What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Haven't done anything for Christmas yet. Woke up about an hour ago. Still chillin' in my room. Talked to my cousin. It's his birthday. Gonna go to my mom's friend's house later on today. Don't want to but I have to. I just wanna chill and watch the Lakers vs. Celtics game with my dad, maybe play some videogames. It's gonna suck today, especially if I get bitched at for not eating the Christmas dinner. I don't like "holiday food", so I never bother to eat it. Just want this day to be over so I my cousin and aunt can fly down and visit me in a few days, if the flights don't get fucked up.
  2. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    It's 11 pm and I just got back from Christmas LUNCH! lol. Actually it was lunch, after lunch, dinner, after dinner.... but without any interruption! Italians r like that, ya know... :partyman:. Obviously we ate like pigs and now I can't move from my chair... and tomorrow.... sleeeeep!!!! :D:D:D. Oh, little note: I didn't think ab out my ex at all... but if i make this thought that measn I'm thinking about him now :smt099 oh, well, fuck him, I'm full with lasagne and that will keep me happy for some hours, lol
    Hope your Christmas is going well!
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I made Pozole, and my son made Tamales, and we're piggin' out, it's food, but we aren't really having a sit down, more like, whenever anyone wants they can stop by and have some, the boys are bringing their friends over.
  4. fromdc_withlove

    fromdc_withlove New Member

    Not to go off topic, but yes.......I know (LOL)!

    My best friend in high school was from Italia, and I remember the first time I had lunch at his house. I had a whole slew of pasta with delicious sauce, and when I was finally full and couldn't take any more, they turned to me and asked........"so, are you ready for the main course now?"
  5. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    And that's the way Christmas should be!!
  6. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    ahahah that's exactly what all my american friends tell me! Like they eat a lot of the first thing and then they find out that there r other 3 things more to eat after that. they come and say "WDF, I went to lunch at my landlord's, I ate 3 plates of pasta and then i found out that there was chicken and potatoes and vegetables and cheese and ham and pie too! ahaha it's so funny. we don't eat like that every day though, only when we have ppl coming over etc :). no surprise that italians r the fattest european ppl.
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    The trip was horrible! Oh man, I was really scared on the plane. *L* I hate flying! Well, actually, the flying part is fine. I hate turbulence. It scares the crap outta me!

    It's so surreal. I've seriously never had a good Christmas before. It's always been ruined by stupid drama. But this one has been extra nice. I'm glad, too! :D :D It feels like a movie or something! *L*

    Thanks! It's going great so far. The restof the time I'm here...well, we'll see, but for now it's wonderful!

    Oh man. It took 2 failed attempts at flying out of Houston, not sleeping at all on Monday and most of Tuesday, and then getting up super early yesterday to get the hell out of Houston (finally!!!!) and get part of the journey over with. I never expected it to take so much work to get here, but in the end it paid off...and I've got a great story to tell now, too.

    I'm actually going to be making a little video for my mom. I've got pictures of video from the time I started trying to leave on Monday all the way up til last night, so I'm going to write a little poem (a la Night Before Christmas) and make a slideshow/video and put it on a dvd as a late Christmas present for mom. To show her how hard everyone worked to get me here for her! *L*
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Hopefully they makeit. apparently it's really hard to fly this time of year,thanks to weather and such. It's quite annoying!

    Grab a plate of food, nibble at it, then sneak into thebathroom and throw it away. :D so it looks like you ate it!!!
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    DH, I think that will be an awesome present for her. :p:smt023

    I was able to give a special present today that I had not planned. My guy who's in Iraq, has to communicate primarily via email with his mother (of 63), and he's an only child, not much extended family, and she has never done email till he left earlier this year, so she really doesn't have much help with the email thing.

    Well he had sent me a picture, and his mom and I talk and she said he had not sent her any, so I asked him about it, well, turns out he had, and she didn't know how to view them on the computer, so today I was able to talk her through opening and viewing 3 new photos she had never seen of her son, while he is in Iraq. She literally squealed each time she saw a new one. I had to do it all on the phone and it took quite a while cuz she kept doing things wrong, but we got through it, and it was well worth it to me. I felt like that was the best gift I had given anyone this year.
  10. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    got nothing for christmas shrugs
  11. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Wonderful story DH. I'm glad you have a good time seeing your family :D. Your nephew is such a cute little dude
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I think she'll like it, but nothing can top me sneaking home for christmas without her knowing! haha.

    That's awesome. See, those are the presents that mean the most. I doubt you would've made her that happy if you'd have spent a grand on a present for her. :D Too many people forget that it's the little things we end up valuing the most, not the things with the biggest price tag.
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    My nephew is the cutest baby in the world. I'm biased, but it's true! In my opinion, of course :D He'll remain the cutest kid inthe world until I have some of my own. :D :D :D

    He likes to dance. It's so freaking cute. His favorite christmas present is this little magnetic toy my mom got him. You put pieces of a vehicle (car, train, plane, etc) together on it and push them and it plays silly little kid songs, like "She'll be coming round the mountain" and so on...and he starts bouncing his head and shaking his little butt every time! So apparently he already has my love of music.
  14. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Of course sweetheart :D

    Well that's great. I wanna see what the little guy can do inside a Slayer pit now lol. I wanna see him go at it to some old-school trash metal :p
  15. scylla

    scylla New Member

    So christmas is over, and was all good and great. Really nice to see my brother, and wonderful to hang out with my family. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to discuss things with my family.. they are all so smart and super-educated (both parents are head of whatsitcalled ...institutions..? on university, dad at information and computer science and mom at teaching, and brother is a trauma anaesthesitist just starting to do research in epidemiology), I'm completely lost there.. I mean, what could I do in comparision to them, design a more effective conversation pattern and then make an application with a soundsensor that registers the usage of it? Not much adding to the convo there..

    ..Ok, I could do that, but still, I'm not the one with the bright mind in my family.
    It's very inspiring to have such people around.
    It's a constant banter, feels good to know I'm not the only one around with that sense of humour. (thank god, three more of it!)

    Then yesterday, I went out, got drunk and tried to make an ass of myself, but epic failed and had fun instead. Except that one of my friends called and screamed "I'M COMING OUT AS BISEXUAL! I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!!".. oookey..
    Ok, she is awsome and hot and all, but. .. no. And it feels damn wrong to be the one leading her over to the darkside, I'll break her heart and ruin her forever. Damn it.
    So now I need to call her quite soon and tell her that it's not happening.

    I'm a bit flattered for it though. ^__^

    Ah yeah, and another male friend also explained his love to me at the club. Dunno what to do about that.
    What the FUCK is wrong with ppl! I'm an emotional paria, don't fall in love with me!
  16. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    damn scylla! everybody is falling in love with u! :)
  17. scylla

    scylla New Member

    seems like it right now.. might just be high holiday spirits combined with alcohol though.
  18. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I think you have this problem whatever time of the year Scylla you need to stop being so damn hot, by the way i love your new avatar, all scandanavian blondness beautiful.

    Well whats going on with me! well, the guy i had a date with sun stopped in today for a couple of hours, brought me a bottle of wine for christmas which im drinking now, hes taking me out 2 morrow night so im looking forward to that, oh and i went to Debehnems sale today and got myself a fab handbag, so an excellent boxing day for me :D
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I'm going to check the sales 2moro... Sarah needs some bargains!
    What's the bag like?
    Have fun on your date :D.
  20. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    A black patent one, Star Julian Mcdonald, uhmmmmm love bags, so many i wanted but i dont wanna get outa control lol

    Wanted to get some perfume but there were a ton of chinese tourists all over the place i literally could not get within 10ft of the perfume counters, might go to the Debs in Canterbury 2 morrow that one is bigger (francie is rubbing her hands together in delight)
    Have fun shopping, be brutal with other shoppers its dog eat dog out there in sale land :smt106

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