Aborting your husband 's child

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by shion, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. scylla

    scylla New Member

    It's not a child! It's a damn foetus!
    You have no idea of the desperation that lies behind that decition. Or maybe you prefer it like they did in the old days, left the children to die in the woods when they couldn't feed them? Or maybe you personally are going to take care of all those children. And be pregnant with them, and risk your life giving birth of them. Then sure go ahead. save the "unborn children".
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well as i said B4 im not against abortion, but this thread has taken a turn to serious as with the felon thread, no i do not think that women should go to jail for aborting a child, the ideas ridiculous.:mad:

    As to having a child then having it adopted, how is that an option ?
    what about women on there own with no one, who work cant affoed to take the time off to have the baby, there is a lot more to it than giving birth!
    Doctors appointments every six weeks, feeling tired sick, most of all the emotional trauma of having to give away a child.

    And another thing who would want a baby from a man that had raped you, some do have the child but i can understand those who thought HELL NO !

    I do think they should lower the gestation limit though as medical care is saving babys at maximum limit and LOWER ! that makes me feel very uncomfortable.
    I think women who have multiple abortions ie using abortions as contraception, should be taken in spoken to and placed on a form of contraception that doesn't require them to remember a pill to take.

    These women going to hell attitudes are what make desperate women end up on a slab dead from illegal abortions:smt009
  3. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yep. Desperate people? So it's okay to end a child's life if someone is desperate? Who's own irresponsible behavior made them desperate? Okay. I'm talking about mother, child, and father. Screw the government and whatever they make legal or illegal, I know women are going to do it either way and just that I don't think they should be able to get away with it. I'm just trying to say that I just don't think it's anyone's right to decide who lives and who dies but the person dying or about to cease to exist. And since the life growing in a woman's womb can't make that decision for themselves, I still don't think the woman should be able to either. What gives a pregnant woman the right to play God (or whatever), when no one else should be able to? Or should we all just go around killing people because we can't stand them, or take care of them, or be responsible for them?

    So, I guess sex and orgasms are of higher value than the life of a child growing inside a woman. And that is okay and acceptable?

    I understand that no matter how much I scream about how bad I feel abortion is, that it's not going to change anything. If a woman dies in an illegal abortion then I think it serves her right. Karma is a bitch. They can cause it, dish it out, but can't take it? What about the family, the friends, the hope of a good life, that the child could have? There's no way to know the mark that child could have left on the world. But I guess it doesn't matter because the woman has seniority? To me, that's BS.

    So let's go murder all the extra children in the world!!!!!!!!!! Even it out a little bit. Would that be so justifiable too? As abortion.
  4. veema

    veema Member

    Pregnancies can be planned and they can be unplanned but it is never as simple as that. The circumstances surrounding a preganacy are always more complicated than mere observers can possibly understand. That said; how could I possibly judge someone when I haven't walked in their shoes? As for assigning responsibility, I'll agree that it takes two to tango but because the partners in that dance have different roles, their responsibilites are ultimately different as well. So although some would like to whittle the issue of abortion down to an issue of right and wrong, I'll never be able to view it as that simple. I am pro-choice.
  5. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

  6. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    True, but remember there are lots of things that can happen.

    Different medications can interact with birth control- anti depressants like Zoloft, antibiotics like doxycycline.. etc. It's not always that simple.

    This thread is confusing. It has a simultaneous theme of asserting the man's right in the decision, but blaming only the women for falling pregnant at the same time.

    The problem with saying the man should have the choice in the decision is a legal one. It would give one individual the right to make a decision over another individual's body/medical circumstances when that individual is not incapacitated or unable to make their own decisions.

    What happens when he doesn't want her to have an abortion? Takes her to court whilst she grows increasingly pregnant? It also would be extremely contrary to the nature of the Western legal perspective, which is largely highly individualistic.
  7. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Try going through the trauma of rape and see how you feel about going through the pregnancy. Get back to me.
  8. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yes, because that makes so much sense. Yes, I'm being sarcastic.
  9. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Co Sign with all of this, all needed to be said i think!
    Although i would add that maybe there should be a little more support with birth control to people that need it, some abortions are preventative due to lack of contraception education.
  10. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I didn't read carefully all the thread, so I won't say anything specifically about the topic that shion suggested. I just saw a lot of "abortion could be justified ONLY if...", "women should or shouldn't...".
    Personally, I don't think that I'll ever have the strenght to abort for any reason, but I'm not against abortion per se. I think that NOBODY has the right to tell somebody else what to do. The baby develops in the mother's body and only She can decide what to do with it, not you or anybody else. People should stop to judge so easily and tell women that they r murderer and such horrible things. An abortion is never easy, for nobody.
    I think that instead of hating a child for the rest of their life because they didn't want it it's worse than abortin it. And I know that there is the adoption, but what about the 9 months before? What if the mother doesn't feel or can't go on on the pregnancy? Why should ppl obligate her to do it?
    I think that a child feels when he's not desired even when he is in the belly, and that will affect his whole life. Just my thought though. As I said before, I don't think I would be able to do that, and everybody has his own opinion, but ppl should stop judging others like that. That's horrible and disgusting.
    I agree that if people used the condom or took pills, they wouldn't have to make the decision of aborting or not. Sexual education is important.
    It's random but just what I had in my mind right now.
  11. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    I like this reply a lot. Because its real

    I think when considering the notion/thought/concept/whatever of abortion, you should relate it to the notion of self-defense...especially in certain situations. The morality of the conducts in these situations are always highly ambigious because they are not right,,,,and certainly not wrong either......for example in the criminal law(I love LAW AND ORDER), if you are personally threatened and if your life is in jeopardy, then in self defence you can diminish the life of the attacker...... the same concept is applicable in the notion abortion. That is.....if YOU KNOW your life will be in jeopardy by having a kid,,,,,then that kid (who isnt even "human" yet) needs to go....plain and simple

    Like i said in my earlier post. Its better to abort a *semi-human* who has never seen the light of day, (some might never see it at all), then having a mother raise a kid in a "half assed" fashion.

    And to those that think adoption would be the cure, come the fuck on. You think adoption is easy??>...You think every fucking kid at the adoption agency finds a "happy home"....,,,

    NEVER. Some kids live in those shelters for the rest of their "lives". They grow up to become thugs, and drunks, and prisoners and why??....i mean, i am pro life fo sure, but im not PRO suffering....
  12. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I'm not going to keep this thread alive forever, but I do want to make one statement.

    I honestly cannot agree with Abortion in any form being done on purpose, now that may sound dogmatic, but it's a matter of chosing where to draw the line.

    I believe life begins at conception, so that's where I draw the line, a feutus is a child, with all life that you and I have, in many ways more life.

    So if you are going to allow abortion at all, you have to draw the line, and some draw it at the hearing of a heart beat, or the formation of a brain, or the birth of the child, or whenever it is a "viable pregnancy" meaning the child could live outside the mothers womb if born at that point. All this is relative, and I prefer to be safe before Almighty God and draw the line at conception.

    Then there's the issue of who gets to determine who lives or dies. If a mother has that kind of power, what's to stop her from making the same choices over her living children (which we have seen a lot of in the recent decades) if "life" is no more precious than whatever that mother choses to be convenient, then why can't we practice infaticide, and euthanasia also?

    As to the issue of rape or the danger to a mothers life, I feel those are issues that need a lot of counseling and the doctor is bound to do his best to save both lives, and the abortion of a child will only tramatise the mother more, not help her get over it. I've seen way to many women who have had abortions.

    As to the illegale abortions getting more common, maybe they will, maybe they won't, but I know of plenty of women who nearly died as the result of a legal abortion, it's always dangerous to the womans life.

    As to orphanages being places of suffering, yeah, but death is not less, and poor people who love their kids very much still suffer, and so do the kids. We should fix the system if it needs fixed, not abort the babies.

    A person could even blame the Social Security Crisis today on the fact that we have aborted millions of potentially tax paying adults who may have kept the population more on an even level to support the Baby Boomers, but since the Baby Boomers did it to their own children they get what they deserve if they don't have Social Security. (I don't say that because I'm materialistic, but to show that abortion has far reaching effects in every nation that allows/encourages it.)

    Yes, I think Abortion is always murder, but I do not think we should put mothers who have already had abortions in jail, but I do think they need exstensive counseling and the Doctors who lied to them about that child being only a peice of "tisue" or failed to fully educate them, need to held accountable.

    I think the law should change going forward not back and allow for a grace to be extended to all one time. But then it should stop. Then anyone trying to have/give an illegale abortion should go to jail, and receive exstensive counsel, at least until the child who was threatened is born, and then that child should be placed elsewhere.

    OK, Those are my opinions, I know I won't change minds, but maybe some of you can understand how some of us feel about all the millions of children who have been killed by others in the recent decades in America. And all the mothers who are torn up over having had an abortion when they weren't fully informed about the effects it would have on them and the life they were really carying.

    (I know I really made a mess with the spelling/ IE won't spell check for me like Mozilla does.)
  13. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Ok I don't have any interest in discussing abortion. I do however have an issue with the misinformation about adoption that is being thrown about. In the US there are no such "orphanages" we simply do NOT have them.

    Because I do have my moments of being PC - I would like to just educate those who like to throw things out about adoption. One places a child for adoption. They don't put them up, give them away, or any other terms that have been tossed out.

    While I'm definitely pro adoption and I do feel that it's a viable option...it's not the best choice in every situation.

    Infants that are placed for adoption in the US are placed in a home directly. They may be placed in "cradle care" first until the adoptive family is matched, or until paperwork has been taken care of. Infants that enter the foster system in the US do so because of neglect and/or abuse primarily. Very rarely are infants voluntarily placed into foster care and even in those cases they go to foster homes.
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Good point, my experiences with adoptions were over 40 years ago, and I was just a kid when my parents adopted my sister. And you're right it doesn't always work out that great either.
  15. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Damn where is Shion ?

    I hope he can see what hes started :smt108

  16. shion

    shion New Member

    Damn, that's cold. That's some getback shit right there .
  17. shion

    shion New Member

    she looks photoshopped doesn't she?
    Girl, that better be yo' real lips....I'm just sayin':D
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I don't know how to photoshop. I lightened the colors, twinked the saturation, cropped it, and softened it a bit at photobucket. That's it. :p
  19. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    That's why I said the morning after pill. Just incase. But, myself, personally. I believe I would keep the baby. Because that life inside me is a part of me as well and doesn't deserve to be ended because of the actions of one of the parents. That's just my feelings that I'm entitled to have.
  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Right, call it a "fetus" because it dehumanizes it and clears your conscience. But whatever you call it. It's still LIFE and this LIFE is still being stripped away for no good (to me) reason. As far as adoption goes. There's even articles/ads in the newspapers by couples who want to adopt a child. Pick up the damn phone and dial a number. As far as taking away a LIFE because it makes you throw up, achey, have to go to the doctor regularly, and tired, is sad and sickening to me, personally. And for myself personally, if I found out during labor, that I had to choose between my life and my child's life; well what mother wouldn't die to protect and spare her child's life? As far as money and shit goes - there's WIC, TANF, foodstamps, welfare, income based housing, do some research, make some phone calls. Stop being lazy and such a punk and get the fuck over it and grow up and take responsibility. A lot of women can continue to work up to the day of delivery. There's NO EXCUSE. My mom raised four children, by herself, since she was 16 years old. If she can do it so can anyone else. Grow up, develop some damn strength and determination. But that's just how I feel. I'm done talking about it because people don't even seem to read what I type before they decide to respond to "what I type". Which is stupid and wasting my time. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I'm not so stupid enough to think I can. But, I will express my own feelings, and I have. V,,

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