Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by BLACK MEN ARE BEAUTIFUL, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. shion

    shion New Member

    Does this mean you're giving up on Americans? At least military?
  2. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Don't know if it's the military or the americans... I'm just so TIRED of men who play with feelings. :(
  3. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    That sucks. All you can do is take care of you :-D
  4. shion

    shion New Member

    maybe you just need some "me" time....don't know what that means, heard some chick singing that on the radio.

    Military men are a special breed unless their retiring or staying in once or taking you with them back to the states...you have to be cautious, I'm saying this from experience.

    BTW,love your avatar.
  5. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

  6. shion

    shion New Member

  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I have seen a lot of European women get caught up with these brothas in the military. Just be happy you don't have a kid by this man then you'd really be in trouble.
  8. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

  9. shion

    shion New Member

    you sound as if you're quite familiar with the armed forces,J.
  10. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I would have to agree Jaisee. The military indirectly produces some incredible attitudes and twisting of morality when it comes to commitment and relationships.
  11. shion

    shion New Member

    I believe because we're the most visible and easily recognized...you can spot military personnel anywhere just by their haircuts. Most Black that you see in third world countries are military and lord knows we stand out.

    As far as our moral, I think its no different than any person who travels for a living...its nomadic and lonely so you seek affection where you can find it.
    There are a lot of Americans and Canadian women who go to Korea and teach English to Korean kids....they're just as worse as the military.
    Drinking ,partying disturbing their Korea neighbors...or they hang out at militay bases and get pass around and around.This one Canandian teacher was eventually barred from case because they believed she was spreading herpes.
    Some go to Thailand and just indulge themselves.

    Funny thing, They try to look down at the military because of the war saying we make a bad impression.
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Fair enough, thank you for posting this Shion. I just mentioned my perspective because I was a medic in the military and treated some of those interesting illnesses so far away from home. I've also had serious relationships with a military man and have had an insiders view of the relationship challenges - and it most definitely went both ways.

    You are absolutely right, the military doesn't have exclusivity on relationship problems. The police (my former husband was an officer) have a terribly high divorce rate, and civilian paramedics aren't much more successful. I don't know why?? If you do, please tell me! :)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2008
  13. shion

    shion New Member

    high divorce rate and alcohol as well..this was prevalent everywhere.I was a cop in the military so I witness a lot of madness.

    I think most people who stayed in the military until retiremnt went through at least one divorce.
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I admire you Shion for doing that work, I truly do. I appreciate you serving your country!

    I agree on the divorce rate and I bet far to soon, civilian populations will have similar stats.

    It's unfortunate that marriages suffer when the people in the marriages are some of the most amazing people yet with their work, it's hard to balance.... I don't know how to put that. My point is, thanks for doing it!
  15. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    but u r retired now, so we won't have any problems :cool: lol.
  16. shion

    shion New Member

    which is why I don't want to be a cop on the outside...ain't worth the drama.
  17. Bengali

    Bengali New Member

    Uh Yea

    You are Jewish. Yes, I like Jewish women. I especially like Israeli women. I am crushing on Bar Refaeli hard. She may be the best thing out right now. However, I'll be crushing on someone else hard in a few months.
  18. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    I am very attracted to French and Greek women. I love dark hair, light skin and light eyes. Melina Kanakaredes.

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