It's all good. I"m sitting here going, oh cool, I've created a hijacked thread.. I must be like.. really in the cool group now. lucifer you always crack me up.
And every single one of them have an interest in the opposite ethinicity Mosk and so do you still. Just my opinion....
to be honest i said that i would never date a black man ever too.... but can't keep my promises lol. And Toronto, calm down please.
Your opinion is right LOL. Of course if I met somebody like Lucifer in real life and there was a connection (and he was sweet talking me like this), I wouldn't reject the guy because of race. A real connection doesn't happen all that often... and I want to be happy like everybody else. But I would try to be most aware of all the potential problems of an intercultural connection. As I look back and try to examine what exactly killed it between me and Abdulrahman, I try to see more than what my friends say, that "he was just an a**hole to you the whole time." I think in many respects he was (is) a great guy, BUT the culture he came from, the extremely traditional Muslim Mali, shaped him to be the way he was with me, unfortunately. Very controlling, very uncaring. But then, his own uncle is the sweetest man and treats his wife like gold. So I'm still confused... Maybe I'd rather be in denial about the fact that my husband, the man I loved, was, in fact, an a**hole to me the whole time and that's all there's to it? Rather blame it on Mali? Dunno...
:smt101 Well thanks lucifer, makes sense since one very serious rast guy did tell me transiting through J Burg recently that I was a babylon girl. :smt036