Today's Economy

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by SweetAngel29, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You're the only one in this thread who mentioned the Great Depression.

    Many indicators, however, show that the economy is the worst it's been since the Great Depression, which is a nuanced comparison that weighs several variables (e.g. GDP, house prices) over the course of our economic history.

    The job market is definitely the worst it's been since the recession of 1982.
  2. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    congradulations. i hope it becomes perm for you:grin:
  3. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    that actually sounds like a good idea!!:p I know when i graduate i plan on moving out of state because ny is just to high to live in. That is probably why we have a high homeless percentage and that is sad!!:mad:
  4. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    Quitting is alot harder than it claims. I have tried and tried and tried. My doctor even perscribed me the pill "chantix" which put me down to smoking 1 cigg a day but i got sick every time i took it, i even wore the nicotine patch and it irritated my skin, i also chewed the gum and that was gross..I want to quit it is just really hard so i know how you feel.....
  5. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Kentucky is the spot for cheap smokes. That's why sometimes I wish I lived in Cincinnati. I could just go over the border to Newport or Covington and get smokes. Plus, I have an uncle who lives there too
  6. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I imagine New York is pretty expensive. It's the financial and entertainment capitol of the nation and the world. Everyone wants to move there. When something's in high demand, prices go up.

    Ohio's home prices are pretty cheap, but the taxes are pretty rough as well. So that might tell you something about our state.

    Wow. I'm surprised that the nicotine patch and that pill did that to you.
  7. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    No i had an allergic reaction to the patch it caused a minor rash on my arm where the patch was maybe because i have sensitive skin. The Chantix pill it is like the antabuse where if you drink you vomit, well if you smoke you vomit it is really sickly feeling. I was just told about a nicotine inhaler i think i am going to give it a try. :cool:
  8. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Well maybe the inhaler will work out better than the other ones :cool:
  9. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I tried the Nicotine patches and they did the exact same thing to me, tried 2 different brands, same irritation with both, my shoulder was burning it was so bad i had to take antihistamines for a week.

    Heard about that pill, they use a similar drug for Heroine addiction and alchohol, technically when you eventually come off the drug your mind is programed to be sick while having a smoke, obviously they dont know the power of wanting a fag lol:p
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I wonder how much she spends on gas?
  11. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I'm certainly not a Bush fan but many of the economy's problems started with Clinton but because of the tech boom of the late 90's, we didn't really notice until the early 00's tech bust. We were moving towards a recession even in the late 90's but the impact wasn't felt much until after September 11 (fateful day).

    Credit was being passed around like cigars and cheap whiskey at a stag party. People that had no business getting getting credit were receiving and being approved for $5,000 lines of credit, platinum/gold cards etc.

    Interest rates are painfully low right now but in any free market (relatively speaking) economy, you will have fluctuations. What people must realize is that our GDP can rise and fall within in a given year but we tend to view the economy in quarterly and yearly measurements instead of long-term measurements which always show a gradual upward climb.

    A confluence of factors including the housing market crash which in turn helped cause the bank bust...and the issues with the automobile industry are helping to make President-elect Obama's task quite difficult as he takes the oath of office on January 20.

    The banks' lack of foresight in granting so many sub-prime loans to people that likely wouldn't be able to keep up with their mortgage payments was simply foolish but Congress couldn't rightly allow all of the banks to go under...though there is the line of thinking that if you let some of the lenders tank...the ones that survive would be stronger and better for it. Call it survivor of the fittest if you will.

    What ticks me off the most is the automobile industry. You have CEO's getting paid two, three and four times what they should make because so many of their buddies are top shareholders that like to help pad their best friend's salary and perks. You've got union bosses and union workers that make more money than teachers...and in some cases engineers and other workers with much stronger educational backgrounds. All of that would be OK if the U.S. auto industries were producing cars that at least matched what foreign makers were producing. Honestly, I think most American cars can compete with Asian and European imports...but that's now...there was a long period in the 80's and 90's where Asian imports were clearly better choices...American autos have caught up but reputation is hard to live down.

    The auto industry had every opportunity to move ahead with electric cars and other alternative methods but they chose to capitalize on a good economy and convince Americans that bigger gas-guzzling cars were better choices. The automakers would be ahead of the curve had they maintained their pace...but investing so heavily in big cars to make a quick buck has placed them woefully behind the Toyota's and Nissans of the world...and now they must beg for money from Congress just to stay afloat. Until there is more innovation in Detroit and a streamlining of production along with a scaling down of the exorbitant salaries of people at all levels of the industry...U.S. automakers will struggle.
  12. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Wonderful post

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