Can we all just get along? Life is too short to be fightin' all the time. Simmer down simmer down now Before we start betting on Jersey Vs Toronto.
Yeah guys stop busting my chops. I've been a faithful wife to that guy for six years and did all I could for him. I've earned my right to post here for the rest of my life. Many people who post here haven't even dated IR... they're just curiuos. But hey it's cool!:smt114
I will agree (fo now), its very hard to spot a fake these days. But they tend to give themselves away in the end dont they??. Farewell Mosk!!!!,,,you'll be missed
Nah, your preferences are your preferences. Too bad that loser soured you to a whole race of men though! The only time I give a rip is when people who aren't into it are starting shit on here. If they are supportive and respectful...that's cool.
*disclaimer* "I've had a few drinks* Ok Mosk from what I gather you would never date a black dude again cuz one did you wrong. Whats the diff between that and hating black people cuz one smudged your puma? Obviously an understatement but you know what I'm getting at. I'm a bit confused as well about wanting to be around a site thats all about IR when now apparently, It's not for you. *shrug*
If it was a white dude would you then not date white people? Or that nationality? I just don't get it :???: *Still drunk*
Im with jones on this one. she certainly cant consider hesrelf anything other than a racist? Honestly apart from the fact that she's a liberal (politically i suppose), there is no difference between her and the women at racist site.
This dude was a weird one, according to Mosk. One time, if I remember, she said she wore red lingerie, RED LINGERIE dawg, and tried to spice up their love life. Hubby wasn't impressed! Shit really tore her up. Why do I remember this?:smt077
No Lucifer, it's my fault that I stayed in the sitaution for that long. I believe that the way I feel now is a defense mechanism of the mind which wants to protect me from going through a similar experience. I can't predict my life for years ahead though.
ok, mosk, if you are dating pale men atm, go to denmark. I repeat: GO TO DENMARK. ^__^. Good looking guys everywhere. And by the way, I don't give a flying f what skin color you prefer dating, as long as you find love.