Black women who interracial date?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by hottie4life888, Dec 19, 2008.

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  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    You have dominant BW and submissive BW just like you have WW of each category. The only difference I've seen is that dominant BW are more explicit in their demands for control while WW are a tad more implicit.

    I love my sistas...they should date who makes them happy.

    As for the femininity/masculinity wasn't long ago that BM were considered less "masculine" than WM...we were child-like and harmless....later on we became evil and dangerous. From what I"ve seen...BW are usually the most girly and feminine of all. I know plenty of sistas that can run faster and jump higher and hit harder than any athletic brotha...but comparatively few sistas can be considered tomboys relative to other women....I see a lot more WW that are comfortable being "one of the guys" relative to BW.
  2. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You know what they say when you A-S-S-U-M-E anything! Doing so, will make an -ass- out of -you-, but not -me-.


    You, and I are in lock step on this one sweetie. You'll never be able to please all of the people all of the time, so the heck with it, just do you, and don't worry about the rest.

  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    LOL, Thank you Rinnaye!!
  4. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    A balanced attitude, that's beautiful.

    When I am in Botswana, I don't see domineering, possessive tomboy women. I see sexy, beautiful, feminine women who know how to dress and have alot to teach me about their culture. Who are always, to me anyway, open, warm, loving and kind

    Generalizations are just that. Each person deserves their own merit.
    I don't quite understand what Tinkerbell is saying when she refers to problematic homes. I was referring to the linking of cultures, and a relationship with one person- ie a black man- is not real, it is not complete and whole, until you build those links with family- including women. That sense of community and family strength as a unit is something we can learn from in the West.

    You can't really compare anywhere in Africa with the United States anyway, just on the basis of skin colour- but I have met these types of women in the United States to.

    I just really, don't get it how someone can be in a realationship with someone but dismiss or judge who they came from. Sex, ok yeah sure, relationship, no.

    Tink, what happens when you meet your man's mother and you take to it the belief that bw are more likely to be dominant or rude or matriarchal in a negative manner? How does that interaction start?
  5. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Thank you. :smt038
  6. malikom

    malikom Banned

    That is probably because those women,are well,African.

    What tinkerbell was describing is among alot of Black American women.

    Foreign black women usually dont have those problems unless they assimilate and adopt the same mindsets as their Black american women counterparts

    Domineering,attitude,nagging,argumentative ,etc
  7. dudaroosky

    dudaroosky New Member

    I don't have a problem with it. Hell I like white women, obviously or else I wouldnt be here. So there's no reason for me to object. However, the problem I do have is the hypocrisy. We BM are expected to stick by BW no matter what and when we don't we are accused of being "sellouts" or "self-haters" or even ignorant. But BW are not only encouraged to date interracially, they are encouraged "explore their options", which in it's self is not a bad thing because we BM have been doing that for years, so why not be with that man that makes you happy, regardless of what color his skin may be. However they seem to get a pass for bashing us black men to justify their decisions instead of being a woman and just saying that this is what they like. That is the problem I have with a lot of BW who date interracially.
  8. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Careful, your statements may be treading very dangerous waters, with some of our across the pond members. Seeming closed minded, and using generalizations.



    In my experinece, some foreign BW assimilate too well, some are just like that anyway (don't be fooled), others (for the most part) are aiight.
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Black American women are no different from other women. My love of WW has nothing to do with BW since I love them as well...oh and by the way...a WW will punk out her man as quick as anyone else...maybe not as overt...but it's not that different...don't believe the hype.

    The idea that African women are somehow infintely better than black American women is absurd...the idea that anything American and black is bad and that everything else is good by comparison...complete bull. Sometimes, we as black people buy into all of the stereotypes. When brothas on this forum want to be judged on their merits and not grouped together with so-called "thugs" and "those kind of Negroes" they can show how they are "different" from the average Negro yet have no problem casting a broad shadow over all black women (except the ones in their family of course) doesn't make much sense to me at all.

    Clearly black women can't be that bad considering that only 6-9% of black men in the U.S. marry outside their race while 35-50% of African/Afro-Carribeans in Europe marry outside.

    WW are not more's just that BW are less apt to put up with our bullshit because they tend to recognize it quicker...WW aren't "nicer"'s just that because of cultural differences they tend to let up off of the gas while trying to understand when we are sincere versus when we try to play games. The best way to understand is not to ask WW or BM about how WW compare with BW....ask a WM...I doubt he will claim that WW are "so much more understanding and submissive"...if WW were that submissive...WM wouldn't be flocking to Asian women like maggots on rotted meat....that doesn't mean AW are submissive either...but some people think they are.
  11. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    If African women were so much better than black American wouldn't see African men drooling over pink nipples as if they found the Fountain Of Youth. We can debate it all day (personally I find many African women quite charming but certainly not any different from black American women) but the numbers don't lie...BW may want a brotha to stick by them...but BM have options...and we rarely ever do what others tell us to do...yet we stick by the sistas more than others stick by their ladies.
  12. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Thank you man. :smt038

    I just get tired of these blanket generalizations of people
  13. jaydrea05

    jaydrea05 New Member


    Mostly has to do with culture, black girls are NOT like African girls.African girls are more like white girls than Black American girls are, am talking about attitudes, love and relationships.:)
  14. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Now the idea that we (Africans) drool over pink nipples as if we found the Fountain of Youth, is a reflection on African women I think is a bit weak in my opinion.

    The fact that a lot of African men drool over white women in Europe, is no reflection of what esteem we hold African women. A lot of these Africans are students who have left the grasp of their strict parents, and inevitably play the field, and some do eventually marry white women. But, a lot do go back to Africa and marry black African women. Now, if we look at the American soldiers in Europe. they do what a lot of African guys do when they get to Europe;' they play the field’. However, I would never use this, as a reflection of what esteem they held of black American women.

    This drooling over white women by black Africans would happen in Europe irrespective of what esteem we held for African women.


  16. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member


    My point is that numbers don't lie and black American men in the Western world marry black American women at considerably higher rates than African men marrying African women. If black women were as bad as people have claimed (not you but some other people..not simply on the message board but in general) you'd see a much higher out-marriage rate for black American men...yet we tend to stick to "our own" at a rate of over 90%...which is exceedingly high for a minority group in a nation where it has resided for 389 years.
  17. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Look man,im black american,and proud to be one.I love my Black american women,BUT,they have some serious problems that need to be remedied.Im tired of Black american women not being called out,and treated as if they were angels,incapable of doing no wrong .If you dont see the problems,then you dont see the problems,but there are tons of black american brothers out here who see the bullshit going down with black american women.

    Please understand,that whenever i speak on the problems of black american women,i dont mean to make sweeping generalizations.There are infact good Black american women out there.Im speaking about the screwed up ones(nasty attitudes,nagging,argumentitive,diva complexes,70% being overweight,50% being clincically obese),terrible at choosing mates(they love thugs),etc.Have you seen how foreign black women act?Have you experienced foriegn black women?They are the total opposite,unless they hang around black american women,then they soon enough start showing the same 'symptoms' as one(ive seen this happen)

    Well,us black american men statistically,rarely get married at all.Check out the marriage rates among blacks in the U.S.(70% of black women in america are single).Now,i bet if you were to tally up all of the black men,in relationships with white women/nonblack women,the number would surprise you.

    I think a huge problem among many black american wome,is that they think to be a "strong" woman,is to have a bad attitude.
  18. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I agree,and im Black american.
  19. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I agree partlywith you but for us to act as if there is a huge inequity between BM and BW is not very accurate. Someone like you might be one of the many good exceptions but too many brothas are not going to school (we attend a much lower rates than our sistas...but that is men in general), we are getting incarcerated for petty bull...that isn't really necessary, plenty of us are obese and make little effort to go to the doctor's office, and we are having kids and fathering children and not taking care of our responsibilities.

    I go to a school where there are plenty of foreign black women and they are quite friendly and beautiful...but there is an equal number of charismatic, friendly, spiritual BLACK AMERICAN women. We tend to compare the worst black women to foreign born African women that are essentially the cream of the crop...they wouldn't have made it to the states otherwise. There are plenty of sistas that need a good man and are perfectly capable of keeping one and being good women but there aren't enough of us good brothas to go around...primarily because BW are still slow to date out of their race and relieve some of the demographic pressure.

    There are plenty of WW that love thugs too...and you can find a few on this here message board. What WW call "bad-boys" are just low-rent versions of the 'black-thug.'

    Not all sistas have a bad attitude..anymore than all black men are sex crazed, WW loving, basketball playing, high jumping, olympic sprinting nymphos.

    Lots of sistas have issues...but lots of brothas have issues as well...kinda goes hand in hand. And you have plenty of bad boy/thug lovers in any race. Any comparison of foreign women is touchy...we could easily take the hardest working, brightest and most determined black Americans and send them somewhere else in the world..and they'd overwhemingly outperform the "average" person in a given country by leaps and bounds in any category that you choose to measure.


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