I love spicey foods so Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, really anything with some flavourful kick! I sometimes like the spice that simply burns off most of the cells in your mouth, but that's not everyday, lol. French and Japanese are pretty fabulous for sure. Ok, I admit, I love almost any food with interesting flavour!
you should try Indian food and ask the chef to make the food spicy. The more spicy the better the flavor. Good luck.
I love Seafood aswell my favourite, except for things like Whelks & Winkles, my Mum uptill last year owned a seafood bar for over 10 yrs, i absolutely love fresh scampi, i can open and prepare Oysters but could never quite get used to the salty metallic taste, but prawns, cockles, brown shrimp, new zealand mussels, white crabmeat all lovely
I like crab, lobster, fish, calamari, scallops and shrimp prepared just about any way you can think of!
Indian, West African, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese and...more recently, I've developed a taste for Ethiopian. Yum. I like everything, although my least favourite is Mexican.
My home cuisine - Russian, Eastern European. I have a pot of tomato soup cooking on the stove right now. My favorite. I liked the West African cuisine that my ex-husband introduced me to. But I don't get to eat those dishes anymore.
Thanks to growing up in Acadiana, I LOVE my cajun food. Aside from that, Italian, Chinese, Greek and authentic Mexican like Taco Bell.
You crack me up!! :lol: I like authentic Mexican like Taco Bell, too! Me? I love Italian, Chinese, Thai, and Mediterranean foods (like falefel).
I wouldn't mind Indian. But I dunno about the spicy foods man. I'm not too keen on it . I don't wanna feel like my tongue is burning
i tried some indian and indonesian but i really can't stand too many spices. i mean, italian food has spice too, but obviously it's my "mother" cuisine so i'm used to them. i like hot food like mexican, and i loved senegalese food when my ex's mum cooked for us. so tasty! i like some arabic food as well, some cous cous and falafel. i like chinese. belgium food is horrible lol. what else? uhm. oh, taco bell is the shit obviously. and mac donalds and KFC :smt019 I hate sounding like the stereotyped italian that loves only italian things, but anyways italian food is still my favourite ever. What about a thread where we can share receips? (is the word correct?)
Thickyshort, I believe they had a recipe sharing thread in the ladies room. I love spicy food too. I work with people from all over the world so they are always bring home cooking in and sharing with me. Some of my favs are Cajun, Thai, Mexican, etc. Favorite dining experiences are in Japanese restraunts. Love their rituality of having dinner. Love the Kalachandjis restraunt in Dallas run by the Krishnas. It is Indian vegetarian. http://www.kalachandjis.com/
That thread was about one recipe in particular. I would love to trade recipes. I love to cook and try new things!