What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Hey, have a nice trip, I hope tomorrow goes better than today.:smt045
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I wasn't actually saying no one cares. That was almost a direct quote from the negative rep I got for posting the Frank Sinatra song.

    the real quote "no1 cares,,"

    I mean, come on, is that really necessary? I'd love to know why I piss off so many people. I get really tired of all the childish hatin' going on around here. And I can't even mention it without getting -more- people pissed off.

    It's really annoying.

    Anyway. Yes, I hope tomorrow goes better, too. Thanks.
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Well I didn't give you good rep cuz it wouldn't let me, but I loved the song!!
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I don't care about the rep, really. It mostly just gets on my nerves, cause it's purpose is ignored most of the time, in my opinion. I just love how much people hate me around here.

    I liked the song, too. Because for once in my fucking life I felt happy about Christmas. I've never had a good Christmas before. Never. Not once in 23 years. I want one, and I'm so close to having one. I can't help but be excited. :D
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I'm so happy for you! That brought tears to my eyeballs. I really hope that you do have a very happy Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And you know your haters are just jealous, because nothing they say about you is true or real, and they have nothing that can back it up or prove it. It's just sickeningly rediculous. Keep your head up. I know you know how to handle them because you are wise and mature. :smt080
  6. scylla

    scylla New Member

    oops, forgot to write something about you going home.
    Good you feel good about going home, and good luck with the surprise thingy:D.
    Hope it all goes your way, all that. :D

    abt the rep> I'm way more extreme then you are in almost every opinion it feels like, don't understand why people would be upset by stuff you say..
  7. scylla

    scylla New Member

    oh, and I forgot to say, I'm scared shitless because I woke up at four in the morning from something sounding like a bomb or similar going off right outside my door. Ok I was asleep, so I realized it was probably something else, the sound was muffled and strange, BUT there was four loud bangs, and it felt like the house shook abit. I'm guessing homemade bombs..

    Weee! You should be happy your scylla is still with ya my little darlings, obviously it was fair fucking close enough she got blown in to pieces this night.

    I'm so glad I'm gonna bike over to mom and dads today and stay there for a while..
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    People aren't upset by what I say, they just don't like me. If people would read a lot of the shit I write on here they might realize I actually type a lot of really intelligent shit. But it's all good, like I keep saying. Just means I'm pretty fucking important if people hatin' on me so hardcore ;)

    It's just strange to me how much animosity is thrown my way, especially considering I'm all about "live and let live". I don't judge others for their lifestyle choices, nor for things they can't control, nor for their religion, etc. I like people. I'm nice to people. I hold open doors, let little old ladies have my seat on the bus, offer tutoring services to friends and acquaintances for free, I'm constantly bending over backward to help out my friends, etc. I guess I'm just a "drama queen", "trouble maker" and "slut", and that should explain it I suppose. But at least I'm not a "bigot" or "hypocrite" or "idiot" ;)

    And I don't post shit on here meaning for people to respond. I just post on this thread because that's what it's for...to mention what's going on. Figured since I've been harping about going home for christmas so much lately I'd keep everyone updated as to the status, if anyone was interested.
  9. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Nah, still don't get it, why people would think that. But then on the other hand.. the most annoying view people can have seems to be "live and let live" combined with strong views themself, preferably based on modern ethics. I know I envy that attitude, I'd gladly smack around all people who don't agree with me (even if I don't, since I somehow still believe in everybodys right to their own opinion. But they still bug the hell out of me)...

    On the subject of christmas, hun, you were the one complaining that nobody cared.. :p
  10. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I think everyone has a right to live their lives the way they choose to, as long as it isn't harming someone else. We're all given free will and free thought, it's about time we started using it instead of focusing on everyone else.

    I have really strong views. But I don't impose them on others. I will share my opinions and views on things, but I can agree to disagree when it comes to matters of opinion because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if I think it's stupid. I'm even entitled to tell them it's stupid (which I do, sometimes ;) ) but most of the time I choose not to, because it would be rude of me.

    The reason I'm so adamant about being open minded and accepting of others is because of my own strong views about things. One of the things I believe strongly in happens to be that everyone has the same right to believe how they will that I do. The right to formulate their own opinions on things, decide for themselves what they believe in. To me that's basic human right, and who am I to judge, or condemn, or slander, or belittle someone for living their life as they see fit? I may not approve, but that doesn't mean I'm judging. Some lifestyles just aren't for me. Doesn't mean I will never have a friend who has a lifestyle I don't necessarily approve of. I'd still love them, if they were a good person.

    Everyone's different, and I like it. It'd be too boring if everyone were the same. To me the most important things are what someone does, but what's in their heart. I like good people. Damn the rest, it doesn't matter.
  11. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    50 told me go ahead switch the style up
    And if they hate then let 'em hate
    And watch the money pile up, the good life
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    No. Once again, I was -not- saying that no one cares. It's one of my biggest pet peeves to type numbers instead of letters anywhere outside of texting on a cellphone with no keyboard. I wouldn't type that on here.
  13. scylla

    scylla New Member

    :p Ok, sorry, my bad. Wasn't reading that carefully.
  14. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I am still in Houston.


    This is fucking ridiculous. I'm calling Delta later on after a nap and getting someone fired. Seriously. I miraculously made it through security in less than 10 minutes, and I was already late because the shuttle driver made us super late, and I still had time to get on the plane, and this lady basically told me she gave away my seat before I got there, wouldn't let me explain -anything-, kept asking me questions and cutting me off before I could answer, and didn't even bother to CHECK to see if there was still a seat. She just guessed.

    Oh, and she gave a guy RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME his ticket. But when I stepped up she said no.

    There was at least one seat on that fucking plane that hadn't been claimed. She had the boarding pass right in her hand, and I think I saw another one. You know how she figured the seats were all taken? She counted all the tickets she had collected...but she counted more than a few multiple times. I watched her do it (she was counting out loud).

    I am so fucking pissed right now.

    I'm hopefully flying out in the morning, but this time I can't even get all the way to WV. I have to get off the plane in Cincinnati. My cousin is driving 3 hours to come pick me up there, then we're driving 4 hours to my aunt's house.

    I'm calling Delta, complaining about the bitch who tried to ruin my Christmas, and explaining to them that unless I have no choice I am never flying Delta again. This is absolutely ridiculous!
  15. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I did that with Spirit. The guy on the other end of the phone named Todd or James with the super thick indian accent basically told me to STFU and go fuck myself, so I did.

    I hope you have better luck than I did.
  16. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    :smt045:smt038yesss!!!! I did it!!!! I'm a social worker!!! I'm ready to fill my life with other ppl's pains and troubles!!! Great, isn't it? LOL
  17. Athena

    Athena New Member

    :smt038 Outstanding TS! Congratulations, now get out there save some lives and celebrate!!!
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Alright, where can I sign up to share my pain and sorrow?
  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Dam, that's some ol' bullshit. Airlines love to fuck people over, especially during the holidays. It's especially shitty when you have a buddy pass. I hate that. Hope this doesn't completely fuck your plans over.
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    YAY!!!!!! Blaze one in celebration of becoming a social worker.:weedman:

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