Men its time for you to be honest????

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by SweetAngel29, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Whatever floats your boat.

    Its news to me that barefoot and pregnant is a traditional system of beliefs. I mean I get the pregnant but why does she have to be barefoot ?
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    He's taking this out of a German proverb.
  3. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Tradition is ethnocentric. The Iroquois have traditionally held the women as the decision makers for the community. They decided when to go to war, when to stop war, how membership in the community was achieved. They "owned" (in a loose European sense) the land and food and had control over most of the community's life.

    I am not being argumentative, just illustrating another tradition, one that is traced back long before Europeans came to North America with Christianity and Catholicism.
  4. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Yes I know, I was being sarcastic.
  5. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    If you ask me all religion is a form of brainwashing.
  6. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

  7. havoc

    havoc New Member

    I believe a woman can be "independent" and nurturing. Have I seen it yet? No. I suppose I believe the woman exists simply because I believe most people need someone else, be it a life companion, fuck buddy, wife/husband, etc.

    I said it was extreme b/c the OP's wording (or perhaps I misinterpreted) appeared to make it seem as though we had to choose one or the other- either she's paying your rent, cleaning up after you, etc. or she's more like a business arrangement (she's paying for her meal, got her stuff at her place, etc.)

    I understand how an independent woman is supposed to work, but I just haven't seen it yet. I suppose it's just a matter of time.
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Make sure you capitalize the word Lord... they may turn the heat up under your frying pan just for failing to do that.:D
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I agree with you Havoc, I found the OP to be one of two extremes as well. I just wanted to present something to you that might give you hope, that's all... You haven't seen that woman yet because you haven't met me yet. jk She's Everywhere!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2008
  10. havoc

    havoc New Member

  11. havoc

    havoc New Member


    Does this mean I'm going to spend the rest of my life in search of...*gasp*Athena??
  12. fromdc_withlove

    fromdc_withlove New Member

    Ok, looks like it may be time to report a troll to the Webmaster...
  13. Athena

    Athena New Member

    ahahahaha! Touche ;)
  14. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I fail to see what's rare about a woman who fulfills both roles.

    Walk into any office during the day. You will see women who are at work making a living. Their husbands' and kids' photos are right on their desks and screensavers. Many are pregnant, but still working until the maternity leave. These women's work is sometimes interrupted by calls from the husband and kids.

    After work, they will go grocery shopping to the supermarket; or they will "go pick up their kids" - that's what you hear most often from women at the office; or they will take the kids to the football game, or they have to stop by the pharmacy because somebody at home needs something.

    Then they will get home and cook dinner, spend time with the husband, laugh and watch TV together, read to the kids, etc.

    This is everyday life for most people. I see both roles being fulfilled.
  15. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Agreed! It's not rare at all. It's EveryWoman. I do not personally know a woman that is not both independent and nurturing. Great point Mosk!
  16. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Case on point: my office, last Friday, 5pm, everyone is about to leave. The head paralegal who is 50 years old, says that she just got a call from her son, who is grown and working but still young and living at home, that he needs her to come home and IRON HIS CLOTHES BECAUSE HE'S GOING TO GO OUT. She said she was going to go out and do something of her own that evening. I don't know if she actually went ahead and cancelled what she was going to do so she can go home and iron baby boy's clothes.
  17. csbean

    csbean New Member


    DannyD's stuff is pure gold!

    In my experience, the men who expect their wives to worship them and cater to their every whim are the same men who actively seek extramarital affairs. Why? Because being with someone who has no voice and kisses your ass 24/7 is boring. I'm an opinionated feminist and these are the kind of men who hit on me all the time.

    As for the original question, I co-sign with the ladies above. If you love a man, you have to do a juggling act between nurture and self-sufficiency. Which is not to say, I certainly don't mind being coddled and cared for every once in a while ;).
  18. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    LMAO----baby boy, i remember that movie.

    Some "men" need to grow the fuck up...... It seems our generation is acting much younger and younger these days. Back in the day (our parents time)25 year olds used to be "adults" with a family (and a happy home), however modern times has turned the minds of 28 year olds into 18 year olds still asking for allowances from mommy and dad. These "twixters" as I would call them are clawed to their youth like muffassa clinging for dear life.

    And thats sad.
  19. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Hm interesting question there me olady.

    Personally, I want a blow up doll who will cater to my every need,,,,hahaaha---okay, im kidding.,,,but honestly. I think the concept of balance in all aspects of life, is what a man truly craves. We [men] don’t want a woman on our balls, each day, and everyday. We want her to give us space, so we can contemplate the food in grace, and thank god as we pray the good shit that’s on our fucking plate, You see, love can easily turn to hate when the love given heats up(excessively) and evaporates. And then you will wonder to yourself what the fuck just happened? trust me,,,,don’t worry about satisfaction, of the males attention, way too much, just give him love and affection, while pursuing your own passions, in the transactions of your own actions in your own life.

    What im trying to say is this. I have my own life , she should have her own life. Thus, like a billion trillion scattering paintings on paper we will unite to create something ARTISTIC in this life [and world]. Now if im the only one with a life, and the only one making a living, whilst she hopes to be living the good life through my life, there will be no life, in that relationship and thus in our lives. She will be a mere thorn on my sides, a monkey on my back, who will get cheated on consistently because I dont want fact I want a woman who will appreciate my dreams and goals and reinforce the reasoning for all the achievements im striving for. A woman who will compliment my accomplishments with her own accomplishments, and I know this may sound like arrogance but it makes no sense to lower yourself in this sense.
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Shades of Israel....

    When I was in Israel, several years ago, I went there with a very religious group. As we were going back to our hotel, from the dig site, I got to talking to a guy about my marriage and how I was thinking of divorcing him and how he didn't respect me, etc, etc, etc.

    This guy says to me that God works through a submissive wife. That was about the time I stopped listening. :lol: Not really, but you know what I mean. Anyway, my point? Not sure I have one....D'oh! I guess this post just brought back some memories.

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