Gender Through The Prism Of Difference...Question's for the Intellectual!

Discussion in 'Dealing with Prejudice' started by FreenOpen, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. FreenOpen

    FreenOpen New Member

    Question's for the IR Pro!

    I came across this book and wanted to share"Gender Through The Prism Of Difference" by Maxine Baca Zinn and I am quite intrigued by the readings of present gender as it is situated in sexual, racial-ethnic, social class, physical abilities, age, and national citizenship contexts. Sounds like a must read to me...!

    So I have Question's... for you!

    1. Do you believe that WW or any other Non Black Women choose a BM based on Skin Color and if so why?

    2. Do you believe in the 4 E's (Emotion, Enviroment, Exposure and Experience) play a roll in your decisions? Why or Why not?

    3. If you had to break it down....What percentages %
    pertaining to you as an Individual would you place on
    the 4 E's above in Question 2?

    4. Does Experience excuse our Attitudes?

    5. With the partners that YOU have chosen, did any of the Stereotype definitions of BM play a roll in your choice of how you proceeded with them? Now be honest b/c I know there are some of you out there.

    6. What differences do you and your partner/spouse have to battle with MOST! And how best have you dealt with or are you trying to deal with them?

    Share with the rest of us. I know we could learn a thing or two.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2008
  2. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I believe you are asking white women not white men? (typo??? in question 1?)
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I can only answer for me. So here goes.


    Absolutely, but not more so than it would have in any race.

    Emotion - because with out that I wouldn't have paid any attention,
    Environment - because that said a lot about him, and gave us the opportunity to meet.
    Exposure - because with out that I'd never have met him.
    Experience - because I had been through a negative one with my ex which I didn't want to repeat so I chose differently.

    Emotion maybe a low 10%
    Environment maybe 20%
    Exposure about 5 %
    Experience - about 25%

    That's only 60 % of the reasons were together, give or take, because this is not an all inclusive list of reasons to start dating someone.


    I learned about the stereotypes after choosing, not before, so no.

    I haven't really had to "battle with" anything yet because I'm in the early stages of this relationship, but I don't see it being racial issues at all.

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