Oldest and youngest age you would date?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by untitled1985, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    youngest = 22
    oldest = 38
  2. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Youngest 32-Oldest 42. I am 42. My man is 37 and he is perfect for me.
  3. Poetic1

    Poetic1 New Member

    Which brings me to this point: "Anything wrong?" That is a relative and convenient P.O.V. isn't it? Let's say that you are the "unsuspecting/unaware" party in this threesome. You have allegedly put your trust in your man and have no idea that he is out dipping his wicket elsewhere...once you found out that this is not the case, what is your reaction...psychologically, emotionally, contractually, and from the practical. Surely, you wouldn't find anything right about it beyond kickin' his ass to the curb?

    I know you may see this collective reaction as others, possibly, ganging up but it isn't. It is the natural reaction to the possibility of being deceived by their significant other. Having said that, you should not expect any other reaction if you participate, knowingly, in a relationship/tryst/affair (or whatever other one-word description you choose to use) with someone who is attached.
  4. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Age Limits

    Well Well ......

    I am 30.5.........

    The oldest I would go is 36
    The youngest would be 24

    I dont usually get down with da young ones....but they really can lay some serious pipe for long hours and I like to get my shit tore up from da floor up....so cheers to them

    As older men also spark my interest, they are usually set in their ways and know what they want and I enjoy that. They can fuck good also.....more of multiple times than long hours....

    I really have to admit I like my dark or mixed men......either way...as long as they good people....:smt031
  5. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Good to know, good to know! :D My ex was young (in his twenties) and... it was nothing to write home about, in either amount of rounds or stamina departments.
  6. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    lmao....how are you mamie......how was yo new years
  7. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I'm good girl, been hanging around here... my New Year's was great, I went to a cruise party on the Hudson River. You?
  8. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    I went to a house party with a mixed brotha...he was very nice to me. I met his sister and a few friends....it was nice I got a little fucked up but only to the point of bed spins lmao....

    It was great though......I have been tryin to hit cardio hard this year and test for sheriff so i be hittin da clubs once a weekend for some hard core cardio dancing....its funny cuz I dont go to find anyone but I love to dance and its a good workout....

    there be some serious lames out on da dance floor....lmao....but oh well.

    i miss you guys.....yo trip on the hudson sounds pretty nice.....never been on a cruise but by golly gonna do it this year....
  9. Poetic1

    Poetic1 New Member

    In observation, actually, for the sake of this argument and the human race at large...YES! Morality is very much relative. Do not misconstrue my statement. I am not saying that what has been stated here as hypothetical is moral but morality in the strictest sense is about the judgment of right conduct. Consequently, it is about what is right for the individual, as the initiate, and society as the adjudicator. To use the old agae "one man's ceiling is another man's floor." "If a thief doesn't see he's wrong, then he's not to blame?" In his own mind, no he is not (as far as the idea of stealing goes) - anymore than one who is involved in an extra-marital affair. In both cases, through different methods of justification, there is no wrong conduct - for themselves...which is not the case for society-at-large. Conversely, what one may see as immoral behavior another may see as normal. In either case, the code of conduct is set by many variables and all are open to interpretation. But, in the end, despite the individual's interpretation, depending upon the societal norms, the behavior in relation to the "rules of conduct" will be judged accordingly. This is the relativity.

  10. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    That's too bad francie! I guess I wouldn't make the cut. :(
  11. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Don't worry thats just a Buffer zone, things can be stretched for real hotties. ;);)
  12. Poetic1

    Poetic1 New Member

    I have dated as young as twenty years my junior (twice) and I have dated someone who was five years my senior.

    My preference: women in their forties to early fifties...it's been (at my present age) my comfort zone
  13. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    Because I was beginning to think that trip I was planning to the U.K. this summer would be all for naught. ;)
  14. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    I never saw it as others "ganging up". I was stating my POV and others were stating theirs.

    The only thing that pissed me off is those that are not tmemselves pure morally, judging me and what kind of person I am just because our views / beliefs may differ. That and those that insist on spewing their bible and religion crap. Everyone has their own beliefs and I'm not forcing mine on anyone just as others shouldn't force theirs on me. If someone doesn't agree or has a problem with my POV, keep on moving and ignore it. I don't start telling people what they "should" be doing or what they're doing is "wrong" when I come across something that may get my knickers in a twist. Some people, and this is not directed at you, need to get off their soap box and check their holier than thou attitude at the door imo.
  15. fromdc_withlove

    fromdc_withlove New Member

    Don't know if I should find this interesting or scary.......as a guy.......'cuz I appear to be going the opposite path over time (could I be a freak of nature? :smt017).

    I think I was able to go for more (albeit shorter) rounds as a youngsta. Now I'd probably go for slightly fewer (but much longer) rounds.

    Then again, probably just as well, 'cuz my new staying power per round makes it easier to ensure the woman also "gets hers" (unless she's faking and I just don't know it......y'all know how that can go, lol). Furthermore, some of those minute-man stints from my younger days (especially the teenage years) were kinda embarassing anyway....:smt080
  16. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Personally, I'd rather have fewer longer rounds than more shorter rounds. We may just get along well fromdc withlove :smt045 :smt077
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    18 youngest, 28 oldest.
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    36 youngest......50 oldest...i tend to attract younger or that could just be my selelctive hearing turned on...age is a state of mind...
  19. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Thank you Poetic, you said this very nicely.
    Again, very well said, and thus any woman who knowingly sleeps with a married man, is likely to be blamed and hated for doing so, by the wife, be it "right or wrong" it is the case.
    No one said they were "pure morally" in this argument, it was hypothetical, and I was advocating for the unknowing wife in such a case, and stating primarily that she would likely blame the other woman. No one is "forcing" anything on you in any way. If you do not like my comments you are free to move on, I will refer you here to another thread where we discussed this very thing and I was encouraged to bring my view point out as there may be many who agree with me.

  20. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Did I name you Tinkerbell ? No. I wasn't talking about you. There were others that put their 2 cents worth who really should have stayed out of it. I just didn't stoop to their level. I could have very easily played dirty but I didn't.

    As I said to one poster then, who I won't name again, they know who they are and they should have kept their mouths well shut before passing judgement on others ... people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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