What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    If he's not giving you a straight answer, move along, sister! Trust me, from experience, you are heading straight for disaster. It will take less time and effort to move on now, rather than spend anymore sleepless nights wondering. Just like Amazonka said...let it go! I wish you well, and I know it's hard!
  2. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    yeah, i know what u talk about. everytime i promise myself that i'm going to use the car less and the bike more but in summer it's too hot, and on winter it's too cold lol. mmmm i always make excuses i know :)
  3. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    lol If I could get over the cold, I could ride the bike, but I can't lol

    So, anyways, they checked on my car. I found out that it needs $500 of work :smt107. I sank all the way into the ground when I heard:(. But I told them to go ahead and fix it. So it's done and they were able to save about $30 fixing it. I may be hurting financially, but at least I still have a car that drives :wink:
  4. learnin2fly08

    learnin2fly08 New Member

    i just finished my final final as an undergrad!

    well hopefully...i'll have to see how my molecular bio exam went, it was all a blur this morning.:confused:
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm annoyed. My teacher dropped me from my video II class...today. And wouldn't let me take my final. Why? Because apparently his records say I missed 4 days this quarter, and after 3 absences you're dropped from a class.

    But I seriously think he counted me absent one (or two!) days when I was late. But I have no proof, and even if I did he made sure I was screwed because he wouldn't let me take the test, so even if I got them to reconsider I'd fail because you can't pass a class without taking the final exam.

    That was really fucking annoying.

    My second final today was much, much, much better though. I finally got to see my pencil test live and in motion. It was a very nice feeling to see my little cartoon. It's the first hand drawn animation I've gotten to do :D I was really proud of it.

    But it's oooover! 3 glorious weeks of no class, oh this will be fantastic.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    It's shitty that teacher count attendance in college today. One of my teachers back in high school said he would skip class all the time and pay someone to take the notes for him. At least your final went well.:)
  7. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    attending class is important, u can study less at home if u do it. anyways i'm glad u DH and Learning2 fly have done with tests. WDF i'll be the last one as usual! Only in Italy they make u do exams on saturday afternoon before Christmas! :smt011
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Funny ass shit tonight. I was driving with my friend and we got some food and decided to eat in the KFC drive thru, cause we got it like that.:smt029 And my friend tells me about this urban legend that somebody at the KFC died, and at every night at 12, if you drive up to the drive thru speaker, the ghost of the dead employee takes your order. So, me and my friend wait a few minutes until twelve. Then we creep up and kill the music, so it's dead ass silent. I pull up to the speaker and "WELCOME TO KFC!! HOW MAY I T..." And I screamed like a bitch and just smashed outta there. I was hella scared, and as I was peeling out, i heard "Thank you, for choosing KFC". I was shaking for like 5 minutes. I find out that it was automated and my friend set me up. We were DYIN' laughing. We were hella weak, laughing our asses off. Can't believe a fell for it though. I never believe in shit like this, but my friend was like "You down?", and I said "Aight". We're gonna get my cousin with that prank when he visits me next week. Damn good night. That will go down in CT history.
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :smt005 That is too funny! Yep, every drive thru has the little sensor, detector or whatever. The mode of transport has to be a certain size and "metal". I've worked in a drive thru once. Taco Bell. Anyway. That is crazy, I can't believe you fell for it!! LoL
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I felt hella stupid after that. But We thought it was so funny, i didn't care.
  11. scylla

    scylla New Member


    I'm tired, completely single AGAIN, a bit bitter on life (as usual) and wondering why it's always all these weird guys hitting on me. What am I? freak-magnet?
    I need to find a way to take a way the blinking neon sign that says "fuck me over" over my head. :p

    Santa baby, can't you find a decent man, for me
    Been an awful good girl
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Santa baby, a sweetheart with a brain would be, so neat
    I'll wait up for you dear Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Think of all the fun I've missed
    Think of all the fellas that I tried and kissed
    Next year I could be just as good
    If you'd check off my Christmas list
    Boo doo bee doo

    Santa baby, I wanna man and really that's
    Not a lot
    Been an angel all year
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
  12. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well unlike others, i finished College on Tues, dont go back till 5th Jan, right now im chilling out when i shouldn't be, ive a ton of christmas presents all needing to be wrapped :)

    But tonight im out clubbing as long as nothing comes up, was meant to go 2 weeks ago but my little girl had a sickness bug and i dont like to leave her with my Mum if shes feeling poorly.
    Ive treated myself for the occassion and ordered a new dress, got delivered yesty, as usual im not not keen on it think its too much for club (a Nicholas Millington blue halter neck) but it was on sale i couldn't resist, but its ok i have a backup strapless top i bought Wed just in case i didn't like the dress (pheww)
  13. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Have a good night out, you deserve it! I'm done with college too :D
  14. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Whoa! Totally not cool to do that :(
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I love being single... much more fun :p
  16. scylla

    scylla New Member

    just as a question, is college equal to university? I never got that..
  17. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Uhmm no not equal to uni, depends what your doing, if you didn't do sixth form at school and want to get in to uni you can use it as a run up, but like i said depends what college and what your doing.
  18. scylla

    scylla New Member

    lol, i kinda do too, but i've been single for so freaking long now.. I'm physically incapable of staying single and of keeping a relationship, so I just bounce in and out of short flings. It's annoying.
    I'd love to have a relationship. Sorta.. Like regular intercourse and someone who can take out the trash. hrm. But on the other hand, it's not worth it if I can't go out and dance and kiss random people while drunk at an illegal club 6 o'clock in the morning.. :p
  19. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Aaaah. I see. Ok. But sixth form? Whats that.. Im lost here..

    We have some sort of equivalent for studying academics so you can amp your grades and get into uni. Or well, have a life, since if you can't finish school properly it's really hard to find a job here.

    Then I've been to an equivalent to college and art school for 3 years, and then 3 years of uni, and now uni-equivalent college sort of course. eh. Complicated? Nooo..
  20. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well sixth form is when you stay on at secondary school to do A levels or whats available in your area GNVQs stuff, Secondary school is like high school age 11 to 16 (GCSEs) then if you want to you can stay on at same school and do your A levels.

    You can also get into uni here if you are working in the profession you want to do the degree in, but once again depends what it is and how long in the profession.

    Well its pretty much the same here, its hard to find a job if your not qualified, but also (this will make you laugh) certain jobs are not keen on you being overqualified, maybe this is not relevant,
    but i went for a part time job once for something similar to what i was doing at the time but i was by farrrrrr more trained to do the job than some, i literally got told due to my previous exsperience he felt the job would not excercise my capabilities ( i thought that was very funny) but confusing also:confused:

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