What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Brother Ajax- Listen to Tinkerbell's advice. If you need help try to get assistance from the local social workers or community leaders. Don't sit around and hope for a change. You can move out and attend college, work, etc..

    If you don't shape your world, someone else will!
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Damn she is your Mother! and you only get one:smt085 quit badmouthing her, we all make mistakes, how do you think she would feel if she knew you thought these things about her (or does she already)

    Sometimes its hard to accept that our parents have failings, unfortunately they do, they are the same as us, maybe later when you have your own life exsperiences and disapointments you will maybe feel the same.

    Its Christmas, get over the disapointment of not being somewhere else (cus believe me it will show) try to be an allie to your mum instead of another battle she will lose :smt111
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    True, it would be all bad to let someone else to shape and control my shit. I know the change is coming, just not fast enough. It's just a matter of waiting. And it's so close because I've been waiting for a long time, but it's still pretty far away.
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, she knows I don't like her and find her annoying. I've told her that like 8 times since I was in like 10th grade. Actually, a big reason I don't like her is that she talks shit on my dad. She talks down on him like he's stupid just because he didn't go to state university. He went to community college for a minute, but my mom still decides to talk shit on him. Ain't like she can talk though. She failed outta college. She thinks just because she makes more money than him, and he isn't hella hella book smart, he's dumb or some shit. She talks shit on him being from a small country town in Alabama. "Oh, country ass town, country ass folk, ain't nothin' going on there, he is so ignorant, stupid, dumb, uneducated". Yes, she's said that. She is loud on the phone and I can her it in my room with my door closed. Then she gets mad when my dad says that his friend in Alabama owns several properties and a couple nice cars and a hella good job, making good money. But since my mom thinks country folk can't be successful, especially in the south, especially in a small town, they can't have more success than my mom. She says shit like "Oh, I don't believe that". She gets mad and shitty when my dad is on the phone with his friend from Alabama who he's known since like 3rd grade. Then my mom asks who it is, like it's her business. It's been years since I've been a "allie" of my mom though. It would be hard to change that. I just try not to upset my dad, so I just keep my mouth shut whenever my mom complains. Me and my dad actually laugh at her half the time.
  5. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    You're correct, Serendipity. That's what it's about

    Merry Christmas to you Ajax :smt111
  6. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Well Ajax, thanks for telling us a bit more, I understand now that you cannot respect your mom and that is sad. So I can see more where your anger comes from and it is probably well justified, I just want to make a few points OK?

    1. If she is indeed disabled, she may be able to do the things you talk about and not hold down a job, I know there are many, many different types of disabilities and those disability payments have to be merited.

    2. She may spend an extra long time shopping because she lumps everything into one trip to make it worth her effort to get up, get dressed and go out. It is not an easy thing for some people. She may even control doing that, because she feels it's the only thing she can still really do for her family or for herself. (independence is the hardest thing for people to give up)

    3. If you dad is blind, I understand his putting up with a lot of crap he may not do if he weren't, but you said it was "his" money, that she would go shopping with, yet you said she makes more than him. So you may not realize that for some people who are depressed and disabled, money is all they have to give them some entertainment, and she may spend a few extra dollars on "stupid" stuff in your opinion, just to keep from being more depressed, and even suicidal. (believe me most parents would never tell their kids if they were suicidal)

    4. I do hope things get better, but they won't get better complaining about it, only by doing something, and I hope this instills in you a desire to be the best you can be always when you have children of your own someday.

    5. And remember what your dad said, "God is watching" and He is, but He is watching the hearts, and the motives more than the actions, so that's more important.
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I just couldn't resist the question, since you were so happy with your gifts. But I think what you got her is very "romantic" or at least she probably thought so.

    And you're all right, of course it's more the thought that counts. I got a call from my guy in Iraq today, the connection was horrible, but it's the thought that counts, and I was absolutely thrilled. That was all I really wanted.
  8. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    What's Going on with Me

    For me the martial arts and education has become a passion for me. I train in the Japanese martial art of Shorin Ryu. I'm not prejudice toward other martial arts, because I feel there is something to learn from them all. The most difficult phase for me is the discipline of training everyday. My wife is a big help to me because we train together. She motivates me when the spirit within me is not willing to train. I'm what they call a yellow belt student right now. My wife who started two years ago herself got me into this to improve myself physically, mentally and spritually. She is a brown belt. My goal is black belt someday. The other journey I'm on is getting my college degree, again thanks to the wife. I'm going to graduate next May for my Associates of Applied Science Degree in Industrial Technology. My goal in that journey is a Doctorate Degree in Systems Engineering.
  9. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I'm sure he was thrilled to speak to you as well :). Let's hope that he and all of the servicemen and women over there come back home safely to their families and friends
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Thank you, and that's a great Christmas wish, I hope it comes true!
  11. fromdc_withlove

    fromdc_withlove New Member

    Thanks Moskvichka!!

    Wish I knew you had peeps. Woulda hollered at you to get the hook-up (lol)!

    Although, if I did that, I wouldn't be able to proudly claim not trying to use someone........so perhaps it's just as well. ;)

    On a side note - I liked the guys at Vermont (dealt with them mostly for H-1B matters) and Nebraska (dealt with them for the green card). Don't believe I've ever used the other centers (or probably did and just don't recall).

    Yeah......f*ck those Luos!!! (so, can you tell which tribe I belong to? :smt003)

    Then again, since the next POTUS is part Luo (oh yeah, you're right about his last name, by the way), it may be worth my while becoming cool with those kats.

    Another side note - The "f*ck those Luos" comment was just a joke. My Luo buddies and I bust each others' chops that way all the time, so it was in no way said out of disdain...
  12. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I dealt with USCIS - Texas. BOOOOO them.... wished I could have gone w/ Vermont.
  13. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    There's nothing funnier than squabbles between neighboring tribes... be it the Luos and the Kikuyus, or let's say the Estonians and the Finns. What's the difference between the two? Exactly, none whatsoever, but each group thinks they're better. http://shaan.typepad.com/shaanou/2006/08/what_is_estonia.html
  14. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    We went to a friend's Christmas party last night and ate like there was no tomorrow. I didn't have much to eat before we got there, so it really came in handy. I had a few shots of Jack and Coke and a Jaeger shot, along with a couple of beers. I had a good time. Now I gotta get ready and go to my aunt's house because we got the turkey for the first time :smt104:p
  15. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    Santa had a sex change last night. That's me and my favorite nephew (well, my only nephew :D).

    I finally got into Cincinnati yesterday around noon after a really, really horrible flight. I'm scared of flying anyhow, especially when flying through bad weather. The stewardess called it "extreme turbulence". very uncomfortable!

    Then my cousins and uncle drove me 120 miles to my cousin's house in Huntington, WV. Then we switched vehicles, left a cousin there, and drove 60+ miles to my uncle's house. Then I changed, sat down for a minute, then we drove to my aunt's house where the party was (another 40 miles). It was a fucking journey! But so worth it!

    Got to my aunt's house, had to sneak through the dark, and the rain, to my cousin's house next door (very hard to not get seen, lemme tell ya). Then I put on that really, really stuffy costume over my clothes, with pillows to make my tummy look more "jolly", and walked in with bells on.

    Usually Santa gives presents to the kids first, but this year Santa had my mom come over for a present. We always make the adults sit on Santa's lap and get presents, for shits and giggles, but this time when mom sat down on my knee to accept the gift I was pushing her way, when she leaned over to pose for a picture, I whispered "Merry Christmas, Mom" and she started crying and hugged me a whole lot. I got it on video :D she was so emotional she accidently knocked my hat off, which is why there's no hatin the picture. *L*

    Definitely a Hallmark Moment, right there. :D :D

    I was so tired, but it was soooo worth it!!!! 3 days of trying to get out of Houston, a scary plane ride, and driving through 3 states (Ohio, Kentucky, and then WV) just for a moment that lasted less than a minute. But it was very worth it.

    And icing on the cake is that I even got Christmas presents, too! I didn't expect anyone to get me anything since everyone had given money for my plane ticket, but a couple people still did. It made me feel special. and my mom got me some really pretty clothes that she'd been planning on mailing to me, but I'm gonna take them back myself...which is why I told her not to mail them to me. haha.

    Twas wonderful. Hope everyone else had a good one!!!!
  16. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    DH ~

    So glad you had the perfect moment you wanted for your mom! And you finally had a good Christmas yourself too.

    Too bad the trip was so sucky. Hopefully the trip back will be uneventful.
  17. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Jake and I have had a fun Christmas :).
  18. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    DH, I was sooo.... glad to read your post, I'm glad you're having a wonderful Christmas.
  19. Athena

    Athena New Member

    It's great to see those posters having a nice Christmas. Have a day filled with love (or at least some like) and family everyone...
    I've had a great day with my family now am watching one of my favourite films.
    Happy Yule, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, (belated)Eid and simply a wonderful day.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Cool. Glad everything worked out in the end. Sucks that before all the good shit happens, ya gotta go through the bad shit that might fuck up part of a holiday, like a bad flight.

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