I was trying to hide this from you- it was all just so new and exciting and I wasn’t sure where the relationship was going to go. In the very beginning of it all, I felt it was the right thing to do to keep it to myself because I didn’t want to force whatever this was, or make it into something bigger if it wasn’t. I hope you all understand why it took me so long to “announce” that I have a boyfriend. Try to remember that just as you are reading about my life, I am living it and still trying to figure so much out. I love that you are all interested and that is why I have a blog, so I can share my life with my fans. I can’t wait to read all of your comments and I love when you guys reply to each other’s comments!
That's good stuff, noble. Khloe's pretty and Rashad's a handsome dude and a good ball player. I hope they work out
I think Kourtney does but I don't know if she's dating black right now because somebody posted that she used to date one of Michael Jackson's nephews back in the day.
I wish them the best, but I don't see that union lasting long term. Rashard is a very young dude in the NBA, and Khloe is vibing for a husband!! I get the feeling he digs being a mini-celebrity dating a female named Kardashian, but time will tell!! SHe does have the biggest azz of all the Kardashian sisters, so maybe Khloe has an outside chance!!
co-sign..This is what I feel about Kim K. and Reggie..she's older than him and divorced...I can see her manupilating that fool to get what she wants until his playin' days are gone.
Yeah I give BIG PROPS to khloe to voicing that she prefers to date black guys on "TYRA" and following through. It is obvious kim k. is still in denial probably because of the fear of critiscm, I don't think she is as tough as khloe....But like I said on here about 2 years ago(I'll put in short terms.) People seem to get Hate & Attraction confused when someone says they have personal preference. They think you are racist. Hate is an feeling with in the mind, Attraction is an feeling within your hormones. The mind changes, hormones do not. If you just are finding out you are attracted to something thats you letting your mind get in the way to just be politically correct.
Forget about giving khloe props(who isnt even that popular) Kim kardashian deserves all the props. Shes more popular and into the "spotlight",and still isnt afraid to get down with the brothers..............
lol those relationships seem like they're from a whole different world than ours. Only time will tell
Yeah I kinda' thought so Cas because I've seen her in pics with some Latin looking dude here recently. :smt102 Tru' dat Dex.:smt042
so now what, We need to give her a medal for dating a brotha in public? Ooooooooooooooh,she is so brave..c'mon folks, this is going overboard. She wants to date brothas...okay,move on but don't put the heffa on a pedestal for a letting a nigga eat her cole slaw.