Whats the deal with Blacks and Drugs?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Tons of shit alters the mind and effects the brain. Should they also be illegal?

    Maybe we should make it illegal for pretty women to walk about, because god knows, i drive much better when high on weed, than i do, when a pretty lass be walkin by
  2. V777

    V777 New Member

    How fast or slow do you drive when high on weed?
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Like what?
  4. WhiterShadeOfPale

    WhiterShadeOfPale New Member

    Yeah, drugs seem pretty colorblind. In my experience white people love their drugs too.
  5. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    what a stupid thread, I'm black I've never smoked, done any drugs or drank in my life.
  6. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Drugs have nothing to do with color. There's not "deal" with blacks and drugs. A black person uses drugs for similar reasons that people of other races would
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Go suck a shotgun you jealous-hearted bitch.
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Its NOT "more of an epidemic in the black community
    because blacks only make up about 13% of the drug users in this country,while whites make up over 70%!

    People dont realize this.The "fight against drugs" is being held in predominately Black communities and on average blacks are more likely to be checked for them than whites,when whites are more likely to have narcotics in their vehicles.They are ignoring the 70% of drug users in the white community.
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Everyone inhales, injects, smokes, swallows and snorts drugs. It is not the domain of any particular race or group of people; the only difference between blacks (at least in the U.S.) and whites is that blacks are convicted of drug offenses far more often and with harsher sentences accompanying those convictions despite having similar criminal histories.
  10. raocha

    raocha Active Member


    All sorts of stuff. Diet pills, any caffeinated product, cough syrup ect.

    Shit, back in high school, I knew a group of degenerates who were cough syrup addicts. I shit you not. Apparently, if you drink enough Robitussin, you'll hallucinate for several hours. One of the kids, who was a brilliant guy and a budding chemist before his cough syrup addiction got the better of him, actually figured out a process to extract the active ingredient that functioned as an inebriant (I believe it was called dextromethorphan) and concentrate it into powder form. He started encapsulating the stuff and selling his custom pills to other kids. Last I heard, this guy turned into a serious junkie and ended up living in a group home somewhere but I digress.

    There are a ton of seemingly innocuous substances that we encounter in our every day lives that have psychotropic effects on the human brain. If an industrious person wants to get high, they'll always figure out a way.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  11. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    As I wrote earlier, the "War on Drugs" is basically a scheme for the people who run the private prison industry in this country to make billions of dollars by warehousing a larger percentage of the population than any other first world nation on the planet. It's clearly not about cracking down on drug usage because the consumption of narcotics has not declined and only certain communities (we know which ones) are aggressively targeted.

    Not to get off on another rant, but the privatization of prisons was a horrible, horrible idea. Since their motive is to make the largest profit possible, they spend time lobbying government officials to lockup as many people as possible. This has nothing to do with rehabilitation or protecting communities by taking the most dangerous people off of the street. People who have committed violent crimes like assault and rape are being pushed out of prisons early in some cases to make room for non-violent drug offenders who have been sentenced under mandatory minimum statutes. The whole thing is ridiculous.


    :smt101Ah, syzurp.:smt101

    :smt101Sipping on some syzurp...sipping on some syz...sipping on some syzurp...:smt101

    I used to be a cashier in New Orleans and they had us card anyone who bought more than 2 bottles of Robitussin.
  13. V777

    V777 New Member

    I have worked in a church in south central L.A and the pastor told me most of the neighborhood is somewhat black but now turning hispanic and there is a huge drug problem in community. I get my information from pastors of Black Churches. I donate money every month to these churches. All the Pastors are Black and told me about drug thing. I grew up in a predominantly white/asian neighborhood where their was very little drug problem. And i compared my neighborhood with a neighborhood which was predominantly black had more arrests for drugs. I think the police may target black neighborhoods more than non black neighborhoods for drugs. Im guessing???

    Not all Black Americans do drugs. But it is in our culture. People are just in denial.


    :smt108 Ya think?

    :smt108 Says the BM who lives in a "predominantly white/asian neighborhood".
  15. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    No one ever got carded for the stuff where I lived in Texas. At least not in the 90s. I heard stories about the fools whom I referenced earlier going into grocery stores in the middle of the night and practically cleaning out the cough syrup aisle without issue when they were 16/17 years old. The first time that I ever saw anyone have to provide identification to purchase cough syrup was after I moved to the East Coast eight years ago.
  16. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Diet pills and caffeine alter your reality??

    Like Lucifer said later in this thread, they're starting to ID for sudafed and things like that. It's sad. But, those people are breaking those drugs apart and making meth out of it. I wouldn't consider Sudafed as mind-altering in its current state.

    As for cough syrup, don't they have alcohol in them? Alcohol is a mind altering drug that's legal. And people who are alcoholics have been known to drink vanilla extract for the alcohol.

    I agree. We encounter that stuff every day. But, it's how you react to it, that makes it bad for you.


    In da NO, it started around 2002.

    As an aside, 3 or more tablespoons o' nutmeg :smt104 will fuck you up!
  18. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I disagree with this statement.The people who actually do drugs in the Black community are a minority compared to the whole Black population.There are millions of Blacks who dont do drugs,so how is it "part of our culture"?Do you see how stupid you sound?

    Are drugs part of "white culture" as well?
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Dunno if this means anything but I know way more whites who take/have tried drugs than blacks. Most of the black guys I know have never even smoked. Whereas over here there's a lot of whites who smoke and take shit like coke, speed, e and things. I'm sure there's blacks that do it too, but not really where I live.
  20. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Many diet pills are partially comprised of amphetamine derivatives. I've heard of people breaking down over the counter diet pills for the active ingredients and making bathtub speed the way that those kids made cough syrup trip pills.

    I agree, but I stand by my point. I don't like the criminalization and overregulation of everyday products due the action of a few people who are going to find some way to get off no matter what. If people want to waste their lives in a stupor, I say let them as long as they don't harm anyone else.

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