The European Connection

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Leksola, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I'm from a Serbian background, well half Serbian half Greek.

    Lots of forum gals are Russian or other slavic backgrounds.

    Though not Slavs we have the Italian girls representing also.

    I know one or two men here are married(?) have been married (?) to Russian women.

    IN the course of my work, I often see African men with Australian women- but Australian women whose blood is also slavic.

    I have often felt I feel at home in some ways with my man because there is some alignment of general culture norms in a way- the love of food, the importance of family, etc.

    I just feel like sometimes, with bm and slavic girls.. theres a connection.

    Any else ever thought this?
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Well Russian women are historically known to be open to international dating and marriage. Russia is a very large country with lots of intercultural exposure within and outside of its borders. The women marry out constantly, more so than Russian men.

    I don't know about the other nationalities mentioned.

    But yeah, Slavic girls rock!:D

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2008
  3. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Does the word slavic have any historic association with slavery? If so, perhaps there is some sort of intuitive connection based on a shared legacy of oppression.

  4. scylla

    scylla New Member

    lol.. no.

    I've noticed a lot aswell that a lot of the girls are slavic, always wondered about that.
    When I was in st petersburg I talked to some girls about why they all wanted to date guys from other countries (because they just said they all did) and her answer was "well, all russians are either idiots and hit you, or they're drunkards". Not saying that that's true, I'm just quoting, but the feeling I got from them was that they wanted something different from what the russian men could give them, the women seemed much more progressive then the men.
  5. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Women always have lovely things to say about the men of their own background. :D I've met so many women of ALL backgrounds, from Nigerian to Polish, who said they will not date their own men. Well... a bad experience can sometimes make a decision for you.
  6. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    From Wikipedia:

    Origin of the term Slav

    Excluding the ambiguous mention by Ptolemy of tribes Slavanoi and Soubenoi, the earliest references of "Slavs" under this name are from the 6th century AD. The word is written variously as Sklabenoi, Sklauenoi, or Sklabinoi in Byzantine Greek, and as Sclaueni, Sclauini, or Sthlaueni in Latin. The oldest documents written in Old Church Slavonic and dating from the 9th century attest slov?ne to describe the Slavs around Thessalonica. Other early attestations include Old Russian slov?n? "an East Slavic group near Novgorod", Slovutich "Dnieper river", and Croatian Slavonica, a river.
    The name is normally linked with the Slavic forms sláva "glory", "fame" or slovo "word, talk" (both akin to slušati "to hear" from the IE root *?lew-). Thus slov?ne would mean "people who speak (the same language)", i.e. people who understand each other, as opposed to the Slavic word for foreign nations, nemtsi, meaning "speechless people" (from Slavic n?mi - mute, silent, dumb). For example, the Polish word Niemcy means "Germans" or "Germany" (as do its cognates in many other Slavic languages).
    However, some scholars have advanced alternative theories as to the origin of the name. B.P. Lozinski argues that the word sláva once had the meaning of worshipper, in this context meaning practicer of a common Slavic religion, and from that evolved into an ethonym.[9] S.B. Bernstein speculates that it derives from a reconstructed Proto-Indo-European *(s)lawos, cognate to Greek laós "population, people", which itself has no commonly accepted etymology.[10]. Meanwhile Max Vasmer and others suggest that the word originated as a river name (compare the etymology of the Volcae), comparing it with such cognates as Latin cluere "to cleanse, purge", a root not known to have been continued in Slavic, although it appears in other languages with similar meanings (cf. Greek klyzein "to wash", Old English hl?tor "clean, pure", Old Norse hlér "sea", Welsh clir "clear, clean", Lithuanian šlúoti "to sweep").
  7. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Yeah, I know. Although very seldom hear swedish people say that. But we are a bit weird.
    I met some completely abfab russian guys while at uni, so i wont judge all the russians after what she said:).
  8. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I knew a Russian Guy called Nikki with the i prenounced as (eye)
    he was a nice guy (well i thought so!) he looked just like the guy from the old wrigleys ice white chewing gum advert, so im definitely not gonna judge Russian guys as all wife beaters lol
  9. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Maybe a bit more civilized?:D
  10. scylla

    scylla New Member

    lol, that might have been the subtext yes.. lol. ;)
  11. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    But even here in Australia where women have acces to all sorts of men,it seems girls of European background/blood are often with bm as well, so I guess I was wondering, if it goes deeper than that too.

    Interesting replies though thanks
  12. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Yeah. you might be right.. I've noticed that too, that it isn't just something "local". But on the other hand, slavic women are good looking, and black men are, so it's a perfect match anyway. :D
  13. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Hah, yeah well that's true ;)
  14. scylla

    scylla New Member

    out of an attack of self confidence I'm gonna claim that the same goes for us scandies..
  15. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    true that
  16. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    I am of Russian background. I was born in Russia but was raised from the age of 5 in the US, I don't even consider myself Russian but that's a different topic altogether - LOL

    On the subject of Russian men, I WILL NEVER date one, I don't even want them as friends. The ones I've come across in NY anyways, are complete idiots; controlling, possessive with an extremely inflated ego. Everything about them turns me off but that's just me.
  17. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    This is why i love European girls to the core.

    I see cuties like this walking about at school, like lil angels they look

  18. scylla

    scylla New Member

    you have retouched people at your uni? Omg.
  19. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I love Slavic gals :)
  20. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    don't blame them i'm the same, i'd never date a russian girl ever again

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