What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Ok, im giving up on the english school system, we have (from 7yrs old till 15) grade 1-9 thats compulsory, and then gymnasium between 16 yr and 19, you don't have to go, but if you don't you are screwed. And then its all the college, uni, special training programs.. ah, you know the whole shebang.

    Im sort of over qualified as well for a lot of things, so I know what you mean.
    I know also that even if you are qualified, if you haven't finished gymnasium, then nobody wants you, or will pay enough, since they'll wonder why you couldn't finish it.
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Uhmmm ok better put it clearer i forgot about primary school,

    Right ages 4 to 11 Primary school ages 11 to 16 Secondary school , then sixth form 16 to 18.

    I have a Niece in Sixth form right now in standard secondary school and one in Sixth form at Grammar School doing various things at moment.
  3. scylla

    scylla New Member

    OMG lol, it's so impossible to understand! I'm sorry, it's friday night, my brain has shut down for the weekend...
    Weren't you going out? I know I am:D

    I'm going to a party with only poets. No sorry, TWO parties with only poets and writers, lol.. I'm gonna stand in a corner, be silly drunk and disguss writy things like the metaphore in modern prose.. :D
  4. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Same here, i was desperate for work a while ago, so i applied at a local law enforcement/security/police department. They gave me a general knowledge test (Iq testing--aptitude testing) and my scores were so high, that they thought i cheated. So they gave me another(different) test (im good at taking tests) and i smashed it again. That’s when i was told id get bored if employed.

    The minimum score for employment was like 19/30. The average score is 15/30. I got about 28/30. Which at that time was within the 98th percentile of all test takers ..........meh?

    As for college and university:

    College is pretty much child's play.

    From what ive gathered, the subject matter in college is identical to what they teach high school seniors taking advanced levels in subject such as maths, science ,physics etc.

    In other words, if you’re still in highschool and intend to pursue an engineering career, it would be a waste of your time to attend college if you took advanced courses in high school.

    Thats what happened to me, i took all advanced in high school. I went to college and was like "what eazz deazz"(African accent)??....so i skipped almost every single class because i knew it all. Maintained a perfect GPA for 3 years, and got my diploma. Then began attending university and again,,,was like what eaze deaz??(its pretty hard--haha),,,,,

    University is a different ball game and you cant just party and smoke weed while relying primarily on retrospection, and expect to get straight A's. You have to be there, in class ,taking notes like the rest of the losers, and if youre brilliant you will get a decent grade. If not, stop wasting your money.
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Uhh depends what course you're on.

    I'm doing an HND in PR/Advertising for 2 years, if I pass this I get unconditional entry into 3rd year at Uni studying either Corporate Communication or Media Studies. So really, it's just like doing 1st & 2nd year Uni in a more casual surrounding.

    I did pretty well at school but messed up 6th year.

    Oh the education system in Scotland is way diff from England too.
  6. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I actually found uni way too easy, but the system is different here.. The year I spendt fixing my academics was an easy ride, but then when I went to writers class.. well. It was a killer, good though. I loved every second of it, since the high level of analysis. Then, Uni.. And it was like back to kindergarden. Now, I studied interaction design, and the most advanced we do is a little programming, but I still figured there would be more analysing of social context when working with projects..

    So opposite here. All respect though, I could never do math or physics. Damn hot with men who can. But I'm at a loss there. I can discuss the stuff on a certain level, but when you start with infinite surfaces in a finite space and so on, I'm all lost. (that was just an example of an example that came up in a discussion with a friend who tried to explain why I can't understand 4 dimensional space (time not counted. physical space, not Space).. an example I didn't understand.. lol)
  7. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yeah its quite a bit different up in Scotland, you have a few things going on up there that we dont have down south :( heard the NHS is a damn sight better up there to, since you got that Scottish parliament all sorts have been happening lol
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2008
  8. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yep im off out, but im not leaving my house till bout 10:30 hate going out early plus i only need an hour to get ready, ive done all major prep, plucking eyebrows, shaving legs and skin treatments lol

    Dont know if ill be in a corner discussing modern prose, im a more simple example of girls night out lol ;)
  9. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I had an ordinary girls night out yesterday, complete with bad music, weird men hitting on me, dancing and too much strong drinks. So tonight I'm going for the alternative version, with bad music, too much to drink, weird men hitting on me AND eachother and dancing. With a spice of brain activity.
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Im not a bit surprised you did so well (not trying to boost your ego, its big enough) :D

    I think mine was more down to the mentality of the Manager doing the interviewing fearing for his position :-o
    As i had quite an excessive product training portfolio, and proven track record of buisness building in the branches i had, probably would have gotten board not being chief and set about usurping his position eventually, was pretty miffed at the time its the first and only job i ever got turned down for it ruined my perfect interview hire record (Bastard)

    I wish i had not left school at 16, but i was a money maker then, new car soon as i could drive and money to do as i pleased whenever i wanted to holidays excetera.

    Oh well im trying now, thats something i suppose, but its a damn site harder when your working around kids.
    When i did my A level Psychology it knocked me out, this time ive taken on 2 lots, ive long way to go before i get upto the equivalent of some on this Forum though lol
  11. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    college is more hands on than university here in canada, both are easy in my opinion. You don't have to take notes in any, just do your readings and your good
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :D That's cool that you can laugh at yourself. I like people who can do that. ;)
  13. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well im absolutely knackered, went out didn't get in till 4:45 am, had a bloody good time, got the number from an absolute looker who wants to go out on Sunday, Damn though as im not sure i can get a babysitter,
    oh well if hes really interested he will have to wait till i can.
    No lie 6ft 1, babyface, 34, decent job (supposedly):D
    think ill have to go for the date at some point, me and recovery man aren't suited toooooo controling been distancing myself this last week or so.
  14. scylla

    scylla New Member

    good on ya, gal! *aussie accent*
    I was at one of the parties with my most goodlooking friend, so I didn't have to worry that anyone would even talk to me as long as she was in the same room. Except for her off course who kept repeating that we should go home and f*ck eachother and just dump all the men. (I left her there with a fan club of male model-looking poets in their twenties.. )

    I'm dead tired now, I stayed up until seven in the morning, because I got stuck in chat on this site. Of all places.. :p
  15. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    You know what! i nearly switched on the laptop when i got in, then i thought mad, mad you need to sleep girl,
    Its this site, its like the sound of The Hound Of The Baskerviles, bellowing from the moors, it leaves you with the desire to investigate whats been happening :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2008
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    FINALS=Fuck I Never Actually Learned Shit!!! :p
  17. scylla

    scylla New Member

    LOL. Yeah it is. It's horrible, internet foras are way too addictive. And it's extra horrible when you are on the wrong continent, ie wrong time zone and have to wreck havoc in your sleeping patterns..

    And now I need to work at my computer, which means I can keep it up in the background. Darn.
  18. SweetAngel29

    SweetAngel29 New Member

    Life is to short to worry about the small stuff.. so i am working on weeding out the bad and keeping the good in my life. Being a single parent isnt always easy but it makes me proud when i see that i am doing a good job.

    Other than that, i am sick and trying to get over a bad cold and just learning about this site.

  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Update: I did part 4 of 4 yayyyyyyyyyyyy :smt026!!!!!!!! I'll have the resukts on tuesday. Now.... holidayyyyyyy! :D:D:D:smt114

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