Aborting your husband 's child

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by shion, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    For once, i agree with baby sarah
  2. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Tinkerbell, I am not buying your whole "right to vote" argument. If it is true that you are all about states rights, then why arent you advocating the repeal of Brown v the Board of Education or even Loving v Virginia. Those were states rights issues also.

    Also, I have noticed you seem to really like to bring Muslims into arguments that have nothing to do with us. I have seen it more than a few times and have just decided it wasnt worth even bringing up. Today isnt one of those days.
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yep, co-sign,
    but like the smell of sh*t these threads get hard to ignore.
    Im a tad religious lol, but this God in arguements stuff gets bloody tiring:(
  4. scylla

    scylla New Member

    can someone please compare it to nazis so we can kill the thread?
  5. scylla

    scylla New Member

    yeah, lol. We are hopeless, aren't we.

    I'm probably going to new york next year for a short holiday, maybe I should issue an official apology while I'm there? ;D
  6. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yep and remember to do it with a sad, sad, contrite face OK :smt009
    lol :D

    Ps i was just thinking that this thread reminds me off Nazis ;)


    :smt104h Shit!
  8. scylla

    scylla New Member

    GODWINS LAW EVERYONE, now, get out and do something useful! lol

    and yes, off course, I'll have a sad face. to show that I really mean it.
    "People of USA, I'm sorry that we keep buggin you about human rights issues! It's a bad BAD habit. Really, we are so sorry. All of us."
  9. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Aw, pls can you bring back your old signature :( I'll give you a nickel.
  10. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I know how the law was made. Laws are made that way for a reason, because the judicial system and the nuances of law are extremely complex and require someone who has a long, deep, educated knowledge.

    You vote for the government, who selects the best judicial officials.
    Anyway, since you have chosen to make your argument with scylla personal and comment on her sexuality and background, I've lost the respect I wrote down. Take it back. With such a deep seated belief, you should be able to run it without those comments.

    I'm out on this one.


  12. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

  13. scylla

    scylla New Member

    kitteh! =^_^=
  14. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    abortion should be illegal


  16. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    ok, so I hope that MEN will have to carry babies in their belly for 9 months in the next era. then we'll see if u'll be still of the same opinion. :smt084
  17. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Your perception that human rights in Europe is better than in the US is a common one, but from what I have witnessed from living in Europe, and traveling quite a bit to many European countries, that is simply not the case.

    To wit:

    1) people are told how to worship. In portugal for example, there is only one recognized church in the eyes of the govt, the roman catholic church. If you are a protestant or a muslim your church is unrecognized.

    2) Girls choices are limited. My young girls played almost every sport you can imagine in the US. Here, in the land of football (soccer), you can't find a team for girls. When asking most of the locals they say, really only boys play football, girls usually watch. I had to start a softball team for them and fortunately I found a co-ed basketball club.

    3) The government controls what name you give to your own child. In portugal, the name a family selects for their child must come from a book of names approved by the government.

    4) Lack of mobility. Most people grow up, go to school, meet people, get a job, etc within a 50 mile radius of where they were born. Because of stifiling tax laws, limited health care choices, ridiculous tolls, high price of gas and limited school choice, you not only find people staying in regional areas, but they also still have an old world tendency to pursue the same profession as their parents. It is an informal class system which affects women more than men. It is quite typical here for a young woman to live with her parents until she is 30.

    5) Xenophobia is alive and well in Europe. In all of these little countries the size of US States, they have monolithic populations. The portuguese, spaniards, norwegians, germans, french, etc all have their own language, peculiarities, and prejudices towards each other that I witness everyday that would shock most Americans.

    6) Restricted career choices. Your daughter wants to be a doctor? Better check with the government first. Kids take exams coming out of high school based on career paths that they have chosen. If your daughter wants to be a doctor, she has to score high enough to make the cutoff of how many doctors the government has decided the country will need for that particular year. So it is not even up to the medical schools if she gets accepted, it is up to the government. There is something very, very wrong with that. This applies to all professions.

    So, while I really like Europe, I will say that it doesn't come close to offering the freedom of choice (and yes, that includes the freedom to fail) that we almost take for granted in the US, even with all of our warts.
  18. scylla

    scylla New Member

    It's different countries, so all of them are different? You can't compare norway and spain for example. Or Italy and England. It doesn't work.

    I repeat, thats different in different countries. Portugal isn't the most progressive when it comes to religion.

    Even if I don't recognize that at all because it's not like that here, at least yes, womens higher levels sport is not recognized enough, but is the leagues in the US for women as media covered as their male counterparts? I never heard of any female baseball player actually so I honestly don't know.

    True, and I'm oh my god so thankful.

    That's portugal, not all of europe. Can we please stop mixing up the whole of europe with one country?
    Here it's normal for a young woman to move as quickly as possible. And yes, we might not move as far as americans, but thats because if we do we end up in another country and have to learn a new language.

    Yes true, prejudice is bad and there is a lot of that. Oh, by the way, did you watch any of the mccain rallies?

    Are you seriously thinking we should skip our national identities, as language and habits, and merge into i don't know, speaking what? Behaving how? We aren't states, we are countries.

    I can't see whats wrong with that. I'm sorry, but I really can't. Why educate more doctors then you need? I don't think that applies here though, I'm not sure. I'm a designer, it's not like I'm needed anywhere and had to check.

    So, while I really like Europe, I will say that it doesn't come close to offering the freedom of choice (and yes, that includes the freedom to fail) that we almost take for granted in the US, even with all of our warts.[/QUOTE]

    Nah, I don't believe in the US talk about freedom. You define it a bit different from me. So what is freedom for you isn't freedom for me.
    We have grown up and lived in completely different contexts, we do not define freedom the same way, and our way is not more right then yours, and your way is not better then ours.

    Also, again: Europe is not a country. You can't compare it like that.
  19. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    This topic is really hard to reply on because everyone has their own views. I personally dont believe in abortion so i would have to say it is wrong but i respect other peoples opinions on the topic
  20. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Thank you Sir Nose for your insightful post. I'm even more greatful to be an American today.

    Wow, even the name of you own child, that one was a real surprise, do they restrict the names of the children of foreigners too? or is it just the nationals? But telling someone that they shouldn't kill that unborn child would be taboo? A bit off balance I should say!

    I guess they don't get names like Litahni, Latrona, Theola, and Vernene over there huh?

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